< Psalms 48 >

1 A Canticle Psalm. To the sons of Korah, on the second Sabbath. The Lord is great and exceedingly praiseworthy, in the city of our God, on his holy mountain.
Псалом песни сынов Кореовых, вторыя субботы. Велий Господь и хвален зело во граде Бога нашего, в горе святей Его,
2 Mount Zion is being founded with the exultation of the whole earth, on the north side, the city of the great king.
благокоренным радованием всея земли: горы Сионския, ребра северова, град Царя великаго.
3 In her houses, God will be known, since he will support her.
Бог в тяжестех его знаемь есть, егда заступает и.
4 For behold, the kings of the earth have been gathered together; they have convened as one.
Яко се, царие земстии собрашася, снидошася вкупе:
5 Such did they see, and they were astonished: they were disturbed, they were moved.
тии видевше тако, удивишася, смятошася, подвигошася:
6 Trembling took hold of them. In that place, their pains were that of a woman in labor.
трепет прият я тамо, болезни яко раждающия.
7 With a vehement spirit, you will crush the ships of Tarshish.
Духом бурным сокрушиши корабли Фарсийския.
8 As we have heard, so we have seen, in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God. God has founded it in eternity.
Якоже слышахом, тако и видехом во граде Господа сил, во граде Бога нашего: Бог основа и в век.
9 We have received your mercy, O God, in the midst of your temple.
Прияхом, Боже, милость Твою посреде людий Твоих.
10 According to your name, O God, so does your praise reach to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is full of justice.
По имени Твоему, Боже, тако и хвала Твоя на концах земли: правды исполнь десница Твоя.
11 Let mount Zion rejoice, and let the daughters of Judah exult, because of your judgments, O Lord.
Да возвеселится гора Сионская, и да возрадуются дщери Иудейския, судеб ради Твоих, Господи.
12 Encircle Zion and embrace her. Discourse in her towers.
Обыдите Сион и обымите его, поведите в столпех его:
13 Set your hearts on her virtue. And distribute her houses, so that you may discourse of it in another generation.
положите сердца ваша в силу его, и разделите домы его, яко да повесте в роде инем.
14 For this is God, our God, in eternity and forever and ever. He will rule us forever.
Яко Той есть Бог наш во век и в век века: Той упасет нас во веки.

< Psalms 48 >