< Job 37 >

1 At this, my heart became frightened, and it has been moved from its place.
Lè konsa, kè m' ap bat. M' santi l'ap rache.
2 Pay close attention to the alarm of his voice and to the sound that proceeds from his mouth.
Nou tout, koute vwa Bondye! Koute jan l'ap gwonde!
3 He beholds everything under the heavens, and his light reaches beyond the ends of the earth.
Zèklè a kouri nan tout syèl la. Li klere dènye bout latè.
4 After this, a noise will sound; he will thunder with the voice of his greatness, and it will not be tracked down, yet his voice will be obeyed.
Apre sa, yo tande vwa li ap gwonde. Loraj la gwonde avèk fòs. Lè konsa, zèklè fè mikalaw.
5 God will thunder with his voice miraculously, for he performs great and unsearchable things.
Lè Bondye ap pale konsa, li fè bèl bagay, bagay nou pa ka konprann.
6 He commands the snow to descend on earth, and the winter rains, and the shower of his strength.
Li bay lanèj lòd kouvri latè. Li bay gwo lapli lòd tonbe.
7 He signs the hand of all men, so that each one may know his works.
Li fè tout moun sispann travay. Li fè yo wè sa se travay pa l'.
8 The beast will enter his hiding-place, and he will remain in his cave.
Tout bèt antre nan twou. Y' al kache kò yo nan nich.
9 From the interior, a storm will come forth, and a cold winter from the north.
Van tanpèt soti nan sid. Van frèt soti nan nò.
10 As God breathes out, frost forms, and the waters are poured forth very widely again.
Souf Bondye fè dlo tounen glas. Konsa, tout dlo tounen glas.
11 Crops desire clouds, and the clouds scatter their light.
Zèklè yo ap fè yan nan nwaj yo. Nwaj yo klere byen lwen.
12 It shines all around, wherever the will of him that governs them will lead, to anywhere he will command, over the whole face of the earth,
Bondye fè yo vire nan syèl la jan li vle. Yo fè tou sa li ba yo lòd fè toupatou sou latè.
13 whether in one tribe, or in his own region, or in whatever place of his mercy that he will order them to be found.
Bondye voye lapli pou wouze latè. Li voye l' pou pini moun, li voye l' pou beni yo tou.
14 Listen to these things, Job. Stand up and consider the wonders of God.
Louvri zòrèy ou, Jòb, pou ou tande sa m' pral di la a. Pran tèt ou, egzaminen bèl travay Bondye yo byen.
15 Do you know when God ordered the rains, so as to show the light of his clouds?
Eske ou konnen ki jan Bondye ba yo lòd, ki jan li fè zèklè yo klere nan nwaj yo?
16 Do you know the great paths of the clouds, and the perfect sciences?
Eske ou konnen ki jan nwaj yo fè flote nan syèl la? Sa se yon bèl bagay. Pou ou fè l' fòk ou gen anpil ladrès.
17 Are not your garments hot, when the south wind blows across the land?
Lè van cho ki soti nan sid la ap kwit tè a, ou santi rad sou ou ap boule tout kò ou.
18 Perhaps you have made the heavens with him, which are very solid, as if they had been cast from brass.
Eske ou ka ede Bondye louvri nwaj yo nan syèl la, pou fè yo di tankou bout fè?
19 Reveal to us what we should say to him, for, of course, we are wrapped in darkness.
Fè m' konnen sa pou nou di Bondye. Lespri nou vid. Nou pa gen anyen pou nou di l'.
20 Who will explain to him the things that I am saying? Even while a man is still speaking, he will be devoured.
Mwen pa mande pou m' pale ak Bondye. Poukisa pou m' ba li okazyon pou li touye m'?
21 Although they do not see the light, the air will be thickened suddenly into clouds, and the wind, passing by, will drive them away.
Ou rete konsa ou pa wè solèy la. Li kache anba nwaj yo. Yon van leve, li fè solèy la klere ankò.
22 Riches arrive from the north, and fearful praise reaches out to God.
Yon bèl klète, klere kou lò, parèt sou bò nò. Nou wè Bondye kanpe nan mitan yon bèl limyè ki fè nou pè.
23 We are not worthy to be able to find him. Great in strength, great in judgment, great in justice: he is indescribable.
Nou pa ka pwoche bò kote Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a. Li sèl gwo chèf, li sèl jij, li pa nan patipri. Li p'ap kondannen yon moun ki inonsan.
24 Therefore, men will fear him, and all those who seem to themselves to be wise, will not dare to contemplate him.
Se poutèt sa, tout moun fèt pou gen krentif pou li. Li p'ap okipe moun ki pretann yo gen bon konprann.

< Job 37 >