< Jeremiah 44 >

1 The word that came through Jeremiah to all the Jews who were living in the land of Egypt, living at Migdol, and at Tahpanhes, and at Memphis, and in the land of Pathros, saying:
Слово бывшее ко Иеремии (от Господа) и ко всем Иудеем сущым в земли Египетстей и седящым во Магдале и во Тафнасе, и во Мемфисе и в земли Пафурсте, глаголя:
2 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: You yourselves have seen all this evil that I have led over Jerusalem and over all the cities of Judah. And behold, they are desolate to this day, and there is no inhabitant in them,
тако глаголет Господь Бог Израилев: вы видесте вся злая, яже наведох на Иерусалим и на грады Иудины: и се, пусти суть ныне от живущих,
3 because of the wickedness which they have done, so that they provoked me to wrath, and because they went to offer sacrifice and worship to strange gods, which neither they, nor you, nor your fathers knew.
от лица злобы их, юже сотвориша разгневати Мя, ходяще кадити богом чуждим, ихже не ведесте вы сами и отцы ваши.
4 And I sent to you all my servants, the prophets, rising in the night, and sending, and saying: ‘Do not choose to do this abominable word, which I hate.’
И послах к вам отроки Моя пророки заутра, и посылах я, глаголя: не творите дела осквернения сего, егоже возненавидех.
5 But they did not listen, nor did they incline their ear, so that they would convert from their evil, and so that they would not sacrifice to strange gods.
И не послушаша Мене, ни приклониша уха своего обратитися от злоб своих, еже не кадити богом инем.
6 And so my indignation and my fury was fanned and kindled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. And they have been turned into desolation and devastation, just as it is this day.
И вскапа ярость Моя и гнев Мои и разгореся во вратех Иудиных и вне Иерусалима: и быша во опустение и в непроходимую до сего дне.
7 And now, thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Why do you commit this great evil against your own souls, so that, among you, man and woman, child and infant would pass away from the midst of Judah, and so that no remnant at all would be left behind of you?
И ныне сице рече Господь Вседержитель, Бог Израилев: вскую вы творите злобы велики на душы своя, еже изсещи вам мужы и жены, младенца и ссущаго от среды Иуды, да не останется ни един от вас,
8 For you have provoked me by the works of your hands, by sacrificing to strange gods in the land of Egypt, into which you have entered in order to live there, and so that you would perish and become a curse and a disgrace before all the nations of the earth.
разгневати Мя в делех рук ваших, кадити богом инем в земли Египетстей, в нюже приидосте жити тамо, да изсечени будете и в проклятие да будете и на укоризну во всех языцех земли?
9 How could you have forgotten the evils of your fathers, and the evils of the kings of Judah, and the evils of their wives, and your own evils, and the evils of your own wives, which they have done in the land of Judah and in the regions of Jerusalem?
Еда забысте злобы отец ваших и злобы царей Иудиных, и злобы князей ваших и злобы вашя, и злобы жен ваших, яже сотвориша в земли Иудине и вне Иерусалима?
10 They have not been cleansed, even to this day. And they have not feared, and they have not walked in the law of the Lord and in my precepts, which I have given before you and before your fathers.
И не престаша даже до сего дне и не убояшася и не держахуся законов Моих и повелений Моих, яже дах пред лицем вашим и пред очима отец ваших.
11 For this reason, thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I will set my face upon you for evil. And I will disperse all of Judah.
Того ради тако глаголет Господь Сил, Бог Израилев: се, Аз приставлю лице Мое на вы во зло, еже погубити вся люди Иудины:
12 And I will take the remnant of Judah, who had set their faces so that they would enter into the land of Egypt and live there, and they will all be consumed in the land of Egypt. They will fall by the sword and by famine. And they will be consumed, from the least, even to the greatest. By sword and by famine shall they die. And they will be an oath, and a wonder, and a curse, and a disgrace.
и возму останки Иудины, иже поставиша лица своя, еже внити в землю Египетску и жити тамо, и изчезнут вси в земли Египетстей, и падут мечем и гладом, и изчезнут от мала даже до велика: и будут на укоризну и в пагубу и в проклятие:
13 And I will visit against those who are living in the land of Egypt, just as I have visited against Jerusalem: with the sword, and with famine, and with pestilence.
и посещу на седящих в земли Египетстей, якоже посетих на Иерусалим, мечем и гладом и смертию,
14 And there will be no one who escapes, of those who remain among the remnant of the Jews, those who have gone to sojourn in the land of Egypt. And they wish to be returned to the land of Judah, for they lift up their souls so that they might return and live there. But there will be no one who may return, except those who will flee.”
и не будет уцелевша ни единаго же от оставших Иудиных, обитающих в земли Египетстей, еже возвратитися на землю Иудину, к нейже тии надеются душами своими возвратитися тамо: не возвратятся, разве избегшии.
15 Then all the men, knowing that their wives were sacrificing to strange gods, and all of the women, a great multitude of whom were standing there, and all of the people who were living in the land of Egypt at Pathros, responded to Jeremiah, by saying:
И отвещаша Иеремии вси мужие разумеющии, яко кадят жены их богом иным, и вся жены собор велик, и вси людие седящии в земли Египетстей, в земли Пафурсте, глаголюще:
16 “Concerning the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not heed you.
слово, еже глаголал еси к нам во имя Господне, не послушаем тебе,
17 But we will continue to do every word which proceeds from our own mouth, so that we sacrifice to the queen of heaven, and we pour out libations to her, just as we and our fathers have done, our kings and our leaders, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For we were filled with bread, and it was well with us, and we saw no evil.
яко творяще сотворим всякое слово, еже изыдет из уст наших, кадити царице небесней и возливати ей возлияния, якоже сотворихом мы и отцы наши, и царие наши и князи наши во градех Иудиных и вне Иерусалима: и насытихомся хлебов, и благо нам бысть, и зла не видехом.
18 But since the time that we ceased to offer sacrifice to the queen of heaven, and to pour out libations to her, we have been in need of all things, and we have been consumed by the sword and by famine.
И егда престахом кадити царице небесней и возливати возлияния, оскудехом хлебы вси мы, и мечем и гладом скончахомся.
19 But when we offer sacrifice to the queen of heaven and pour out libations to her, do we make cakes for her worship and offer libations to her without our husbands?”
И егда кадихом мы царице небесней и возливахом ей возлияния, еда без мужей наших творихом ей опресноки и возливахом ей возлияния?
20 And Jeremiah spoke to all the people, facing the men, and facing the women, and facing all the people who had responded this word to him, saying:
И рече Иеремиа всем людем сильным и всем женам и всем людем отвещавшым ему словеса, глаголя:
21 “Was this not the sacrifice that you offered in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, you and your fathers, your kings and your leaders, and the people of the land, which has been called to mind by the Lord and which has entered into his heart?
не каждение ли, еже кадисте во градех Иудиных и внеуду Иерусалима вы и отцы ваши, и царие ваши и князи ваши и людие земли, помяну Господь, и взыде на сердце Его?
22 And the Lord could no longer bear this, because of the evil of your intentions, and because of the abominations that you have done. And so, your land has become a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, and it is without an inhabitant, even to this day.
И не можаше Господь терпети ктому от лица злобы деяний ваших и от гнусностей, яже сотвористе: и бысть земля ваша во опустение и в непрохождение и в клятву, еже не быти живущым, якоже есть день сей,
23 This is because you have sacrificed to idols, and you have sinned against the Lord. And you have not heeded the voice of the Lord, and you have not walked in his law, and in his precepts, and in his testimonies. It is for this reason that these evils have happened to you, just as it is today.”
от лица сих, имже кадисте (идолом) и имиже согрешисте Господеви: и не послушасте гласа Господня, и в повелениих Его и в законе и во свидениих Его не ходисте, и постигнуша вы злая сия, якоже день сей.
24 Then Jeremiah said to all the people and to all the women: “Listen to the word of the Lord, all you of Judah who are in the land of Egypt:
И рече Иеремиа людем и женам: слышите слово Господне, весь Иуда, иже есте в земли Египетстей:
25 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saying: You and your wives have spoken it with your mouth, and have fulfilled it with your hands, saying: ‘Let us perform our vows that we have made, so that we may offer sacrifice to the queen of heaven, and pour out libations to her.’ You have fulfilled your vows and accomplished their works.
тако рече Господь Вседержитель, Бог Израилев, глаголя: вы и жены вашя усты вашими соглаголасте и руками вашими исполнисте, глаголюще: творяще сотворим исповедания наша, яже обещахом кадити царице небесней и возливати возлияния ей: пребывающе пребысте во обетех ваших и творяще сотвористе я.
26 Because of this, listen to the word of the Lord, all you of Judah, who live in the land of Egypt: Behold, I have sworn by my great name, says the Lord, that my name will never again be invoked by the mouth of any man of Judah in the land of Egypt, saying: ‘As the Lord God lives.’
Того ради слышите слово Господне, весь Иуда, седящии в земли Египетстей: се, кляхся именем Моим великим, рече Господь, аще будет ктому имя Мое во устех всего Иуды, еже рещи, жив Господь Бог, во всей земли Египетстей.
27 Behold, I will be vigilant over them for harm, and not for good. And all the men of Judah who are in the land of Egypt will be consumed, by the sword and by famine, until they are thoroughly consumed.
Яко се, Аз возбудихся на ня озлобити их, а не благосотворити, и изчезнут весь Иуда живущии в земли Египетстей мечем и гладом, дондеже скончаются.
28 And a few men, who will flee from the sword, will return from the land of Egypt into the land of Judah. And all the remnant of Judah, who had entered into the land of Egypt so as to live there, will know whose word will be completed, mine or theirs.
И уцелевшии от меча возвратятся на землю Иудину малым числом: и уведят оставшии Иудины, преселившиися в землю Египетску обитати тамо, слово чие пребудет, Мое, или их?
29 And this will be a sign to you, says the Lord, that I will visit against you in this place, so that truly you may know that my words will be completed against you for harm.”
И сие вам знамение, глаголет Господь, яко посещу Аз на вы на месте сем, да уведите, яко воистинну исполнятся словеса Моя на вас во злая.
30 Thus says the Lord: “Behold, I will deliver Pharaoh Hophra, the king of Egypt, into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of those who are seeking his life, just as I delivered Zedekiah, the king of Judah, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, his enemy and the one who was seeking his life.”
Тако рече Господь: се, Аз предаю фараона Вафриа царя Египетска в руце врага его и в руце ищущих души его, якоже дах Седекию царя Иудина в руце Навуходоносора царя Вавилонска врага его и ищущаго души его.

< Jeremiah 44 >