< Jeremiah 5 >

1 “Travel the streets of Jerusalem; and gaze, and consider, and seek, in its wide streets. If you can find a man exercising judgment and seeking faith, then I will be forgiving to them.
« Bokende, botambola na babalabala ya Yelusalemi, botala zingazinga mpe bososola malamu penza, boluka ata na bisika oyo bato ebele bakutanaka; soki bokoki komona ata moto moko oyo atambolaka na bosembo mpe alukaka boyengebene, wana nakolimbisa engumba oyo.
2 For even though they say, ‘As the Lord lives,’ in this, too, they swear falsely.”
Atako balapaka ndayi na maloba oyo: ‹ Na Kombo na Yawe, › ndayi na bango ezalaka kaka ya lokuta. »
3 O Lord, your eyes look with favor upon faith. You have struck them, and they have not grieved. You have bruised them, and they have refused to accept discipline. They have hardened their faces more than rock, and they are not willing to return.
Oh Yawe; boni, miso na Yo esepelaka te komona bosolo? Obetaka solo bato, kasi bayokaka na bango pasi te; osilisaka koboma bango, kasi baboyaka kaka kobongwana. Bakomisa mito na bango makasi lokola mabanga mpe baboyaka kobongola mitema na bango.
4 But I said: Perhaps these are the poor and the senseless, who are ignorant of the way of the Lord, of the judgment of their God.
Namilobelaki: « Bato oyo bazali kaka bato pamba, bazangi mayele, mpo ete bayebi nzela ya Yawe te mpe bayebi malako ya Nzambe na bango te.
5 Therefore, I will go to great men, and I will speak with them. For they have known the way of the Lord, the judgment of their God. And behold, these ones have broken the yoke all the more; they have torn apart the bonds.
Boye, nakokende epai ya bakambi na bango mpe nakoloba na bango, pamba te bango nde basengeli koyeba nzela ya Yawe mpe malako ya Nzambe na bango. » Kasi bango nyonso, na motema moko, babukaki ekangiseli mpe bakataki minyololo.
6 For this reason, a lion from the forest has struck them down, a wolf toward evening has laid waste to them, a leopard lies in wait over their cities. All who go out from there will be taken. For their transgressions have been multiplied; their rebellions have been strengthened.
Yango wana, nkosi moko ekobima wuta na zamba mpe ekoboma bango; mbwa ya zamba ekobima wuta na esobe mpe ekopasola bango; nkoyi moko ekovanda pene ya bingumba na bango mpo na koboma moto nyonso oyo akoluka kobima kuna, pamba te botomboki na bango ezali monene mpe lokuta na bango eleki mingi.
7 “Over which things am I able to be merciful to you? Your sons have forsaken me, and they swear by those who are not gods. I gave them everything, and they committed adultery, and they indulged themselves in the house of the harlot.
« Na makambo ya boye, ndenge nini nalimbisa yo? Ah Yelusalemi, bana na yo basundoli Ngai mpe bazali kolapa ndayi na bakombo ya banzambe ya bikeko oyo ezali ata banzambe te. Nakokisaki baposa na bango nyonso, kasi basalaki kaka ekobo mpe bakendeki na bandako ya basi ya ndumba.
8 They have become like wild horses in heat; each one was neighing after his neighbor’s wife.
Ndenge mpunda ya mobali etambolaka-tambolaka soki ezali na posa ya kosangisa nzoto na mpunda ya mwasi, ndenge wana mpe moko na moko kati na bango alandaka-landaka mwasi ya moninga mpo na kosangisa na ye nzoto.
9 Shall I not visit against these things, says the Lord? And shall my soul not take vengeance on a nation such as this?
Na makambo ya boye, napesa bango etumbu te? » elobi Yawe? « Motema na Ngai ezongisa penza mabe na mabe te na ekolo ya lolenge oyo?
10 Scale its walls and tear them down. But do not be willing to bring about its very end. Take away its plantings, for they are not the Lord’s.
Bomata na bamir mpo na kokota na Yelusalemi mpe bobebisa yango; kasi bobebisa yango nyonso te. Bokata bitape na yango, pamba te etikali lisusu ya Yawe te.
11 For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have greatly transgressed against me, says the Lord.
Libota ya Isalaele mpe ya Yuda etamboli na boyengebene te na miso na Ngai, » elobi Yawe.
12 They have denied the Lord, and they have said, ‘It is not him,’ and, ‘Evil will not overwhelm us. We will not see famine and the sword.’
Bawanganaki Yawe mpe balobaki: « Yawe akosala eloko moko te! Pasi moko te ekokomela biso; tokotikala na biso komona te ezala mopanga to nzala makasi.
13 The prophets have spoken into the wind, and there was no answer with them. Therefore, these things will happen to them.”
Basakoli bazali kaka lokola mopepe ya pamba, bazali na mateya penza ya koteya te; boye tika ete mabe oyo bazali kosakola ezongela bango moko! »
14 Thus says the Lord, the God of hosts: “Since you have spoken this word, behold, I will make my words in your mouth like fire and this people like wood, and it will devour them.
Yango wana, tala liloba oyo Yawe Nzambe, Mokonzi ya mampinga, alobi: « Lokola bato oyo balobi maloba ya boye, nakosala ete maloba na Ngai ezala lokola moto na monoko na yo, mpe bato oyo bazala lokola bakoni oyo moto yango ekozikisa.
15 Behold, O house of Israel, I will lead over you a far away nation, says the Lord, a robust nation, an ancient nation, a nation whose language you will not know, nor will you understand what they are saying.
Oh libota ya Isalaele, » elobi Yawe, « nakoyeisa ekolo moko wuta mosika mpo na kobundisa yo: ezali ekolo moko ya kala mpe ya nguya, ekolo oyo yo oyebi ata monoko na yango te.
16 Their quiver is like an open sepulcher. They are all strong.
Makonga na bango ezangaka koboma moto te, bongo bango nyonso bazali bilombe ya bitumba.
17 And they will consume your grain fields and your bread. They will devour your sons and your daughters. They will consume your flocks and your herds. They will consume your vineyards and your figs. And with the sword, they will crush your fortified cities, in which you have placed your trust.
Bakobotola milona mpe bilei na yo, bakoboma bana na yo ya basi mpe ya mibali, bakobotola bangombe mpe bameme na yo, bakobebisa bilanga na yo ya vino mpe banzete na yo ya figi, bakobebisa na mopanga bingumba na yo ya makasi oyo otielaka motema.
18 Yet truly, in those days, says the Lord, I will not bring the consummation over you.
Nzokande, ezala na mokolo wana, » elobi Yawe, « nakosilisa koboma bino nyonso te.
19 And if they say, ‘Why has the Lord our God done all these things to us?’ You shall say to them: ‘Just as you have abandoned me and have served a strange god in your own land, so will you serve strangers in a land not your own.’
Tango bato bakotuna: ‹ Mpo na nini Yawe, Nzambe na biso, asali biso makambo ya boye? › Bokozongisela bango: ‹ Ezali mpo ete bosundolaki Ngai mpe bosambelaki banzambe ya bapaya kati na mboka na bino. Yango wana, bokosalela bapaya kati na mboka oyo ezali ya bino te. ›
20 Announce this to the house of Jacob, and make it known in Judah, saying:
Bopanza sango oyo epai ya libota ya Jakobi mpe botatola yango kati na Yuda:
21 Listen, O foolish people who have no heart! You have eyes, but you do not see, and ears, but you do not hear.
Boyoka makambo oyo, bino bazoba to bato oyo bozanga mayele: bozali na miso mpo na komona kasi bomonaka te, bozali na matoyi mpo na koyoka kasi boyokaka te.
22 So then, will you not fear me, says the Lord. And will you not have sorrow before my face? I have placed the shore as a limit for the sea, as an everlasting precept that it will not transgress. And its waves will crash, but they will not prevail; and its waves will swell, but they will not go across.
Bokoki penza kobanga Ngai te, » elobi Yawe? « Bokoki solo kolenga liboso na Ngai te, Ngai oyo nasala zelo lokola mondelo ya mayi, epekiselo ya libela oyo mayi ekoleka ata mokolo moko te? Mayi ekoki kotomboka, kasi ezali na nguya te; ata soki esali makelele, kasi ekoleka mondelo yango te.
23 But the heart of this people has become incredulous and provocative; they have turned away and departed.
Kasi bato oyo bazali mitema makasi mpe bazali solo batomboki; bapesi Ngai mokongo mpe bakei na bango!
24 And they have not said in their heart: ‘Let us dread the Lord our God, who gives us the timely and the late rains, in their proper time, who guards the full measure of the yearly harvest for us.’
Bamilobelaka te: ‹ Tika ete totosa Yawe, Nzambe na biso, oyo anokisaka mvula na tango ekoki, na eleko ya kolona mpe ya kobuka; oyo akatela biso baposo oyo esengeli mpo na kobuka milona. ›
25 Your iniquities have turned these things away, and your sins have held back good things from you.
Mabe na bino nde ebebisi makambo nyonso, mpe masumu na bino ezangisi bino bolamu.
26 For the impious are found among my people; they lie in ambush like fowlers setting snares, for they set traps to catch men.
Kati na bato na Ngai, ezali na bato mabe oyo banongaka bato lokola moto oyo azali kotia mitambo mpo na kokanga bandeke, mpe batiaka mitambo mpo na kokanga bato.
27 Just as a snare is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit. As a result, they have become exalted and enriched.
Ndenge ndako ya bandeke etondaka na bandeke, ndenge wana mpe bandako na bango etonda na lokuta; mpe ezali na nzela yango nde bakoma bazwi mpe bato na nguya.
28 They have grown stout and fat. And they have transgressed my words most wickedly. They have not judged the case of the widow; they have not given guidance to the case of the orphan; and they have not judged a judgment for the poor.
Bakoma kitoko mpe ngebungebu; mabe na bango eleka ndelo, balobelaka likambo ya mwana etike na bosembo te, mpo kaka bango moko balonga. Bakataka makambo ya babola na bosembo te.
29 Shall I not visit against these things, says the Lord? Or shall my soul not take vengeance on a nation of this kind?
Na makambo ya boye, napesa bango etumbu te? » elobi Yawe. « Boni, motema na Ngai ezongisa penza mabe na mabe te na ekolo ya boye?
30 Astonishing and wondrous things have been done upon the earth.
Makambo ya kokamwa mpe ya somo esalemi na mboka:
31 The prophets have prophesied lies, and the priests have applauded with their hands, and my people have loved these things. So then, what shall be done at the very end?”
basakoli bazali kosakola makambo ya lokuta, Banganga-Nzambe bazali kosalela bokonzi na bango ndenge balingi, mpe bato na Ngai bazali kosepela bongo. Kasi bokosala nini na suka? »

< Jeremiah 5 >