< Isaiah 46 >

1 Bel has been broken. Nebo has been crushed. Their idols have been placed upon beasts and cattle, your grievous heavy burdens, even unto exhaustion.
Bèl ak Nebo, zidòl moun Babilòn yo, fini. Y'ap mete estati yo sou do bèt. Zidòl nou te konn ap leve anlè nan posesyon yo tounen yon chay lou sou do bèt yo ki tou bouke.
2 They have been melted down, or have been smashed together. They were not able to save the one who carried them, and their life will go into captivity.
Ni bèt yo, ni zidòl yo tonbe ansanm atè a. Zidòl yo pa ka delivre ata bèt k'ap pote yo a. Lènmi ap depòte yo tankou moun yo fè prizonye.
3 Listen to me, house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who are carried in my bosom, who were born from my womb.
Nou menm fanmi Jakòb yo, ti rès ki rete nan fanmi Izrayèl la, nou menm mwen te pote nan men depi jou nou te fèt la, nou menm mwen te soutni depi nan vant manman nou an, koute sa m'ap di nou byen:
4 Even to your old age, I am the same. And even with your grey hairs, I will carry you. I have made you, and I will sustain you. I will carry you, and I will save you.
M'ap toujou aji konsa ak nou jouk n'a vye granmoun. M'ap toujou soutni nou jouk n'a gen cheve blan. M'a pote nou nan men m' jan m' te toujou fè l' la. M'a pran nou sou kont mwen, m'a delivre nou.
5 To whom would you liken me, or equate me, or compare me, or consider me to be similar?
Ak ki moun nou ta konpare m'? Ki moun nou ka di ki sanble m'? Ki moun nou ka mete bò kote m' ki tankou m'?
6 You take gold from a bag, and you weigh silver on a scale, so as to hire a goldsmith to make a god. And they fall prostrate and adore.
Gen moun ki pran lò nan pòch yo, yo peze ajan nan balans, yo peye yon òfèv pou fè yon bondye pou yo. Lèfini, yo mete ajenou devan l', yo adore l'.
7 They carry him on their shoulders, supporting him, and they set him in his place. And he will stand still and will not move from his place. But even when they will cry out to him, he will not hear. He will not save them from tribulation.
Yo leve l' mete sou zepòl yo, yo pote l' ale. Yo mete l' kanpe yon kote, epi li rete la. Kote yo mete l' la, li pa ka deplase. Yo mèt lapriyè nan pye l' kont kò yo, li pa ka reponn! Li pa ka delivre yo lè yo nan tray.
8 Remember this, and be confounded. Return, you transgressors, to the heart.
Pa janm bliye sa! Mete gason sou nou! Nou menm k'ap fè peche, kalkile tou sa nou fè!
9 Remember the past ages. For I am God, and there is no other god. There is no one like me.
Chonje tou sa ki te rive nan tan lontan. Rekonèt se mwen menm sèl ki Bondye. Pa gen lòt! Se mwen sèl ki Bondye. Nanpwen tankou m'!
10 From the beginning, I announce the last things, and from the start, the things that have not yet been done, saying: My plan will stand firm, and my entire will shall be done.
Depi nan konmansman, mwen te di jan sa pral ye. Depi davans mwen te fè nou konnen sa ki tapral rive. Mwen te di plan travay mwen gen pou rive fèt vre. M'ap fè tou sa mwen te vle fè a.
11 I call a bird from the east, and from a far away land, the man of my will. And I have spoken it, and I will carry it out. I have created, and I will act.
Mwen rele yon nonm mwen te chwazi soti nan yon peyi byen lwen bò solèy leve. Tankou yon malfini, li pral vini, li pral fè travay mwen ba l' fè a. Depi mwen di yon bagay, se pou l' fèt. Depi mwen fè lide fè yon bagay, fòk li fèt.
12 Hear me, you who are hard of heart, who are far from justice!
Koute sa m'ap di nou, bann tèt di, nou menm ki pa soti pou fè sa ki dwat:
13 I have brought my justice near. It will not be far away, and my salvation will not be delayed. I will grant salvation in Zion, and my glory in Israel.
M'ap fè jou delivrans nou an pwoche. Li pa lwen rive. Mwen p'ap mize vin delivre nou. Mwen pral delivre mòn Siyon. Mwen pral fè pèp Izrayèl la wè pouvwa mwen.

< Isaiah 46 >