< Judges 15 >

1 Then, after some time, when the days of the wheat harvest were near, Samson arrived, intending to visit his wife, and he brought her a kid from the goats. And when he wanted to enter her bedroom, as usual, her father prohibited him, saying:
Y aconteció después de algunos días, que en el tiempo de la segada del trigo Samsón visitó a su mujer con un cabrito de las cabras, diciendo: Entraré a mi mujer a la cámara. Mas el padre de ella no le dejó entrar.
2 “I thought that you would hate her, and therefore I gave her to your friend. But she has a sister, who is younger and more beautiful than she is. And she may be a wife for you, instead of her.”
Y dijo el padre de ella: Yo he dicho que tú la aborrecías; y díla a tu compañero. Mas su hermana menor ¿no es más hermosa que ella? Tómala pues en su lugar.
3 And Samson answered him: “From this day, there shall be no guilt for me against the Philistines. For I will do harm to you all.”
Y Samsón les respondió: yo seré sin culpa de esta vez para con los Filisteos, si mal les hiciere.
4 And he went out and caught three hundred foxes. And he joined them tail to tail. And he tied torches between the tails.
Y fue Samsón, y tomó trescientas zorras, y tomando tizones y juntándolas por las colas, puso entre cada dos colas un tizón.
5 And setting these on fire, he released them, so that they might rush from place to place. And immediately they went into the grain fields of the Philistines, setting these on fire, both the grain that was already bound for carrying, and what was still standing on the stalk. These were completely burned up, so much so that the flame also consumed even the vineyards and the olive groves.
Y encendiendo los tizones echólas en los panes de los Filisteos, y quemó montones y mieses, y viñas y olivares.
6 And the Philistines said, “Who has done this thing?” And it was said: “Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite, because he took away his wife, and gave her to another. He has done these things.” And the Philistines went up and burned the woman as well as her father.
Y dijeron los Filisteos: ¿Quién hizo esto? Y fuéles dicho: Samsón el yerno del Tamnateo, porque le quitó su mujer, y la dio a su compañero. Y vinieron los Filisteos, y quemaron a fuego a ella y a su padre.
7 And Samson said to them, “Even though you have done this, I will still fulfill vengeance against you, and then I will be quieted.”
Entonces Samsón les dijo: ¿Así lo habíais de hacer? mas yo me vengaré de vosotros, y después cesaré.
8 And he struck them with a tremendous slaughter, so much so that, out of astonishment, they laid the calf of the leg upon the thigh. And descending, he lived in a cave of the rock at Etam.
E hiriólos de gran mortandad pierna y muslo: y descendió, y asentó en la cueva de la peña de Etam.
9 And so the Philistines, ascending into the land of Judah, made camp at the place which was later called Lehi, that is, the Jawbone, where their army spread out.
Y los Filisteos subieron y pusieron campo en Judá, y tendiéronse por Lequi.
10 And some from the tribe of Judah said to them, “Why have you ascended against us?” And they responded, “We have come to bind Samson, and to repay him for what he has done to us.”
Y los varones de Judá les dijeron: ¿Por qué habéis subido contra nosotros? Y ellos respondieron: Para prender a Samsón hemos subido: para hacerle como él nos ha hecho.
11 Then three thousand men of Judah descended to the cave of the rock at Etam. And they said to Samson: “Do you not know that the Philistines rule over us? Why would you want to do this?” And he said to them, “As they have done to me, so I have done to them.”
Y vinieron tres mil hombres de Judá a la cueva de la peña de Etam, y dijeron a Samsón: ¿No sabes tú que los Filisteos dominan sobre nosotros? ¿Por qué nos has hecho esto? Y él les respondió: Yo les he hecho como ellos me hicieron.
12 And they said to him, “We have come to bind you, and to deliver you into the hands of the Philistines.” And Samson said to them, “Swear and promise to me that you will not kill me.”
Ellos entonces le dijeron: Nosotros hemos venido para prenderte, y entregarte de mano de los Filisteos. Y Samsón les respondió: Jurádme que vosotros no me mataréis.
13 They said: “We will not kill you. But we will deliver you tied.” And they bound him with two new cords. And they took him from the rock at Etam.
Y ellos le respondieron, diciendo: No: solamente te prenderemos, y te entregaremos en sus manos: mas no te mataremos. Entonces atáronle con dos cuerdas nuevas, e hiciéronle venir de la peña.
14 And when he had arrived at the place of the Jawbone, and the Philistines, shouting aloud, had met him, the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him. And just as flax is usually consumed by a hint of fire, so were the ties with which he was bound broken and released.
Y como vino hasta Lequi, los Filisteos le salieron a recibir con alarido: y el Espíritu de Jehová cayó sobre él, y las cuerdas que estaban en sus brazos se tornaron como lino quemado con fuego, y las ataduras se cayeron de sus manos.
15 And finding a jawbone which was laying there, that is, the jawbone of a donkey, snatching it up, he put to death a thousand men with it.
Y hallando a mano una quijada de asno aun fresca, extendió la mano y tomóla, e hirió con ella mil hombres.
16 And he said, “With the jawbone of a donkey, with the jaw of the colt of a donkey, I have destroyed them, and I have struck down a thousand men.”
Entonces Samsón dijo: Con una quijada de asno, un montón, dos montones. Con una quijada de asno herí mil varones.
17 And when he had completed these words, singing, he threw the jawbone from his hand. And called the name of that place Ramath-Lehi, which is translated as ‘the elevation of the jawbone.’
Y acabando de hablar, echó de su mano la quijada, y llamó a aquel lugar Ramat-lequi.
18 And being very thirsty, he cried out to the Lord, and he said: “You have given, to the hand of your servant, this very great salvation and victory. But see that I am dying of thirst, and so I will fall into the hands of the uncircumcised.”
Y teniendo gran sed, clamó a Jehová, y dijo: Tú has dado esta gran salud por la mano de tu siervo: y ahora yo moriré de sed, y caeré en la mano de los incircuncisos.
19 And so the Lord opened a large tooth in the jawbone of the donkey, and water went out from it. And having drank it, his spirit was revived, and he recovered his strength. For this reason, the name of that place was called ‘the Spring called forth from the jawbone,’ even to the present day.
Entonces Dios quebró una muela que estaba en la quijada, y salieron de allí aguas, y bebió, y volvió en su espíritu, y vivió. Por tanto llamó su nombre de aquel lugar, En-haccore, el cual es en Lequi hasta hoy.
20 And he judged Israel, in the days of the Philistines, for twenty years.
Y juzgó a Israel en los días de los Filisteos veinte años.

< Judges 15 >