< Psalms 40 >

1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David himself. I have waited expectantly for the Lord, and he was attentive to me.
Untuk pemimpin kor. Mazmur Daud.
2 And he heard my prayers and he led me out of the pit of misery and the quagmire. And he stationed my feet upon a rock, and he directed my steps.
Ia menarik aku dari lubang yang berbahaya, dari lumpur rawa. Ia menempatkan aku di atas bukit batu, sehingga langkahku mantap.
3 And he sent a new canticle into my mouth, a song to our God. Many will see, and they will fear; and they will hope in the Lord.
Ia mengajar aku menyanyikan lagu baru, lagu pujian untuk Allah kita. Banyak orang melihatnya dan menjadi takut, lalu percaya kepada TUHAN.
4 Blessed is the man whose hope is in the name of the Lord, and who has no respect for vanities and absurd falsehoods.
Berbahagialah orang yang percaya kepada TUHAN, yang tidak ikut menyembah dewa-dewa, atau minta tolong kepada orang sombong.
5 You have accomplished your many wonders, O Lord my God, and there is no one similar to you in your thoughts. I have announced and I have spoken: they are multiplied beyond number.
TUHAN, betapa banyaknya karya-Mu bagi kami, ya TUHAN Allahku, Engkau tak ada taranya! Banyaklah rencana-Mu yang menakjubkan bagi kami, tak mungkin diceritakan semuanya.
6 Sacrifice and oblation, you did not want. But you have perfected ears for me. Holocaust and sin offering, you did not require.
Persembahan dan kurban sajian tidak Kausukai, kurban bakaran dan kurban penghapus dosa tidak Kautuntut. Tetapi Engkau telah memberi aku telinga yang dapat mendengar suara-Mu.
7 Then I said, “Behold, I draw near.” At the head of the book, it has been written of me:
Lalu aku berkata, "Inilah aku, dalam gulungan buku tertulis bagiku.
8 that I should do your will. My God, I have willed it. And your law is in the midst of my heart.
Aku senang melakukan kehendak-Mu, ya Allah, hukum-Mu kusimpan di dalam hati."
9 I have announced your justice in a great Church: behold, I will not restrain my lips. O Lord, you have known it.
Dalam himpunan umat-Mu kuwartakan kabar gembira bahwa Engkau telah menyelamatkan kami. Dengan tiada hentinya hal itu kumaklumkan, Engkau tahu semua itu, ya TUHAN.
10 I have not concealed your justice within my heart. I have spoken your truth and your salvation. I have not concealed your mercy and your truth from a great assembly.
Kabar keselamatan itu tidak kusimpan dalam hati, pertolongan dan kesetiaan-Mu selalu kuberitakan. Di depan himpunan umat-Mu aku tidak berdiam diri, tetapi kumaklumkan kasih dan kesetiaan-Mu.
11 O Lord, do not take your tender mercies far from me. Your mercy and your truth ever sustain me.
TUHAN, janganlah berhenti mengasihani aku; lindungilah aku selalu dengan kasih dan kesetiaan-Mu.
12 For evils without number have surrounded me. My iniquities have taken hold of me, and I was not able to see. They have been multiplied beyond the hairs of my head. And my heart has forsaken me.
Aku dikepung malapetaka yang banyak, jumlahnya tak dapat dihitung. Aku dikejar dosa-dosaku sampai aku tak dapat melihat. Jumlahnya melebihi rambut di kepalaku, membuat aku putus asa.
13 Be pleased, O Lord, to rescue me. Look down, O Lord, to help me.
Ya TUHAN, selamatkanlah aku, TUHAN bergegaslah menolong aku!
14 Let them together be confounded and awed, who seek after my soul to steal it away. Let them be turned back and be in awe, who wish evils upon me.
Biarlah orang yang ingin membunuh aku dikalahkan dan lari kebingungan. Biarlah orang yang menyoraki kemalanganku dipukul mundur dan dihina.
15 Let them bear their confusion all at once, who say to me, “Well, well.”
Biarlah orang yang menertawakan aku menjadi terkejut dan malu.
16 Let all who seek you exult and rejoice over you. And let those who love your salvation always say, “May the Lord be magnified.”
Semoga semua orang yang menyembah Engkau bersukacita dan bergembira, dan semua yang mencintai keselamatan daripada-Mu terus berkata, "Sungguh agunglah TUHAN!"
17 But I am a beggar and poor. The Lord has been concerned about me. You are my helper and my protector. My God, do not delay.
Aku ini miskin dan lemah, tetapi TUHAN memperhatikan aku. Engkaulah penolong dan penyelamatku, jangan berlambat, ya Allahku!

< Psalms 40 >