< Psalms 125 >

1 A Canticle in steps. Those who trust in the Lord will be like the mountain of Zion. He will not be disturbed for eternity, who dwells
Надеющиися на Господа, яко гора Сион: не подвижится в век живый во Иерусалиме.
2 in Jerusalem. Mountains surround it. And the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forward and even forever.
Горы окрест его, и Господь окрест людий Своих, отныне и до века.
3 For the Lord will not allow the rod of sinners to remain over the lot of the just, so that the just may not extend their hands toward iniquity.
Яко не оставит Господь жезла грешных на жребий праведных, яко да не прострут праведнии в беззакония рук своих.
4 Do good, O Lord, to the good and to the upright of heart.
Ублажи, Господи, благия и правыя сердцем.
5 But those who turn away into obligation, the Lord will lead away with the workers of iniquity. Peace be upon Israel.
Уклоняющыяся же в развращения отведет Господь с делающими беззаконие: мир на Израиля.

< Psalms 125 >