< Lamentations 3 >

1 ALEPH. I am a man watching my own poverty by the rod of his indignation.
Ni ne mutumin da ya ga azaba ta wurin bulalar fushin Ubangiji.
2 ALEPH. He has driven me and led me into darkness, and not into light.
Ya kore ni, ya sa na yi tafiya a cikin duhu maimakon a cikin haske;
3 ALEPH. Against me only, he has turned and turned again his hand, all day long.
ba shakka, ya juya mini baya, yana gāba da ni sau da sau, dukan yini.
4 BETH. My skin and my flesh, he has made old; he has crushed my bones.
Ya sa fatar jikina da naman jikina sun tsufa ya kuma karya ƙasusuwana.
5 BETH. He has built all around me, and he has encircled me with gall and hardship.
Ya yi mini kwanton ɓauna ya kuma kewaye ni da baƙin ciki da kuma wahala.
6 BETH. He has gathered me into darkness, like those who are forever dead.
Ya sa na zauna a cikin duhu kamar waɗanda suka mutu da jimawa.
7 GHIMEL. He has built against me all around, so that I may not depart. He has increased the burden of my confinement.
Ya kewaye ni yadda ba zan iya gudu ba; Ya daure ni da sarƙa mai nauyi.
8 GHIMEL. Yet even when I cry out and beg, he excludes my prayer.
Ko lokacin da nake kira don neman taimako, ba ya jin addu’ata.
9 GHIMEL. He has enclosed my ways with square stones; he has subverted my paths.
Ya tare hanyata da tubula na duwatsu; ya sa hanyata ta karkace.
10 DALETH. He has become to me like a bear lying in ambush, like a lion in hiding.
Kamar beyar da take a laɓe tana jira, kamar zaki a ɓoye,
11 DALETH. He has subverted my paths, and he has broken me. He has placed me in desolation.
ya janye ni daga kan hanya ya ɓatar da ni ya bar ni ba taimako.
12 DALETH. He has bent his bow, and he has positioned me like a target for his arrows.
Ya ja kwarinsa ya sa in zama abin baratarsa.
13 HE. He has shot into my kidneys the daughters of his quiver.
Ya harbi zuciyata da kibiyoyin kwarinsa.
14 HE. I have become a derision to all my people, their song throughout the day.
Na zama abin dariya ga mutanena duka; suna yi mini ba’a cikin waƙa dukan yini.
15 HE. He has filled me with bitterness; he has inebriated me with wormwood.
Ya cika ni da kayan ɗaci ya gundure ni da abinci mai ɗaci.
16 VAU. And he has broken each one of my teeth; he has fed me with ashes.
Ya kakkarya haƙorana da tsakuwa; ya tattake ni cikin ƙura.
17 VAU. And my soul has been driven away from peace; I have forgotten what is good.
An hana ni salama; na manta da ko mene ne ake kira wadata.
18 VAU. And I said, “My end and my hope from the Lord has perished.”
Saboda haka na ce, “Darajata ta ƙare da kuma duk abin da nake begen samu daga wurin Ubangiji.”
19 ZAIN. Remember my poverty and my transgression, the wormwood and the gall.
Na tuna da azabata da kuma sintiri, da na yi ta yi da ɗacin rai.
20 ZAIN. I will call to mind the past, and my soul shall languish within me.
Na tuna su sosai, sai kuma na ji ba daɗi a raina.
21 ZAIN. These recollections are in my heart; therefore, I shall hope.
Duk da haka na tuna da wannan na kuma sa bege ga nan gaba.
22 HETH. By the mercies of the Lord, we are not consumed. For his compassion has not passed away.
Domin ƙaunar Ubangiji ba mu hallaka ba; gama jiyejiyanƙansa ba su ƙarewa.
23 HETH. I know it at first light; great is your faithfulness.
Sababbi ne kowace safiya; amincinka kuwa mai girma ne.
24 HETH. “The Lord is my portion,” said my soul. Because of this, I will wait for him.
Na ce wa kaina, “Ubangiji shi ne nawa; saboda haka zan jira shi.”
25 TETH. The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the soul that seeks him.
Ubangiji mai alheri ne ga waɗanda suke da bege a cikinsa, ga kuma wanda yake neman shi;
26 TETH. It is good to stand ready in silence for the salvation of God.
yana da kyau ka jira shiru domin samun ceton Ubangiji.
27 TETH. It is good for a man, when he has carried the yoke from his youth.
Yana da kyau mutum yă sha wuya tun yana yaro.
28 JOD. He shall sit solitary and silent. For he has lifted it upon himself.
Bari yă zauna shiru shi kaɗai, gama haka Ubangiji ya sa yă yi.
29 JOD. He shall place his mouth in the dirt, if perhaps there may be hope.
Bari yă ɓoye fuskarsa cikin ƙura kila akwai bege.
30 JOD. He shall give his cheek to those who strike him; he shall be saturated with reproaches.
Bari yă ba da kumatunsa a mare shi, yă kuma bari a ci masa mutunci.
31 CAPH. For the Lord will not rebuke forever.
Gama Ubangiji ba ya yashe mutane har abada.
32 CAPH. For, if he has cast down, he will also have compassion, according to the multitude of his mercies.
Ko da ya kawo ɓacin rai, zai nuna tausayi sosai, ƙaunarsa tana da yawa.
33 CAPH. For he has not humiliated from his heart, nor has he thrown aside the sons of men,
Gama ba haka kawai yake kawo wahala ko ɓacin rai ga’yan adam ba.
34 LAMED. as if to crush under his feet all the prisoners of the land,
Bai yarda a tattake’yan kurkuku a ƙasa ba,
35 LAMED. as if to turn aside the judgment of a man in the sight of the presence of the Most High,
ko kuma a danne wa mutum hakkinsa a gaban Maɗaukaki,
36 LAMED. as if to pervert a man in his judgment: the Lord does not do this.
ko kuma a danne wa mutum shari’ar gaskiya ashe Ubangiji ba zai ga irin waɗannan abubuwa ba?
37 MEM. Who is this, who said to do what the Lord did not command?
Wane ne ya isa yă yi magana kuma ta cika in ba Ubangiji ne ya umarta ba?
38 MEM. Does not both misfortune and good proceed from the mouth of the Most High?
Ba daga bakin Maɗaukaki ne bala’i da abubuwa masu kyau suke fitowa ba?
39 MEM. Why has a living man murmured, a man suffering for his sins?
Don mene ne wani mai rai zai yi gunaguni sa’ad da aka ba shi horo domin zunubansa?
40 NUN. Let us examine our ways, and seek out, and return to the Lord.
Bari mu auna tafiyarmu mu gwada ta, sai mu kuma koma ga Ubangiji.
41 NUN. Let us lift up our hearts, with our hands, toward the Lord in the heavens.
Bari mu ɗaga zuciyarmu da hannuwanmu ga Allah na cikin sama, mu ce,
42 NUN. We have acted sinfully, and we have provoked to wrath. About this, you are relentless.
“Mun yi zunubi mun yi tawaye ba ka kuwa gafarta ba.
43 SAMECH. You have covered us in your fury, and you have struck us. You have killed, and have not spared.
“Ka rufe kanka da fushi, ka fafare mu; ka karkashe mu ba tausayi.
44 SAMECH. You have set a cloud opposite you, lest our prayer pass through.
Ka rufe kanka da gajimare don kada addu’armu ta kai wurinka.
45 SAMECH. In the midst of the peoples, you have uprooted me and cast me out.
Ka mai da mu tarkace da juji a cikin mutane.
46 PHE. All our enemies have opened their mouths over us.
“Dukan maƙiyanmu suna ta yin mana magana marar daɗi.
47 PHE. Prediction has become for us a dread, and a snare, and a grief.
Muna cika da tsoro, da lalatarwa da hallakarwa.”
48 PHE. My eye has brought forth streams of water at the contrition of the daughter of my people.
Hawaye na kwararowa daga idanuna domin an hallaka mutanena.
49 AIN. My eye has been afflicted, and it has not been quieted, because there would be no rest
Idanuna za su ci gaba da kwararowa da hawaye, ba hutawa.
50 AIN. until the Lord looked down and saw from the heavens.
Har sai in Ubangiji ya duba daga sama ya gani.
51 AIN. My eye has exhausted my soul over every one of the daughters of my city.
Abin da nake gani yana kawo mini baƙin ciki domin dukan matan birnina.
52 SADE. My enemies have chased me, and they have caught me like a bird, without reason.
Maƙiyana suna farauta ta ba dalili kamar tsuntsu.
53 SADE. My life has fallen into a pit, and they have placed a stone over me.
Sun yi ƙoƙari su kashe ni a cikin rami suka kuma jajjefe ni da duwatsu;
54 SADE. The waters have flooded over my head. I said, “I am lost.”
ruwaye suka rufe kaina, sai na yi tunani cewa na kusa mutuwa.
55 COPH. I called upon your name, O Lord, from the furthest pit.
Na yi kira ga sunanka, ya Ubangiji, daga rami mai zurfi.
56 COPH. You have heard my voice. Do not turn away your ear from my sobbing and my cries.
Ka ji roƙona, “Kada ka toshe kunnuwanka ka ƙi jin roƙona na neman taimako.”
57 COPH. You drew near in the daytime, when I called upon you. You said, “Fear not.”
Ka zo kusa lokacin da na kira ka, kuma ka ce mini, “Kada ka ji tsoro.”
58 RES. You have judged, O Lord, the case of my soul. You are the Redeemer of my life.
Ya Ubangiji, ka goyi bayana; ka fanshi raina.
59 RES. You have seen, O Lord, their iniquity against me. Judge my case.
Ya Ubangiji, ka ga inda aka yi mini ba daidai ba. Ka shari’anta, ka ba ni gaskiya!
60 RES. You have seen all their fury, every one of their thoughts is against me.
Ka ga zurfin ramakonsu, da duk mugun shirin da suke yi mini.
61 SIN. You have heard their reproach, O Lord, all their thoughts are against me.
Ya Ubangiji, ka ji zaginsu, da duka mugun shirin da suke yi mini
62 SIN. The lips of those who rise up against me, and their meditations, are against me all day long.
Abin da maƙiyana suke yin raɗa a kai game da ni duk yini.
63 SIN. Watch their sitting down and their rising up: I am their psalm.
Dube su! A zaune ko a tsaye, suna yi mini ba’a cikin waƙoƙinsu.
64 THAU. You shall pay a recompense to them, O Lord, according to the works of their hands.
Ka ba su abin da ya dace su samu, ya Ubangiji, domin abin da hannuwansu suka yi.
65 THAU. You shall give them a heavy shield of the heart: your hardship.
Ka sa yana ta rufe zuciyarsu, kuma bari la’anarka ta bi su.
66 THAU. You shall pursue them in fury, and you shall destroy them under the heavens, O Lord.
Ka fafare su cikin fushi ka hallaka su daga cikin duniya ta Ubangiji.

< Lamentations 3 >