< Numbers 35 >

1 And the Lord also spoke these things to Moses in the plains of Moab, above the Jordan, opposite Jericho:
И рече Господь к Моисею на западе Моавли у Иордана при Иерихоне, глаголя:
2 “Instruct the sons of Israel, so that they may give to the Levites, from their possessions,
заповеждь сыном Израилевым, да дадят левитом от жребий одержания своего грады вселитися, и предградия градская окрест их да дадят левитом:
3 cities as dwelling places, with their surrounding suburbs, so that they may lodge in the towns, and so that the suburbs may be for cattle and beasts of burden.
и будут им грады вселятися, и участия их да будут скотом их и всем четвероножным их:
4 The suburbs shall extend from the outer walls of the cities, all around, for the space of one thousand steps.
и прилежащая градом, ихже дадите левитом, от стены града и вне, две тысящы лакот окрест:
5 Facing the east, there shall be two thousand cubits, and facing the south, similarly, there shall be two thousand cubits. Toward the sea, also, which looks out toward the west, there shall be the same measure, and the northern region shall be bounded by equal limits. And the cities shall be in the center, and the suburbs shall be outside.
и да измериши страну вне града, яже на восток, две тысящы лакот, и страну, яже к ливе, две тысящы лакот, и страну, яже к морю, две тысящы лакот, и страну, яже к северу, две тысящы лакот, и град посреде сего будет вам, и пределы градов:
6 Now, from the towns which you shall give to the Levites, six shall be separated for the assistance of fugitives, so that he who has shed blood may flee to them. And, aside from these, there shall be forty-two other towns,
и грады яже дадите левитом, шесть градов (да будут) убежных, ихже дадите убегати в ня убившему, и к сим четыредесять и два града:
7 that is, all together forty-eight with their suburbs.
всех градов дадите левитом четыредесять и осмь градов, сия и предградия их:
8 And concerning these cities, which shall be given from the possessions of the sons of Israel: from those who have more, more shall be taken, and from those who have less, less shall be taken. Each shall give towns to the Levites according to the measure of their inheritance.”
и грады, ихже дадите от одержания сынов Израилевых, от многих многа, а от малых мала: кийждо по наследию своему, еже наследят, да дадят от градов левитом.
9 The Lord said to Moses:
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
10 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: When you will have crossed the Jordan into the land of Canaan,
глаголи сыном Израилевым и речеши к ним: вы преходите Иордан в землю Ханааню:
11 discern which cities ought to be for the protection of fugitives who have shed blood unwillingly.
и разделите сами себе грады убежища да будут вам убегати в ня убийце, всяк убивый душу нехотяй:
12 And when a fugitive is in these, the kinsman of the deceased shall not be able to kill him, until he stands in the sight of the multitude and his case is judged.
и будут гради вам убежища от ужика крове, и да не умрет убивый, дондеже станет пред сонмом на суде:
13 Then, among those cities which are separated for relief to fugitives,
и грады, яже дадите, шесть градов, убежища да будут вам.
14 three shall be across the Jordan, and three in the land of Canaan,
Три грады дадите об ону страну Иордана, и три грады дадите в земли Ханаани:
15 as much for the sons of Israel as for newcomers and sojourners, so that anyone who has shed blood unwillingly may flee to these places.
убежище да будет сыном Израилевым, и пришелцу, и обиталнику иже в вас, да будут гради сии во убежище убегати тамо всякому убившему душу нехотением.
16 If anyone will have struck someone with iron, and he who was struck will have died, then he shall be guilty of homicide, and he himself shall die.
Аще же орудием железным убиет его, и умрет, убийца есть: смертию да умрет убийца.
17 If he will have thrown a stone, and he who has been struck lies dead, then he shall be punished similarly.
Аще же камением из руки убиет его, и умрет от него, убийца есть: смертию да умрет убийца.
18 If he who has been struck with wood passes away, he shall be avenged by the blood of the one who struck him.
Аще же орудием древяным из руки, от негоже умрет, убиет его, и умрет, убийца есть: смертию да умрет убийца.
19 The close relative of the deceased shall put to death the murderer; as soon as he apprehends him, he shall put him to death.
Ужик крове, сей да убиет убившаго: егда усрящет его, сей да убиет его.
20 If, out of hatred, anyone assaults a man, or throws anything at him with ill intent,
Аще же вражды ради ринет его и вержет на него всяк сосуд по навету, и умрет,
21 or, while being his enemy, strikes him with his hand, and so he has died, the attacker shall be guilty of murder. The kinsman of the deceased, as soon as he finds him, shall cut his throat.
или от ненависти поразил его рукою, и умрет, смертию да умрет убивый, убийца есть: смертию да умрет убиваяй: ужик крове да убиет убийцу, егда сретится с ним.
22 But if by chance, and without hatred
Аще же внезапу не вражды ради ринет его, или вержет на него всяк сосуд не по навету,
23 or animosity, he will have done any of these things,
или всяким каменем, имже вержет не ведый, и падет на него, и умрет, он же враг его не бе, ниже ищяй зла ему творити,
24 and this has been proven in the hearing of the people, and the questions have been aired, between the one who struck and the close relative,
и да судит сонм между убившим и между ужиком крове, по судбам сим,
25 then the innocent one shall be freed from the hand of the revenger, and he shall be returned by this judgment into the city to which he had fled, and he shall stay there until the high priest, who has been anointed with the holy oil, dies.
и избавит сонм убившаго от ужика крове, и да возвратит его сонм во град убежища его, в оньже убежа, и да поживет тамо, дондеже умрет жрец великий, егоже помазаша елеем святым.
26 If the one who has killed has been found beyond the limits of the cities which have been assigned to the exiled,
Аще же исходом изыдет убивый вне предел града, в оньже убежа тамо,
27 and he has been struck by him who is avenging blood, he who killed him shall not be harmed.
и обрящет его ужик крове вне предел града убежища его, и убиет ужик крове убившаго, несть повинен:
28 For the fugitive ought to have resided in the city, until the death of the high priest. Then, after he is dead, the one who has killed shall be returned to his own land.
во граде бо убежания да живет, дондеже умрет жрец великий, и по умертвии жерца великаго да возвратится убивый в землю одержания своего.
29 These things shall be a perpetual ordinance in all your habitations.
И да будут сия вам во оправдание суда в роды вашя во всех селениих ваших.
30 The punishment of a murderer shall be based upon testimony; but no one shall be condemned upon the testimony of only one person.
Всякаго убившаго душу, пред свидетелми да убиеши убившаго: и свидетель един да не свидетелствует на смерть души.
31 You shall not accept money from him who is guilty of blood, and he shall be put to death promptly.
И да не возмете искупа за душу от убившаго, повинна суща убиению: смертию бо умрет:
32 Exiles and fugitives, prior to the death of the high priest, are by no means able to be returned to their own cities.
ниже да возмете искупа убежания во град убежища, да паки живет на земли, дондеже умрет жрец великий.
33 Do not pollute the land of your habitation, so as to stain it with the blood of the innocent; neither is it able to be expiated in any way other than by the blood of him who has shed the blood of another.
И да не убиете земли, на нейже вы обитаете: кровь бо сия убивает землю, и не очистится земля от крове пролиянныя на ней, но токмо кровию проливающаго:
34 And so shall your possession be cleansed, while I myself am abiding with you. For I am the Lord, who lives among the sons of Israel.”
и да не оскверните земли, на нейже живете, на нейже Аз вселяюся посреде вас: Аз бо есмь Господь вселяяйся посреде сынов Израилевых.

< Numbers 35 >