< Isaiah 56 >

1 Thus says the Lord: Preserve judgment, and accomplish justice. For my salvation is close to its arrival, and my justice is close to being revealed.
Yehova akuti, “Chitani chilungamo ndi zinthu zabwino, chifukwa chipulumutso changa chili pafupi ndipo ndidzakuwombolani posachedwapa.
2 Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who holds to this, keeping the Sabbath and not profaning it, guarding his hands and not doing any evil.
Ndi wodala munthu amene amachita zimenezi, munthu amene amalimbika kuzichita, amene amasunga Sabata osaliyipitsa, ndipo amadziletsa kuchita zoyipa.”
3 And let not the son of the new arrival, who adheres to the Lord, speak, saying, “The Lord will divide and separate me from his people.” And let not the eunuch say, “Behold, I am a dry tree.”
Mlendo amene waphatikana ndi Yehova asanene kuti, “Ndithu Yehova wandichotsa pakati pa anthu ake.” Ndipo munthu wofulidwa asanene kuti, “Ine ndine mtengo wowuma basi.”
4 For thus says the Lord to the eunuchs: They will keep my Sabbaths, and they will choose the things that I will, and they will hold to my covenant.
Popeza Yehova akuti, “Wofulidwa amene amasunga masabata anga, nachita zokomera Ine ndi kusunga pangano langa,
5 I will give them a place in my house, within my walls, and a name better than sons and daughters. I will give them an everlasting name, which will never perish.
ndidzawapatsa dzina ndi mbiri yabwino mʼkati mwa Nyumba yanga ndi makoma ake, kuposa kukhala ndi ana aamuna ndi aakazi. Ndidzawapatsa dzina labwino, losatha ndi losayiwalika.”
6 And the sons of the new arrival, who adhere to the Lord so as to worship him and to love his name, shall be his servants: all who keep the Sabbath without profaning it, and who hold to my covenant.
Yehova akuti, “Alendo amene amadziphatika kwa Yehova, motero kuti amamutumikira Iye, amakonda dzina la Yehova, amamugwirira ntchito, komanso kusunga Sabata osaliyipitsa ndi kusunga bwino pangano langa,
7 I will lead them to my holy mountain, and I will gladden them in my house of prayer. Their holocausts and their victims will be pleasing to me upon my altar. For my house will be called the house of prayer for all peoples.
amenewa Ine ndidzawafikitsa ku phiri langa lopatulika, ndidzawapatsa chimwemwe mʼnyumba yanga ya mapemphero. Zopereka zawo zopsereza ndi nsembe zawo ndidzazilandira pa guwa langa la nsembe. Paja nyumba yanga idzatchedwa nyumba ya mapemphero ya anthu a mitundu yonse.”
8 The Lord God, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, says: Even now, I will gather his congregation to him.
Ambuye Yehova, amene amasonkhanitsa Aisraeli onse ali ku ukapolo akunena kuti, “Ndidzasonkhanitsano anthu ena kuwonjezera amene anasonkhana kale.”
9 All beasts of the field, all the beasts of the forest: approach and devour!
Bwerani, inu zirombo zonse zakuthengo, inu nonse zirombo zamʼnkhalango bwerani mudzadye!
10 His watchmen are all blind. They are all ignorant. They are mute dogs without the ability to bark, seeing empty things, sleeping and loving dreams.
Atsogoleri onse a Israeli ndi akhungu, onse ndi opanda nzeru; onse ndi agalu opanda mawu, samatha kuwuwa: amagona pansi nʼkumalota amakonda kugona tulo.
11 And these very imprudent dogs have never known satisfaction. The shepherds themselves do not know understanding. All have turned aside in their own way, each one to his own avarice, from the highest even to the least:
Ali ngati agalu amene ali ndi njala yayikulu; sakhuta konse. Abusa nawonso samvetsa zinthu; onse amachita monga akufunira, aliyense amafunafuna zomupindulitsa iye mwini.
12 “Come, let us take wine, and be filled by inebriation. And as it is today, so shall it be tomorrow and for a long time.”
Aliyense amafuwulira mnzake kuti, “Bwera, tiye timwe vinyo! Tiyeni timwe mowa mpaka kukhuta! Mawa lidzakhala ngati leroli, kapena kuposa lero lino.”

< Isaiah 56 >