< Isaiah 32 >

1 Behold, the king will reign in justice, and the princes will rule in judgment.
Taonani, kudzakhala mfumu ina imene idzalamulira mwachilungamo, ndipo akalonga ake adzaweruza molungama.
2 And a man will be like someone hidden from the wind, who conceals himself from a storm, or like rivers of waters in a time of thirst, or like the shadow of a rock that juts out in a desert land.
Munthu aliyense adzakhala ngati pothawirapo mphepo ndi malo obisalirapo namondwe, adzakhala ngati mitsinje ya mʼchipululu, ngati mthunzi wa thanthwe lalikulu la mʼdziko lowuma.
3 The eyes of those who see will not be obscured, and the ears of those who hear will listen closely.
Ndipo maso a anthu openya sadzakhalanso otseka, ndipo makutu a anthu akumva adzamvetsetsa.
4 And the heart of the foolish will understand knowledge, and the tongue of those with impaired speech will speak quickly and plainly.
Anthu a mtima wopupuluma adzadziwa ndi kuchita zinthu mofatsa, ndipo anthu ovutika kuyankhula adzayankhula mosadodoma ndi momveka.
5 He who is foolish will no longer be called leader, nor will the deceitful be called greater.
Chitsiru sichidzatchedwanso munthu waulemu wake ndipo munthu woyipa sadzalemekezedwa.
6 For a foolish man speaks foolishness and his heart works iniquity in order to accomplish deception. And he speaks to the Lord deceitfully, so as to empty the soul of the hungry and to take away drink from the thirsty.
Pakuti munthu opusa amayankhula zauchitsiru, amaganiza kuchita zoyipa: Iye amachita zoyipira Mulungu, ndipo amafalitsa zolakwika zokhudza Yehova; anjala sawapatsa chakudya ndipo aludzu sawapatsa madzi.
7 The tools of the deceitful are very wicked. For they have concocted plans to destroy the meek by lying words, though the poor speak judgment.
Munthu woyipa njira zake ndi zoyipanso, iye kwake nʼkulingalira zinthu zoyipa. Amalingalira zakuti awononge anthu aumphawi ndi mabodza ake ngakhale kuti waumphawiyo akuyankhula zoona.
8 Yet truly, the prince will plan things that are worthy of a prince, and he will stand above the rulers.
Koma munthu wolemekezeka amalingaliranso kuchita zinthu zabwino, Iye amakhazikika pa zinthu zabwinozo.
9 You opulent women, rise up and listen to my voice! O confident daughters, play close attention to my eloquence!
Khalani maso, inu akazi amene mukungokhala wopanda kulingalira kuti kunja kulinji ndipo imvani mawu anga. Inu akazi odzitama, imvani zimene ndikunena!
10 For after a year and some days, you who are confident will be disturbed. For the vintage has been completed; the gathering will no longer occur.
Pakapita chaka ndi masiku pangʼono inu akazi amatama mudzanjenjemera; chifukwa mitengo ya mphesa idzakanika ndipo zipatso sizidzaoneka.
11 Be stupefied, you opulent women! Be disturbed, O confident ones! Strip yourselves, and be confounded; gird yourselves at the waist.
Nthunthumirani inu okhala mosatekesekanu; ndipo njenjemerani, inu akazi omadzikhulupirira nokhanu. Vulani zovala zanu, ndipo valani ziguduli mʼchiwuno mwanu.
12 Mourn over your breasts, over the delightful country, over the fruitful vineyard.
Dzigugudeni pachifuwa mwachisoni chifukwa minda yachonde, ndi mphesa yawonongeka.
13 Thorn and brier will rise up, over the soil of my people. How much more over all the houses of gladness, over the city of exultation?
Mʼdziko la anthu anga mwamera minga ndi mkandankhuku. Zoona, mulilire nyumba zonse zachikondwerero ndi mzinda uno umene unali wachisangalalo.
14 For the house has been forsaken. The multitude of the city has been abandoned. A darkness and a covering have been placed over its dens, even unto eternity. It will be the gladness of wild donkeys and the pasture of flocks,
Nyumba yaufumu idzasiyidwa, mzinda waphokoso udzakhala wopanda anthu; malinga ndi nsanja zidzasanduka chipululu mpaka muyaya. Abulu adzasangalalamo ndipo ziweto zidzapezamo msipu.
15 until the Spirit is poured over us from on high. And the desert will be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field will be considered as a forest.
Yehova adzatipatsa mzimu wake, ndipo dziko lachipululu lidzasanduka munda wachonde, ndipo munda wachonde udzakhala ngati nkhalango.
16 And judgment will live in solitude, and justice will be seated in a fruitful place.
Tsono mʼchipululu mudzakhala chiweruzo cholungama ndipo mʼminda yachonde mudzakhala chilungamo.
17 And the work of justice will be peace. And the service of justice will be quiet and secure, forever.
Mtendere udzakhala chipatso chachilungamo; zotsatira za chilungamo zidzakhala bata ndi kudzidalira mpaka muyaya.
18 And my people will be seated in the beauty of peacefulness, and in the tabernacles of faithfulness, and in the opulence of restfulness.
Anthu anga adzakhala mʼmidzi yamtendere, mʼnyumba zodalirika, ndi malo osatekeseka a mpumulo.
19 But hail will be in the descent of the forest, and the city will be brought exceedingly low.
Ngakhale nkhalango idzawonongedwa ndi matalala ndipo mzinda udzagwetsedwa mpaka pansi,
20 Blessed are you who sow over any waters, sending the feet of the ox and the donkey there.
inutu mudzakhala odalitsika ndithu. Mudzadzala mbewu zanu mʼmbali mwa mtsinje uliwonse, ndipo ngʼombe zanu ndi abulu anu zidzadya paliponse.

< Isaiah 32 >