< Psalms 35 >

1 Of David himself. O Lord, judge those who harm me; assail those who attack me.
Ko e Saame ʻa Tevita. Ke ke langomakiʻi au, ʻE Sihova, telia ʻakinautolu ʻoku fakatangaʻi au: ke ke tauʻi ʻakinautolu ʻoku nau tauʻi au.
2 Take hold of weapons and a shield, and rise up in assistance to me.
Toʻo ʻae fakaū mo e pā, pea tuʻuhake ko hoku tokoni.
3 Bring forth the spear, and close in on those who persecute me. Say to my soul, “I am your salvation.”
Unuhi mai foki ʻae tao, ʻo tāpuni ʻae hala kiate kinautolu ʻoku fakatangaʻi au: pea tala ki hoku laumālie, “ko au ko ho fakamoʻui.”
4 Let them be confounded and in awe, who pursue my soul. Let them be turned back and be confounded, who think up evil against me.
Tuku ke puputuʻu mo mā ʻakinautolu ʻoku kumi ki hoku laumālie: tuku ke fakafoki ki mui mo ilifia ʻakinautolu ʻoku puleakiʻi au.
5 May they become like dust before the face of the wind, and let the Angel of the Lord hem them in.
Tuku ke nau hangē ko e kafukafuʻi ʻakau ʻi he ʻao ʻoe matangi: pea tuku ke tuli ʻakinautolu ʻe he ʻāngelo ʻa Sihova.
6 May their way become dark and slippery, and may the Angel of the Lord pursue them.
Tuku ke fakapoʻuli honau hala pea hekeheke: pea ke fakatanga ʻakinautolu ʻe he ʻāngelo ʻa Sihova.
7 For, without cause, they have concealed their snare for me unto destruction. Over nothing, they have rebuked my soul.
He kuo nau ʻaʻau fakafufū ʻi he luo honau kupenga kiate au taʻehanoʻuhinga; kuo nau keli ʻae luo ki hoku laumālie taʻehanoʻuhinga.
8 Let the snare, of which he is ignorant, come upon him, and let the deception, which he has hidden, take hold of him: and may he fall into that very snare.
Ke hoko ʻae malaʻia kiate ia fakafokifā pe; pea ko e kupenga ʻoʻona ʻaia kuo ne ʻaʻau fufū tuku ke moʻua ai ia: tuku ia ke tō ki he malaʻia totonu ko ia.
9 But my soul will exult in the Lord and delight over his salvation.
Pea ʻe fiefia hoku laumālie ʻia Sihova: ʻe nekeneka ia ʻi heʻene fakamoʻui.
10 All my bones will say, “Lord, who is like you?” He rescues the needy from the hand of the stronger one, the indigent and the poor from those who plunder him.
‌ʻE pehē ʻe hoku ngaahi hui kotoa pē, “ʻE Sihova, ko hai ʻoku hangē ko koe, ʻa koe ʻoku ke fakahaofi ʻae masiva meiate ia ʻoku mālohi lahi ʻiate ia, ʻio, ʻae masiva mo e paea meiate ia ʻoku ne fakamālohiʻi ia?”
11 Unfair witnesses have risen up, interrogating me about things of which I am ignorant.
Naʻe tuʻu hake ʻae kau fakamoʻoni loi; naʻa nau tuku kiate au ʻae ngaahi meʻa naʻe ʻikai te u ʻilo.
12 They repaid me evil for good, to the deprivation of my soul.
Naʻa nau totongi kovi ki heʻeku lelei ke fakamasivaʻi hoku laumālie.
13 But as for me, when they were harassing me, I was clothed with haircloth. I humbled my soul with fasting, and my prayer will become my sinews.
Ka ko au, naʻaku kofuʻaki ʻae tauangaʻa, ʻi honau mahaki: naʻaku fakavaivai hoku laumālie ʻi he ʻaukai; pea naʻe foki mai ʻeku lotu ki hoku fatafata.
14 Like a neighbor, and like our brother, so did I please; like one mourning and contrite, so was I humbled.
Naʻaku fai ʻo hangē ko hoku kāinga ia, pe ko hoku tokoua: naʻaku tulolo hifo fakamamahi pē, ʻo hangē ko e tokotaha ʻoku tangi koeʻuhi ko ʻene faʻē.
15 And they have been joyful against me, and they joined together. Scourges have been gathered over me, and I was ignorant of it.
Ka ʻi heʻeku tuʻutāmaki naʻa nau fiefia, ʻonau fakakātoa ʻakinautolu: ʻio, naʻe fakataha ʻakinautolu ʻae kakai faʻa tā ʻo tuʻu kiate au, pea naʻe ʻikai te u ʻiloa; naʻa nau haehae, pea naʻe ʻikai longo pē:
16 They have been scattered, yet they were unremorseful. They have tested me. They scoffed at me with scorn. They gnashed their teeth over me.
Naʻa nau fakalili honau nifo kiate au, mo e kau mālualoi ʻoku manuki ʻi he ngaahi kātoanga.
17 Lord, when will you look down upon me? Restore my soul from before their malice, my only one from before the lions.
‌ʻE Sihova, ʻe fēfē hono fuoloa mo hoʻo ʻafio ki ai? Fakamoʻui hoku laumālie mei heʻenau ngaahi fakamalaʻia, mo ʻeku moʻui mei he fanga laione.
18 I will confess to you in a great Church. I will praise you among a weighty people.
Te u ʻatu ʻae fakafetaʻi kiate koe ʻi he fakataha lahi: te u fakaongoongolelei koe ʻi he ʻao ʻoe kakai lahi.
19 May those who are my unjust adversaries not be glad over me: those who have hated me without cause, and who nod agreement with their eyes.
‌ʻOua naʻa tuku ke fiefia kiate au ʻakinautolu kuo hoko noa pē ko hoku fili: pea ʻoua naʻa tuku ke lalama honau mata ʻakinautolu ʻoku fehiʻa kiate au taʻehanoʻuhinga.
20 For indeed, they spoke peacefully to me; and speaking with passion to the earth, they intended deceit.
He ʻoku ʻikai te nau lea lelei: ka ʻoku nau fakatupu ʻae ngaahi meʻa kākā kiate kinautolu ʻoku nofo fiemālie ʻi he fonua.
21 And they opened their mouth wide over me. They said, “Well, well, our eyes have seen.”
‌ʻIo, kuo nau fakamanga honau ngutu ʻo lahi kiate au, ʻonau pehē, “Ha ha, kuo mamata ki ai homau mata.”
22 You have seen, O Lord, do not be silent. Lord, do not depart from me.
Kuo ke ʻafioʻi eni, ʻE Sihova: ʻoua naʻa ke fakalongo pē: ʻE Sihova, ʻoua naʻa ke mamaʻo ʻiate au.
23 Rise up and be attentive to my judgment, to my cause, my God and my Lord.
‌ʻE hoku ʻOtua mo hoku ʻEiki, ke ke tuʻu hake, mo ke ʻā ki hoku fakamaau, ʻio, ki hoku langomakiʻi.
24 Judge me according to your justice, O Lord, my God, and do not let them be glad over me.
‌ʻE Sihova ko hoku ʻOtua, ke ke fakamaau au ʻo hangē ko ʻeku māʻoniʻoni; pea ke ʻoua te nau fiefia kiate au.
25 Do not let them say in their hearts, “Well, well, to our soul.” Neither let them say, “We have devoured him.”
‌ʻOua naʻa pehē ʻekinautolu ʻi honau loto, “Ha, ko homau loto ia:” ʻoua te nau pehē, “Kuo tau folo hifo ia.”
26 Let them blush and be in awe together, those who congratulate at my misfortunes. Let them be clothed with confusion and awe, who speak great things against me.
Tuku ke mā mo manavahē fakataha ʻakinautolu ʻoku fiefia ʻi hoku lavea: tuku ke kofuʻaki ʻae mā mo e taʻefakaʻapaʻapa ʻakinautolu ʻoku fai fakafiefielahi kiate au.
27 Let them exult and rejoice, who wish my justice, and let them ever say, “The Lord be magnified,” who will the peace of his servant.
Tuku ke kalanga fakafiefia, mo nekeneka, ʻakinautolu ʻoku loto lelei ki heʻeku māʻoniʻoni: ʻio, tuku ke nau lea pehē maʻuaipē, “Ke ongoongolelei ʻa Sihova, ʻaia ʻoku fiemālie ʻi he monūʻia ʻa ʻene tamaioʻeiki.”
28 And so my tongue will express your justice: your praise all day long.
Pea ʻe lea ʻa hoku ʻelelo ki hoʻo māʻoniʻoni mo ho ongoongolelei ʻi he ʻaho kotoa.

< Psalms 35 >