< Proverbs 7 >

1 My son, guard my words and conceal my precepts within you.
Сыне, храни моя словеса, моя же заповеди скрый у себе. Сыне, чти Господа, и укрепишися: кроме же Его не бойся иного.
2 Son, preserve my commandments, and you shall live. And keep my law as the pupil of your eye.
Храни моя заповеди, и поживеши, словеса же моя яко зеницы очию:
3 Bind it with your fingers; write it on the tablets of your heart.
обложи же ими твоя персты, напиши же я на скрижали сердца твоего.
4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call prudence your friend.
Нарцы премудрость сестру тебе быти, разум же знаемь сотвори тебе,
5 So may she guard you from the woman who is an outsider, and from the stranger who sweetens her words.
да тя соблюдет от жены чуждия и лукавыя, аще тя словесы льстивыми облагати начнет:
6 For I gaze from the window of my house, through the lattice,
оконцем бо из дому своего на пути приничущи,
7 and I see little ones. I consider a frenzied youth,
егоже аще узрит от безумных чад юношу скудоумна,
8 who crosses the street at the corner and close to the way of that house.
проходящаго мимо угла в распутиих дому ея
9 He steps into shadows, as day becomes evening, into the darkness and gloom of the night.
и глаголющаго в темный вечер, егда упокоение будет нощное и мрачное:
10 And behold, a woman meets him, dressed like a harlot, prepared to captivate souls: chattering and rambling,
жена же срящет его, зрак имущи прелюбодейничь, яже творит юных парити сердцам: воскрилена же есть и блудна,
11 unwilling to bear silence, unable to keep her feet at home,
в дому же не почивают нозе ея:
12 now outside, now in the streets, now lying in ambush near the corners.
время бо некое вне глумится, время же на распутиих при всяцем угле приседит:
13 And overtaking the youth, she kisses him, and with a provocative face, she flatters him, saying:
потом емши лобзает его, безстудным же лицем речет к нему:
14 “I vowed sacrifices for well-being. Today I have repaid my vows.
жертва мирна ми есть, днесь воздаю обеты моя:
15 Because of this, I have gone out to meet you, desiring to see you, and I have found you.
сего ради изыдох в сретение тебе, желающи лица твоего, обретох тя:
16 I have woven my bed with cords. I have strewn it with embroidered tapestries from Egypt.
простиралами покрых одр мой, коврами же сугубыми постлах, иже от Египта,
17 I have sprinkled my bed with myrrh, aloe, and cinnamon.
шафраном посыпах ложе мое и дом мой корицею:
18 Come, let us be inebriated in abundance, and let us delight in the embraces of desire, until the day begins to dawn.
прииди и насладимся любве даже до утра, гряди и поваляемся в похоти:
19 For my husband is not in his house. He has gone away on a very long journey.
несть бо мужа моего в дому, отиде в путь далече,
20 He took with him a bag of money. He will return to his house on the day of the full moon.”
доволно сребра взя с собою, по многих днех возвратится в дом свой.
21 She enmeshed him with many words, and she drew him forward with the flattery of her lips.
И прельсти его многою беседою, тенетами же устен (в блуд) привлече его.
22 Immediately, he follows her, like an ox being led to the sacrifice, and like a lamb acting lasciviously, and not knowing that he is being drawn foolishly into chains,
Он же абие последова ей объюродев, и якоже вол на заколение ведется, и яко пес на узы,
23 until the arrow pierces his liver. It is just as if a bird were to hurry into the snare. And he does not know that his actions endanger his own soul.
или яко елень уязвлен стрелою в ятра: и спешит яко птица в сеть, не ведый, яко на душу свою течет.
24 Therefore, my son, hear me now, and attend to the words of my mouth.
Ныне убо, сыне, послушай мене и внимай глаголом уст моих,
25 Do not let your mind be pulled into her ways. And do not be deceived by her paths.
да не уклонится в пути ея сердце твое,
26 For she has tossed aside many wounded, and some of those who were very strong have been slain by her.
и да не прельстишися в стезях ея: многих бо уязвивши низверже, и безчисленни суть, ихже убила есть:
27 Her household is the way to Hell, reaching even to the inner places of death. (Sheol h7585)
путие адовы дом ея, низводящии в сокровища смертная. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 7 >