< Leviticus 27 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
2 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: The man who will have made a vow and espoused his soul to God shall give the price according to the estimation.
“Ka yi magana da Isra’ilawa, ka ce musu, ‘Duk sa’ad da mutum ya yi rantsuwa ta musamman zai keɓe wani ga Ubangiji, ta wurin biyan kuɗaɗen fansa,
3 If it is a male from twenty years to sixty years, he shall give fifty shekels of silver, by the measure of the Sanctuary;
ga yadda ma’aunin biyan zai kasance, mutum mai shekara tsakanin ashirin da sittin, za a biya azurfa hamsin.
4 if it is a woman, thirty.
Mace kuma za a biya azurfa talatin.
5 But from the fifth year until the twentieth, a male shall give twenty shekels; a female, ten.
Saurayi mai shekara tsakanin biyar da ashirin, za a biya azurfa ashirin, yarinya kuma azurfa goma.
6 From one month until the fifth year, for a male, five shekels shall be given; for a female, three.
Yaro mai shekara tsakanin wata ɗaya da shekara biyar, za a biya azurfa biyar,’yar yarinya kuma azurfa uku.
7 At sixty years and beyond, a male shall give fifteen shekels; a female, ten.
Namijin da ya fi shekara sittin, za a biya azurfa goma sha biyar, mace kuma azurfa goma.
8 If he is poor, and he does not have the means to pay the estimation, he shall stand before the priest, and however much he will value him and see that he is able to pay, so much shall he give.
In mai alkawarin matalauci ne da ba zai iya biyan ƙayyadadden abin da aka tsara ba, sai yă tafi wurin firist, shi firist kuma yă duba yadda mutumin da ya yi alkawarin zai iya biya. Sa’an nan mutumin zai biya abin da firist ya faɗa.
9 But an animal which could be immolated to the Lord, if anyone has vowed it, shall be holy,
“‘In abin da ya yi alkawarin yardajje ne a matsayin hadaya ga Ubangiji, wannan dabbar da aka bayar ga Ubangiji, za tă zama mai tsarki.
10 and it cannot be exchanged, that is, neither better for worse, nor worse for better. And if he has exchanged it, both that which was exchanged, and that for which it was exchanged shall be consecrated to the Lord.
Kada yă yi musayarta ko yă yi musaya mai kyau da marar kyau, ko marar kyau da mai kyau; in lalle ne yă yi musayar dabbar da wata, to, duk wannan da kuma wanda zai yi musayar da ita za su zama masu tsarki.
11 An unclean animal which could not be sacrificed to the Lord, if anyone has vowed it, shall be led before the priest,
In abin da ya yi alkawari dabba ce marar tsarki, wadda ba yardajje ba ce, a matsayin hadaya ga Ubangiji, dole a kai dabbar wa firist,
12 who, judging whether it is either good or bad, shall set the price.
wanda zai yanke hukunci dacewarta, ko mai kyau ce, ko marar kyau. Duk darajar da firist ya kimanta, haka za tă zama.
13 But if he who offers it was willing to give, he shall add a fifth part above the estimation.
In mai shi yana so yă fanshi dabbar, dole yă ƙara kashi ɗaya bisa biyar na darajarta.
14 If a man has vowed his house, and he has sanctified it to the Lord, the priest shall examine it, whether it is good or bad, and it shall be sold according to the price which he will have established.
“‘In mutum ya miƙa gidansa a matsayin wani abu mai tsarki ga Ubangiji, firist zai daidaita dacewar ko mai kyau ne, ko marar kyau. Duk darajar da firist ya kimanta, haka za tă zama.
15 But if he who vowed it was willing to redeem it, he shall give a fifth part beyond the estimation, and he shall have the house.
In mutumin da ya keɓe gidansa ya fanshe shi, dole yă ƙara kashi ɗaya bisa biyar na darajar, gidan kuma zai zama nasa.
16 But if he has vowed a field of his possession, and has consecrated it to the Lord, the price shall be estimated according to the measure of the seed. If the land would be sown with thirty measures of barley, then let it be sold for fifty shekels of silver.
“‘In wani ya keɓe wa Ubangiji wani sashe daga cikin gonarsa ta gādo, sai yă kimanta kuɗin gonar daidai da yawan irin da za a iya shuka a gonar. Za a kimanta kuɗin a kan shekel hamsin na irin sha’ir.
17 If he has vowed his field beginning from the current year of Jubilee, as much as it may be worth, so shall it be estimated.
In ya keɓe gonarsa a Shekara ta Murna, darajar da aka kimanta za tă zauna.
18 But if, after some amount of time, the priest shall evaluate the money according to the number of years that remain until the Jubilee, then the price shall be reduced.
Amma in ya keɓe gonar bayan Shekara ta Murnan, firist zai kimanta darajar bisa ga yawan shekarun da suka rage har zuwa Shekara ta Murna mai zuwa, sai a rage darajar da aka kimanta a kanta.
19 But if he who had vowed it, was willing to redeem his field, he shall add a fifth part of the money to the estimation, and then he shall possess it.
In mutumin da ya keɓe gonar, yana so yă fanshe ta, to, dole yă ƙara kashi ɗaya bisa biyar na darajarta, gonar kuwa tă zama nasa.
20 But if he is not willing to redeem it, then it shall be sold to any other; he who vowed it is no longer able to redeem it.
In kuma bai fanshe gonar ba, ko kuwa in ya sayar wa wani dabam, ba za a taɓa fanshe ta ba.
21 For when the day of Jubilee arrives, it shall be sanctified to the Lord. And as a possession that has been consecrated, it rightfully belongs to the priest.
Sa’ad da aka saki gonar a Shekara ta Murna, za tă zama mai tsarki, a matsayin gonar da aka miƙa ga Ubangiji, za tă zama mallakar firistoci.
22 If a field has been bought, and it is not from the possession of ancestors, it shall be sanctified to the Lord.
“‘In mutum ya keɓe gonar da ya saya, wadda take ba sashe na gonar iyali ba, ga Ubangiji,
23 The priest shall evaluate the price according to the number of years until the Jubilee; and the one who had vowed it shall give to the Lord.
firist zai kimanta darajarta har Shekara ta Murna, dole kuma mutumin yă biya darajarta a ranar, a matsayin wani abu mai tsarki ga Ubangiji.
24 Then, in the Jubilee, it shall be returned to the former owner, the one who had sold it and who had held it within the lot of his possession.
A Shekara ta Murna ɗin, gonar za tă dawo ga mutumin da aka saye ta daga wurinsa, wanda yake mai gonar.
25 All estimation shall be weighed according to the shekel of the Sanctuary. A shekel has twenty obols.
A kimanta kowace daraja bisa ga ma’aunin shekel na tsattsarkan wuri, gera ashirin ga shekel.
26 The firstborn, which belong to the Lord, no one is able to sanctify or vow, whether it is an ox, or a sheep, they are for the Lord.
“‘Ba wani da zai iya keɓe ɗan farin dabba, da yake ɗan fari ya riga ya zama na Ubangiji, ko na saniya, ko na tunkiya, na Ubangiji ne.
27 But if it is an unclean animal, whoever offers it shall redeem it, according to your estimation, and he shall add a fifth part to the price. If he is not willing to redeem it, it shall be sold to another for whatever amount it was estimated by you.
In tana cikin dabbobin da suke marasa tsarki, zai iya saye ta a darajar da aka kimanta, yă ƙara da kashi ɗaya bisa biyar na darajarta. In bai fanshe ta ba, sai a sayar da ita a darajar da aka kimanta.
28 All that is consecrated to the Lord, whether it is a man, or an animal, or a field, shall not be sold; neither is it able to be redeemed. Anything, once it has been consecrated, shall be the Holy of holies to the Lord.
“‘Amma babu abin da mutum ya mallaka, ya kuma keɓe ga Ubangiji, ko mutum ne, ko dabba, ko ganar iyali da za a sayar, ko a fansa; kome da aka keɓe a wannan hanya, mafi tsarki ne ga Ubangiji.
29 And all that has been consecrated, which is offered by man, shall not be redeemed, but shall surely die.
“‘Babu wani da aka keɓe don hallaka da za a fansa; dole a kashe shi.
30 All the tithes of the land, whether from the grain, or from the fruits of trees, are for the Lord and are sanctified to him.
“‘Ushirin kome daga gona, ko hatsi daga ƙasa, ko’ya’yan itatuwa daga itatuwa, na Ubangiji ne, mai tsarki ne ga Ubangiji.
31 But if anyone is willing to redeem his tithes, he shall add a fifth part to them.
In mutum ya fanshi wani zakansa, dole yă ƙara kashi ɗaya bisa biyar na darajar.
32 Out of all the tithes of oxen, and sheep, and goats, which cross under the rod of the shepherd, every tenth one that arrives shall be sanctified to the Lord.
Ushirin gaba ɗaya na garken shanu, da na tumaki, kowane kashi ɗaya bisa goma na dabbar da ta wuce ƙarƙashin sandan mai kiwo, za tă zama mai tsarki ga Ubangiji.
33 It shall not be chosen by what is good or bad; neither shall it be exchanged for another. If anyone has exchanged it, both that which was exchanged, and that for which it was exchanged, shall be sanctified to the Lord and shall not be redeemed.
Kada kuwa ya zaɓa mai kyau daga marar kyau, ko yă yi musaya. In ya yi musaya kuwa, dabbar da wadda ya musayar, za su zama masu tsarki, ba kuma za a fanshe su ba.’”
34 These are the precepts, which the Lord commanded Moses for the sons of Israel on mount Sinai.
Waɗannan su ne dokokin da Ubangiji ya ba wa Musa a Dutsen Sinai saboda Isra’ilawa.

< Leviticus 27 >