< Isaiah 49 >

1 Pay attention, you islands, and listen closely, you far away peoples. The Lord has called me from the womb; from the womb of my mother, he has been mindful of my name.
Fanongo, ʻE ngaahi motu, kiate au; pea fakafanongo, ʻakimoutolu ʻae kakai mei he mamaʻo; Kuo ui ʻe Sihova kiate au mei he manāva; mei he fatu ʻo ʻeku faʻē kuo ne lea ʻaki hoku hingoa.
2 And he has appointed my mouth as a sharp sword. In the shadow of his hand, he has protected me. And he has appointed me as an elect arrow. In his quiver, he has hidden me.
Pea kuo ne ngaohi hoku ngutu ʻo hangē ko e heletā māsila; ʻi he malumalu ʻo hono nima kuo ne fufū au, pea ngaohi au ko e ngahau ngingila; kuo ne fakafufū au ʻi hono ʻaiʻanga ngahau;
3 And he has said to me: “You are my servant, Israel. For in you, I will glory.”
Pea ne pehē kiate au, “Ko koe, ʻE ʻIsileli, ko ʻeku tamaioʻeiki te u ongoongolelei ʻiate koe.”
4 And I said: “I have labored toward emptiness. I have consumed my strength without purpose and in vain. Therefore, my judgment is with the Lord, and my work is with my God.”
Pea ne u pehē, “Kuo u ngāue taʻeʻaonga: kuo u fakaʻosi noa pe ʻeku mālohi, pea taʻeʻaonga: ka ʻoku moʻoni ʻoku ʻia Sihova ʻeku fakamaau, pea ʻi hoku ʻOtua ʻa ʻeku ngāue.”
5 And now, says the Lord, who formed me from the womb as his servant, so that I may bring back Jacob to him, for Israel will not be gathered together, but I have been glorified in the eyes of the Lord and my God has become my strength,
Pea ko eni, ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova ʻaia naʻa ne fakafuofua au mei he manāva ke hoko ko ʻene tamaioʻeiki, ke toe ʻomi ʻa Sēkope kiate ia, Kapau ʻe ʻikai tānaki ʻa ʻIsileli, ka te u ongoongolelei ʻi he ʻao ʻo Sihova, pea ʻe hoko ʻa hoku ʻOtua ko hoku mālohi.
6 and so he has said: “It is a small thing that you should be my servant so as to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and so as to convert the dregs of Israel. Behold, I have offered you as a light for the Gentiles, so that you may be my salvation, even to the furthest regions of the earth.”
Pea naʻa ne pehē, “Ko e meʻa siʻi ke ke hoko ko ʻeku tamaioʻeiki ke toe fokotuʻu ʻae ngaahi faʻahinga ʻo Sēkope, pea ke fakailiili ʻae kakai ʻo ʻIsileli kuo fakahaofi: pea te u foaki foki koe ko e maama ki he kakai Senitaile, koeʻuhi ke ke hoko ko hoku fakamoʻui ʻo aʻu ki he ngataʻanga ʻo māmani.”
7 Thus says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One, to a contemptible soul, to an abominable nation, to the servant of lords: The kings will see, and the princes will rise up, and they will adore, because of the Lord. For he is faithful, and he is the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.
‌ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova, ko e Huhuʻi ʻo ʻIsileli, pea mo hono tokotaha māʻoniʻoni, kiate ia ʻoku fehiʻa ki ai ʻae tangata, kiate ia ʻoku fakaliliʻa ki ai ʻae puleʻanga, ki he tamaioʻeiki ʻae kau pule, “ʻE mamata pea tuʻu hake ʻae ngaahi tuʻi, ʻe lotu ʻae ngaahi houʻeiki, koeʻuhi ko Sihova ʻaia ʻoku angatonu, pea mo e tokotaha māʻoniʻoni ʻo ʻIsileli, ʻaia kuo ne fili koe.”
8 Thus says the Lord: In a pleasing time, I have heeded you, and in the day of salvation, I have assisted you. And I have preserved you, and I have presented you as a covenant of the people, so that you would lift up the earth, and possess the scattered inheritances,
‌ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova, “ʻI he kuonga tuʻutuʻumālie kuo u fanongo kiate koe, pea ʻi he ʻaho fakamoʻui kuo u tokoni kiate koe: pea te u maluʻi koe, pea foaki koe ko e fuakava ʻoe kakai, ke fokotuʻumaʻu ʻa māmani, ke ngaohi ke toe kakai ʻae ngaahi ʻapi liʻaki;
9 so that you would say to those who are bound, “Go forth!” and to those who are in darkness, “Be released!” They will pasture along the roads, and their pastures will be in every open place.
Koeʻuhi ke ke pehē ki he kau pōpula, ‘ʻAlu atu;’ kiate kinautolu ʻoku ʻi he poʻuli, ‘Fakahā ʻakimoutolu.’ Te nau kai ʻi he ngaahi hala, pea ʻe ʻi he ngaahi potu māʻolunga kotoa pē ʻa ʻenau meʻakai.
10 They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the heat of the sun beat down upon them. For the one who takes pity on them will rule them, and he will give them to drink from fountains of waters.
‌ʻE ʻikai te nau fiekaia pe fieinu; pea ʻe ʻikai teʻia ʻakinautolu ʻe he pupuha pe ʻe he laʻā: he ko ia ʻoku ʻaloʻofa kiate kinautolu te ne tataki ʻakinautolu, ʻio, te ne fakahinohino ʻakinautolu ki he ngaahi matavai.
11 And I will make all my mountains into a road, and my paths will be exalted.
Pea te u ngaohi hoku ngaahi moʻunga kotoa pē ko e hala, pea ʻe hakeakiʻi ʻa hoku ngaahi hala motuʻa.
12 Behold, some will come from far away, and behold, others from the north and from the sea, and still others from the land of the south.
Vakai, ʻe haʻu ʻakinautolu mei he tokelau pea mei he lulunga; pea mo kinautolu ni mei he fonua ko Sinimi.
13 Give praise, O heavens! And exult, O earth! Let the mountains give praise with jubilation! For the Lord has consoled his people, and he will take pity on his poor ones.
Hiva, ʻae ngaahi langi; pea ke fiefia, ʻE māmani; pea ke pā mai ʻi he hiva, ʻae ngaahi moʻunga: he kuo fakafiemālieʻi ʻe Sihova ʻa hono kakai, pea te ne ʻaloʻofa ki hono kakai mamahi.
14 And Zion said: “The Lord has abandoned me, and the Lord has forgotten me.”
Ka naʻe pehē ʻe Saione, “Kuo liʻaki au ʻe Sihova, pea kuo fakangalongaloʻi au ʻe hoku ʻEiki.”
15 Can a woman forget her infant, so as not to take pity on the child of her womb? But even if she would forget, still I shall never forget you.
“ʻE faʻa fakangalongaloʻi ʻe ha fefine ʻene tama ʻoku huhu, ke ne taʻeʻofa ai ki he tama ʻa hono manāva? ʻIo, te nau faʻa fakangalo nai, ka e ʻikai te u fakangalongaloʻi koe.
16 Behold, I have engraved you on my hands. Your walls are always before my eyes.
Vakai, kuo u tohi tongi koe ʻi hoku ʻaofi nima; ʻoku ʻi hoku ʻao maʻuaipē ʻa hoʻo ngaahi ʻā.
17 Your builders have arrived. Those who would tear you down and destroy you, they will depart from you.
‌ʻE fai vave hoʻo fānau; ko ho ngaahi fili pea mo kinautolu naʻe fakamasivaʻi koe te nau ʻalu ʻiate koe.
18 Lift up your eyes all around, and see: all these have been gathered together; they have come to you. As I live, says the Lord, you shall be clothed with all these things, as if with an ornament. And like a bride, you shall wrap these things all around you.
Hiki hake ho mata ʻo sio takatakai, pea vakai: ko kinautolu kotoa pē ʻoku tānaki fakataha ʻakinautolu, ke haʻu kiate koe. ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova, “ʻOku ou moʻui, pea te ke fakakofuʻi koe ʻaki ʻakinautolu kotoa pē, ʻo hangē ko e meʻa teunga, pea nonoʻo ia kiate koe, ʻo hangē ko ia ʻoku fai ʻe he taʻahine taʻane.
19 For your deserts, and your solitary places, and the land of your ruination will now be too narrow, because of all the inhabitants. And those who devoured you will be chased far away.
“He ko ho ngaahi potu maumau mo taʻekakai, pea mo e fonua ʻo hoʻo fakaʻauha, ʻe hoko ni ʻo lausiʻi koeʻuhi ko e kakai, pea ko kinautolu naʻe folo hifo koe te nau mamaʻo atu.
20 Even the children of your barrenness will say in your ears: “This place is too narrow for me. Make me a spacious place in which to dwell.”
Ko e fānau te ke maʻu, hili ʻae mole ʻiate koe ʻae taha, te nau pehē ʻi ho telinga, ‘ʻOku siʻi ʻae potu ni kiate au: fakaʻataʻatā ʻae potu ke u nofo ai.’
21 And you will say in your heart: “Who has conceived them? I was barren and unable to give birth. I was taken away and held captive. And so, who has raised them? I was destitute and alone. And so, where have they been?”
Pea te ke toki pehē ʻi ho loto, “Ko hai kuo ne fakatupu kiate au ʻakinautolu ni, kae vakai kuo mole ʻiate au ʻeku fānau, pea ʻoku ou masiva, ko e pōpula, mo e liʻaki? Pea ko hai kuo ne tauhi ʻakinautolu ni? Vakai, naʻe liʻaki au tokotaha pe; ko kinautolu ni, naʻa nau ʻi fē?”
22 Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles, and I will exalt my sign before the peoples. And they will carry your sons in their arms, and they will bear your daughters on their shoulders.
‌ʻOku pehē ʻe he ʻEiki ko Sihova, “Vakai, te u hiki hake hoku nima ki he kakai Senitaile, pea fokotuʻu ʻeku fuka ki he kakai: pea te nau ʻomi ho ngaahi foha ʻi honau nima, mo ho ngaahi ʻofefine ʻe fua ʻi honau uma.
23 And kings will be your caretakers, and queens will be your nursemaids. They will reverence you with their face to the ground, and they will lick the dust at your feet. And you will know that I am the Lord. For those who hope in him will not be confounded.
Pea ʻe hoko ʻae ngaahi tuʻi ko hoʻo ngaahi tamai ke tauhi fānau, pea ko e ngaahi tuʻi fefine ko hoʻo ngaahi fale ke tauhi hoʻo fānau: te nau punou hifo kiate koe ʻaki honau mata ki he kelekele, pea ʻemo ʻae efu ʻo ho vaʻe; pea te ke ʻilo ko au ko Sihova: pea ʻe ʻikai mā ʻakinautolu ʻoku tatali ʻiate au.”
24 Can prey be taken from the strong? Or is anything taken captive by the powerful able to be saved?
‌ʻE toʻo ʻae koloa kuo vetea mei he mālohi, pe tukuange ʻae pōpula totonu?
25 For thus says the Lord: Certainly, even the captives will be taken away from the strong, even what has been taken by the powerful will be saved. And truly, I will judge those who have judged you, and I will save your children.
Ka ʻoku pehē ʻe Sihova, “ʻIo ko e ngaahi pōpula ʻoe kakai mālohi ʻe faʻao, pea ʻe tuku atu ʻae koloa kuo vete ʻe he kakai fakamanavahē: koeʻuhi te u fai mo ia ʻoku fai mo koe, pea te u fakamoʻui hoʻo fānau.
26 And I will feed your enemies their own flesh. And they will be inebriated with their own blood, as with new wine. And all flesh will know that I am the Lord, who saves you, and your Redeemer, the Strong One of Jacob.
Pea te u fafanga ʻakinautolu ʻoku fakamālohiʻi koe ʻaki honau sino ʻonautolu; pea te nau konā ʻi honau toto, ʻo hangē ha uaine foʻou: pea ʻe ʻilo ʻe he kakai kotoa pē, Ko au ko Sihova ko ho Fakamoʻui, mo ho Huhuʻi, ko e Toko Taha Māfimafi ʻo Sēkope.”

< Isaiah 49 >