< Judges 20 >

1 And so all the sons of Israel went out like one man, from Dan to Beersheba, with the land of Gilead, and they gathered together, before the Lord, at Mizpah.
Sa’an nan dukan Isra’ilawa daga Dan zuwa Beyersheba kuma daga ƙasar Gileyad mutane kamar mutum guda suka fito suka taru a gaban Ubangiji a Mizfa.
2 And all the chiefs of the people, and every tribe of Israel, convened as an assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand foot soldiers for battle.
Shugabanni dukan kabilan mutane na kabilan Isra’ila suka zazzauna a wurarensu a taron jama’ar Allah, mayaƙa dubu ɗari huɗu masu ɗamara da takuba.
3 (But it was not hidden from the sons of Benjamin that the sons of Israel had ascended to Mizpah.) And the Levite, the husband of the woman who was killed, being questioned as to how so great a crime had been perpetrated,
(Mutanen Benyamin suka ji cewa Isra’ilawa sun haura zuwa Mizfa.) Sa’an nan Isra’ilawa suka ce, “Gaya mana yadda wannan mugun abu ya faru.”
4 responded: “I went to Gibeah of Benjamin, with my wife, and I diverted to that place.
Sai Balawen, mijin matar da aka kashe ya ce, “Ni da ƙwarƙwarata mun zo Gibeya a Benyamin don mu kwana.
5 And behold, the men of that city, at night, surrounded the house in which I was staying, intending to kill me. And they abused my wife with such an incredible fury of lust that in the end she died.
Da dad dare mutanen Gibeya suka bi ni suka kewaye gidan da niyya su kashe ni. Suka yi wa ƙwarƙwarata fyaɗe, har ta mutu.
6 And taking her up, I cut her into pieces, and I sent the parts into all the borders of your possession. For never before was such a nefarious crime, and so great a sin, committed in Israel.
Na ɗauki ƙwarƙwarata na yayyanka gunduwa-gunduwa na aika da shi ga kowane yankin gādon Isra’ila, domin sun aikata mugu abu da abin kunya a Isra’ila.
7 You are all present here, O sons of Israel. Discern what you ought to do.”
To, dukanku Isra’ilawa, sai ku yi magana ku kuma yanke hukuncinku.”
8 And all the people, standing, responded as if with the word of one man: “We shall not return to our own tents, nor shall anyone enter into his own house.
Dukan mutane suka tashi kamar mutum ɗaya, suna cewa “Ba waninmu da zai tafi gida. Sam, babu ko ɗayanmu da zai koma gidansa.
9 But this we shall do in common against Gibeah:
Amma yanzu ga abin da za mu yi wa Gibeya. Za mu haura mu fāɗa yadda ƙuri’a ta nunar.
10 We shall select ten men out of one hundred from all the tribes of Israel, and one hundred out of one thousand, and one thousand out of ten thousand, so that they may transport supplies for the army, and so that we will be able to fight against Gibeah of Benjamin, and to repay it for its crime as it deserves.”
Za mu ɗauko mutum goma a kowane mutum ɗari daga dukan kabilan Isra’ila, da ɗari a dubu, da kuma dubu a dubu goma, domin a tanada wa mayaƙan. Sa’an nan, sa’ad da mayaƙan suka iso Geba a Benyamin, za su yi da su daidai bisa ga muguntar da suka yi a Isra’ila.”
11 And all of Israel convened against the city, like one man, with one mind and one counsel.
Saboda haka dukan mutane Isra’ilawa suka taru suka kuma haɗu kamar mutum guda don su fāɗa wa birnin da yaƙi.
12 And they sent messengers to the entire tribe of Benjamin, who said: “Why has so great a wickedness been found among you?
Kabilan Isra’ila suka aika jakadu a ko’ina a cikin kabilar Benyamin cewa, “Wace irin mugunta ce wannan da kuka aikata?
13 Deliver the men of Gibeah, who have perpetrated this deplorable act, so that they may die, and so that the evil may be taken away from Israel.” And they were not willing to listen to the command of their brothers, the sons of Israel.
Yanzu fa sai ku fitar da waɗannan’yan iskan da suka aikata wannan abu na Gibeya don mu kashe su mu kawar da mugunta daga Isra’ila!” Amma mutanen Benyamin ba su saurari’yan’uwansu Isra’ilawa ba.
14 Instead, out of all the cities that were their lot, they convened at Gibeah, so that they might bring them assistance, and so that they might contend against the entire people of Israel.
Daga biranensu suka tattaru a Gibeya don su yaƙi Isra’ilawa.
15 And there were found from Benjamin twenty-five thousand who drew the sword, aside from the inhabitants of Gibeah,
Nan da nan mutanen Benyamin suka tattara mayaƙa dubu ashirin da shida masu takuba daga biranensu, ban da mayaƙa ɗari bakwai da aka zaɓa daga mazauna a Gibeya.
16 who were seven hundred very strong men, fighting with the left hand as well as with the right hand, and casting stones from a sling so accurately that they were able to strike even a hair, and the path of the stone would by no means miss to either side.
Cikin dukan mayaƙan nan akwai zaɓaɓɓu mutane ɗari bakwai waɗanda su bahagwai ne, kowanne yana iya harbin gashin guda na kai da majajjawa ba kuskure.
17 Then too, among the men of Israel apart from the sons of Benjamin, there were found four hundred thousand who drew the sword and who were prepared for battle.
Isra’ila kuwa, ban da Benyamin, sun tara mayaƙa masu takobi dubu ɗari huɗu, dukansu gwanayen yaƙi ne.
18 And they rose up and went to the house of God, that is, to Shiloh. And they consulted God, and they said, “Who shall be, in our army, the first to contend against the sons of Benjamin?” And the Lord responded to them, “Let Judah be your leader.”
Sai Isra’ilawa suka haura zuwa Betel suka nemi nufin Allah, suka ce, “Wane ne a cikinmu zai fara fāɗa wa mutanen Benyamin?” Ubangiji ya ce, “Yahuda ce za tă fara.”
19 And immediately the sons of Israel, rising up in the morning, made camp near Gibeah.
Kashegari sai Isra’ilawa suka tashi suka kafa sansani kusa da Gibeya.
20 And setting out from there to fight against Benjamin, they began to assault the city.
Mutanen Isra’ila suka fita yaƙi da mutane Benyamin suka kuma ja dāgār yaƙi a Gibeya.
21 And the sons of Benjamin, departing from Gibeah, slew twenty-two thousand men from the sons of Israel, on that day.
Mutanen Benyamin suka fito daga Gibeya suka kashe mutum dubu ashirin da biyu na Isra’ilawa a dāgār yaƙi a ranar.
22 Again the sons of Israel, trusting in both strength and number, set their troops in order, in the same place where they had contended before.
Amma mutanen Isra’ila suka ƙarfafa juna, suka sāke koma inda suka ja dāgā a rana ta farko.
23 But first they also went up and wept before the Lord, even until night. And they consulted him and said, “Should I continue to go forth, so as to contend against the sons of Benjamin, my brothers, or not?” And he responded to them, “Ascend against them, and undertake the struggle.”
Isra’ilawa suka haura suka yi kuka a gaban Ubangiji, har yamma, suka nemi nufin Ubangiji. Suka ce, “Mu sāke koma yaƙi da mutanen Benyamin,’yan’uwanmu?” Ubangiji ya ce, “Ku haura ku fāɗa musu.”
24 And when the sons of Israel had continued to do battle against the sons of Benjamin on the next day,
Sai Isra’ilawa suka matsa kusa da Benyamin a rana ta biyu.
25 the sons of Benjamin burst forth from the gates of Gibeah. And meeting them, they made such a frenzied slaughter against them that they struck down eighteen thousand men who drew the sword.
A wannan lokaci, da mutanen Benyamin suka fito daga Gibeya don su yaƙe su, sai suka sāke kashe Isra’ilawa dubu goma sha takwas, dukansu ɗauke da takuba.
26 As a result, all the sons of Israel went to the house of God, and sitting down, they wept before the Lord. And they fasted that day until evening, and they offered to him holocausts and victims of peace offerings.
Sa’an nan Isra’ilawa, dukan mutane, suka haura zuwa Betel, a can suka zauna suna kuka a gaban Ubangiji. Suka yi azumi a wannan rana har yamma suka miƙa hadayun ƙonawa da hadayun salama ga Ubangiji.
27 And they inquired about their state. At that time, the ark of the covenant of the Lord was in that place.
Isra’ilawa suka nemi nufin Ubangiji (A kwanakin nan akwatin alkawarin Allah yana can,
28 And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, was the first ruler of the house. And so, they consulted the Lord, and they said, “Should we continue to go forth in battle against the sons of Benjamin, our brothers, or should we cease?” And the Lord said to them: “Ascend. For tomorrow, I will deliver them into your hands.”
Finehas ɗan Eleyazar, ɗan Haruna, kuwa yana hidima a gabansa.) Suka ce, “Mu sāke haura mu yi yaƙi da mutanen Benyamin’yan’uwanmu, ko a’a?” Ubangiji ya ce, “Ku je, gama gobe zan ba da su a hannuwanku.”
29 And the sons of Israel stationed ambushes around the city of Gibeah.
Sa’an nan Isra’ila ta yi kwanto kewaya da Gibeya.
30 And they brought out their army against Benjamin a third time, just as they had done on the first and second times.
Suka haura su kara da mutanen Benyamin a rana ta uku suka ja dāgā a Gibeya kamar dā.
31 But the sons of Benjamin again burst forth boldly from the city. And since their enemies were fleeing, they pursued them a long way, so that they might wound or kill some of them, just as they had done on the first and second days. And they turned their backs along two paths, one bringing them toward Bethel, and the other toward Gibeah. And they struck down about thirty men.
Mutanen Benyamin suka fito su same su aka kuma jawo su nesa da birnin. Suka fara karkashe Isra’ilawa kamar dā, har aka kashe wajen mutum talatin a filaye da kuma a hanyoyi, wadda take zuwa Betel da kuma wadda take zuwa Gibeya.
32 For they thought that they were falling back as they had done before. But instead, skillfully feigning flight, they undertook a plan to draw them away from the city, and by seeming to flee, to lead them along the above stated paths.
Yayinda mutanen Benyamin suna cewa, “Muna cin nasara a kansu kamar dā,” Isra’ilawa kuwa suna cewa, “Mu yi ta jan da baya mu janye su daga birni zuwa kan hanyoyi.”
33 And so all the sons of Israel, rising up from their positions, set their troops in order, in the place which is called Baaltamar. Likewise, the ambushes that encircled the city began, little by little, to reveal themselves,
Dukan mutanen Isra’ila suka taso daga wurarensu suka ja dāgā a Ba’al-Tamar, Isra’ilawan da suka yi kwanto a yammancin Geba kuwa suka fito.
34 and to advance upon the western part of the city. Moreover, another ten thousand men from all of Israel were provoking a conflict with the inhabitants of the city. And the war grew heavy against the sons of Benjamin. And they did not realize that, on all sides of them, death was imminent.
Sa’an nan jarumai Isra’ila dubu goma suka yi gaba suka kai wa Gibeya hari. Yaƙi kuwa ya yi zafi har mutane Benyamin ba su san masifa tana dab da su ba.
35 And the Lord struck them down in the sight of the sons of Israel, and they put to death, on that day, twenty-five thousand of them, along with one hundred men, all warriors and those who drew the sword.
Ubangiji kuwa ya fatattake mutanen Benyamin a gaban Isra’ila; a ranar kuwa Isra’ilawa sun kashe mutum 25,100 na mutanen Benyamin, dukansu ɗauke da takuba.
36 But the sons of Benjamin, when they had seen themselves to be the weaker, began to flee. And the sons of Israel discerning this, gave them room to flee, so that they might arrive at the ambushes that were prepared, which they had positioned near the city.
Sa’an nan Benyamin suka ga an ci su. To, mutanen Isra’ila sun yi ta ja da baya daga mutanen Benyamin domin suna dogara ga waɗanda sa su yi kwanto kusa da Gibeya ne.
37 And after they had risen up suddenly from hiding, and those of Benjamin had turned their backs to those who cut them down, they entered the city, and they struck it with the edge of the sword.
Mutanen da suke kwanto suka yi wuf suka ruga cikin Gibeya, suka bazu suka kuma karkashe dukan waɗanda suke a birnin.
38 Now the sons of Israel had given a sign to those whom they had stationed in ambushes, so that, after they had seized the city, they would light a fire, and by the smoke ascending on high, they would show that the city was captured.
Mutanen Isra’ila sun riga sun shirya da’yan kwanton cewa su murtuke hayaƙi daga birnin,
39 And then, the sons of Israel discerned this sign during the battle (for the sons of Benjamin had thought that they fled, and they pursued them forcefully, cutting down thirty men from their army).
a sa’an nan ne mutanen Isra’ila za su juya su fāɗa wa mutane Benyamin da yaƙi. Mutanen Benyamin sun fara karkashe mutum talatin na Isra’ila, sai suka ce, “Muna cin nasara a kansu kamar dā.”
40 And they saw something like a pillar of smoke ascending from the city. Likewise, Benjamin, looking back, discerned that the city was captured, for the flames were being carried on high.
Amma da alamar hayaƙi ya fara murtukewa daga birnin, sai mutanen Benyamin suka juya suka ga hayaƙi yana murtukewa ko’ina a cikin birnin zuwa sararin sama.
41 And those who before had pretended to flee, turning their faces, withstood them more strongly. And when the sons of Benjamin had seen this, they turned their backs in flight,
Sa’an nan mutanen Isra’ila suka juyo musu, mutanen Benyamin kuwa suka tsorata domin sun gane masifa ta zo musu.
42 and they began to go toward the way of the desert, with the adversary pursuing them to that place also. Moreover, those who had set fire to the city also met them.
Saboda haka suka tsere a gaban Isra’ila zuwa wajen hamada, amma ba su iya tsere wa yaƙin ba. Mutanen Isra’ila da suka fito daga cikin birnin suka karkashe su a can.
43 And so it happened that they were cut down on both sides by the enemies, nor was there any respite for the dying. They were killed and struck down on the eastern side of the city of Gibeah.
Suka kewaye mutanen Benyamin, suka kore su, suka fatattake su a wajajen Gibeya a gabashi.
44 Now those who were put to death in the same place were eighteen thousand men, all very robust fighters.
Mutum dubu goma sha takwas na mutanen Benyamin suka mutu dukansu kuwa jarumai ne.
45 And when those who remained of Benjamin had seen this, they fled into the wilderness. And they were traveling toward the rock which is called Rimmon. In that flight also, among those who were scattering in different directions, they slew five thousand men. And though they scattered all the more, they continued to pursue them, and then they put to death another two thousand.
Da suka juya suka juya suka tsere zuwa wajajen hamada zuwa dutsen Rimmon, Isra’ilawa suka kashe mutum dubu biyar a kan hanyoyi. Suka yi ta matsa wa mutanen Benyamin har zuwa Gidom suka kashe mutum dubu biyu kuma.
46 And so it happened that all of those who were slain from Benjamin, in various places, were twenty-five thousand fighters, very willing to go to war.
A ranar kuwa mutanen Benyamin dubu ashirin da biyar ne aka kashe, dukansu jarumai.
47 And so there remained from the entire number of Benjamin six hundred men who were able to escape and to flee into the wilderness. And they settled at the rock of Rimmon, for four months.
Amma mutane ɗari shida suka juya suka tsere wajajen hamada zuwa dutsen Rimmon, inda suka zauna wata huɗu.
48 But the sons of Israel, returning, had struck with the sword all that remained in the city, from men even to cattle. And all the cities and villages of Benjamin were consumed with devouring flames.
Mutanen Isra’ila suka koma wurin mutanen Benyamin suka kashe dukan waɗanda suke a birnin, tare da dabbobi da kome da suka samu. Dukan garuruwan da suka samu sun ƙone su ƙaf.

< Judges 20 >