< Psalms 22 >

1 Unto the end. For the tasks of early morning. A Psalm of David. O God, my God, look upon me. Why have you forsaken me? Far from my salvation are the words of my offenses.
Pou chèf sanba yo. Se pou yo chante l' sou lè chante ki di: Nan granmaten yon fenmèl kabrit. Se yon sòm David. Bondye, Bondye m', poukisa ou lage m' konsa? Poukisa ou rete lwen konsa, san pote m' sekou, san koute jan m'ap plenn lan?
2 My God, I will cry out by day, and you will not heed, and by night, and it will not be foolishness for me.
Tout lajounen m'ap rele ou, Bondye mwen, ou pa reponn. Tout lannwit m'ap rele, mwen pa ka dòmi.
3 But you dwell in holiness, O Praise of Israel.
Men, se ou menm ki Bondye, ou chita sou fotèy ki apa pou ou a. Pèp Izrayèl la ap fè lwanj ou.
4 In you, our fathers have hoped. They hoped, and you freed them.
Zansèt nou yo te mete konfyans yo nan ou. Yo te fè ou konfyans, ou te sove yo.
5 They cried out to you, and they were saved. In you, they hoped and were not confounded.
Lè yo te kriye nan pye ou, ou te wete yo nan move pa. Wi, yo te mete konfyans yo nan ou, yo pa t' janm regrèt yo te fè sa.
6 But I am a worm and not a man: a disgrace among men, and an outcast of the people.
Men, se pa moun mwen ye ankò, se yon vètè mwen tounen. Tout moun ap meprize m', tout moun ap pase m' nan betiz.
7 All those who saw me have derided me. They have spoken with the lips and shook the head.
Tout moun ki wè m' pase m' nan rizib. Y'ap lonje dwèt sou mwen, y'ap fè siy sou mwen.
8 He has hoped in the Lord, let him rescue him. Let him save him because he chooses him.
Y'ap di m' konsa: -Jan ou te konte sou Seyè a, poukisa li pa delivre ou? Si Seyè a renmen ou, poukisa li pa ede ou?
9 For you are the one who has drawn me out of the womb, my hope from the breasts of my mother.
Se ou menm ki te fè m' soti san danje nan vant manman m'. Se ou menm ankò ki te pwoteje m' lè m' te nan tete.
10 I have been thrown upon you from the womb; from the womb of my mother, you are my God.
Depi nan vant manman m', se ou menm k'ap pwoteje m'. Depi anvan mwen te fèt, se ou menm ki Bondye mwen.
11 Do not depart from me. For tribulation is near, since there is no one who may help me.
Pa rete lwen m' konsa. Malè prèt pou tonbe sou mwen, mwen pa gen pesonn pou ede m'.
12 Many calves have surrounded me; fat bulls have besieged me.
Lènmi m' yo anpil, yo sènen m' toupatou. Yo tankou gwo towo bèf peyi Bazan. Kote m' vire yo la.
13 They have opened their mouths over me, just like a lion seizing and roaring.
Yo louvri bouch yo, ou ta di se lyon k'ap gwonde, ki prèt pou dechire mwen.
14 And so, I have been poured out like water, and all my bones have been scattered. My heart has become like wax, melting in the midst of my chest.
Mwen pèdi tout fòs mwen, tankou dlo ki tonbe atè. Tout zo nan kò m' dejwente. Mwen santi kè m' ap kase, tout zantray mwen ap bouyi.
15 My strength has dried up like clay, and my tongue has adhered to my jaws. And you have pulled me down, into the dust of death.
Fòs mwen ap cheche, tankou labou nan solèy. Lang mwen kole nan fon bouch mwen. Mwen santi m' prèt pou mouri.
16 For many dogs have surrounded me. The council of the malicious has besieged me. They have pierced my hands and feet.
Tankou yon bann chen, mechan yo sènen m'. Bann mechan yo fèmen m' toupatou. Yo kraze de men m' ak de pye m' yo.
17 They have numbered all my bones. And they have examined me and stared at me.
Tout zo nan kò m' parèt. Y'ap gade m', y'ap veye m'.
18 They divided my garments among them, and over my vestment, they cast lots.
Y'ap separe rad mwen ant yo menm, y'ap tire osò pou rad mwen an.
19 But you, O Lord, do not take your help far from me; be attentive to my defense.
Pa rete lwen m' konsa, Seyè. Ou menm ki tout fòs mwen, prese vin pote m' sekou.
20 O God, rescue my soul from the spear, and my only one from the hand of the dog.
Pa kite yo touye m' ak kout nepe. Pa kite chen yo devore m'.
21 Save me from the mouth of the lion, and my humility from the horns of the single-horned beast.
Wete m' nan bouch lyon yo. Delivre m' anba towo savann sa yo. Ou reponn mwen, Seyè!
22 I will declare your name to my brothers. In the midst of the Church, I will praise you.
M'a di frè m' yo tout sa ou te fè pou mwen. M'a fè lwanj ou lè yo tout reyini ansanm.
23 You who fear the Lord, praise him. All the offspring of Jacob, glorify him.
Nou tout ki gen krentif pou Seyè a, fè lwanj li. Nou tout pitit pitit Jakòb yo, chante pou li. Nou tout pèp Izrayèl la, adore li.
24 May all the offspring of Israel fear him. For he has neither spurned nor despised the pleas of the poor. Neither has he turned his face away from me. And when I cried out to him, he heeded me.
Li pa meprize pòv yo, li pa fèmen je l' sou soufrans yo. Li pa rete lwen yo. Lè yo rele l', li reponn.
25 My praise is with you, within a great church. I will pay my vows in the sight of those who fear him.
M'a fè lwanj ou pou sa ou fè, nan mitan tout moun yo lè yo reyini. M'a fè sa mwen te pwomèt ou yo, devan tout moun ki gen krentif pou ou yo.
26 The poor will eat and be satisfied, and those who yearn for the Lord will praise him. Their hearts will live forever and ever.
Pòv yo va manje mezi yo kapab. Moun k'ap chache Seyè a va fè lwanj li. Y'a viv ak kè poze pou tout tan.
27 All the ends of the earth will remember, and they will be converted to the Lord. And all the families of the Gentiles will adore in his sight.
Tout nasyon va chonje sa Seyè a te fè. Toupatou sou latè yo pral tounen vin jwenn li. Moun tout peyi va adore li.
28 For the kingdom belongs to the Lord, and he will have dominion over the Gentiles.
Se Seyè a ki wa. Se li ki donminen sou tout nasyon.
29 All the fat of the earth have gnashed their teeth, and they have adored. In his sight, they will fall down, all those who descend to the ground.
Tout grannèg sou latè va bese tèt devan li. Yo tout ki la pou mouri, yo tout ki la pou al anba tè, yo pral adore li.
30 And my soul will live for him, and my offspring will serve him.
Jenerasyon k'ap vini yo va sèvi li. Moun va rakonte istwa Seyè a bay pitit yo.
31 There will be announced for the Lord a future generation, and the heavens will announce his justice to a people who will be born, whom the Lord has made.
Pitit yo menm, lè y'a fè pitit, y'a fè konnen jan Seyè a te delivre yo ansanm ak tou sa li te fè pou yo.

< Psalms 22 >