< Psalms 32 >

1 The understanding of David himself. Blessed are they whose iniquities have been forgiven and whose sins have been covered.
Bienaventurado el perdonado de rebelión, el encubierto de pecado.
2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord has not imputed sin, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Bienaventurado el hombre a quien no contará Jehová la iniquidad, ni hubiere en su espíritu engaño.
3 Because I was silent, my bones grew old, while still I cried out all day long.
Mientras callé, se envejecieron mis huesos en mi gemido todo el día.
4 For, day and night, your hand was heavy upon me. I have been converted in my anguish, while still the thorn is piercing.
Porque de día y de noche se agrava sobre mí tu mano, volvióse mi verdor en sequedades de verano. (Selah)
5 I have acknowledged my offense to you, and I have not concealed my injustice. I said, “I will confess against myself, my injustice to the Lord,” and you forgave the impiety of my sin.
Mi pecado te notifiqué: y no encubrí mi iniquidad. Dije: Yo confesaré contra mí mis rebeliones a Jehová; y tú perdonarás la maldad de mi pecado. (Selah)
6 For this, everyone who is holy will pray to you in due time. Yet truly, in a flood of many waters, they will not draw near to him.
Por esto orará todo misericordioso a ti en el tiempo del hallar: ciertamente en la inundación de las muchas aguas, no llegarán a él.
7 You are my refuge from the tribulation that has surrounded me. You are my exultation: rescue me from those who are surrounding me.
Tú eres mi escondedero, de la angustia me guardarás: con clamores de libertad me rodearás. (Selah)
8 I will give you understanding, and I will instruct you in this way, in which you will walk. I will fix my eyes upon you.
Hacerte he entender, y enseñarte he el camino en que andarás: sobre ti afirmaré mis ojos.
9 Do not become like the horse and the mule, which have no understanding. Their jaws are constrained with bit and bridle, so as not to draw near to you.
No seáis como el caballo, como el mulo, sin entendimiento: con cabestro y con freno su boca ha de ser cerrada para que no lleguen a ti.
10 Many are the scourges of the sinner, but mercy will surround him that hopes in the Lord.
Muchos dolores para el impío: y el que espera en Jehová misericordia le cercará.
11 Rejoice in the Lord and exult, you just ones, and glory, all you upright of heart.
Alegráos en Jehová, y gozáos justos: y cantád todos los rectos de corazón.

< Psalms 32 >