< Isaiah 31 >

1 Woe to those who descend into Egypt for assistance, hoping in horses, and putting their trust in four-horse chariots because they are many, and in horsemen because they are exceedingly strong. And they have not believed in the Holy One of Israel, and they have not sought the Lord.
¡Ay de los que descienden a Egipto por ayuda; y confían en caballos, y en carros ponen su esperanza, porque son muchos, y en caballeros, porque son valientes; y no miraron al Santo de Israel, ni buscaron a Jehová!
2 Therefore, being wise, he has permitted harm, and he has not removed his words, and he will rise up against the house of the wicked and against those who assist the workers of iniquity.
Mas él también es sabio para guiar el mal, ni hará mentirosas sus palabras. Levantarse ha pues contra la casa de los malignos, y contra el auxilio de los obradores de iniquidad.
3 Egypt is man, and not God. And their horses are flesh, and not spirit. And so, the Lord will reach down his hand, and the helper will fall, and the one who was being helped will fall, and they will all be consumed together.
Y los Egipcios hombres son, no Dios; y sus caballos, carne, y no espíritu: de manera que en extendiendo Jehová su mano, caerá el ayudador, y caerá el ayudado, y todos ellos desfallecerán a una.
4 For the Lord says this to me: In the same way that a lion roars, and a young lion is over his prey, and though a multitude of shepherds may meet him, he will not dread their voice, nor be afraid of their number, so will the Lord of hosts descend in order to battle upon mount Zion and upon its hill.
Porque Jehová me dijo a mí de esta manera: Como el león, y el cachorro del león, brama sobre su presa, contra el cual si es allegada cuadrilla de pastores, por las voces de ellos no temerá, ni se acobardará por su tropel: así Jehová de los ejércitos descenderá a pelear por el monte de Sión, y por su collado.
5 Like birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts protect Jerusalem, protecting and freeing, passing over and saving.
Como las aves que vuelan, así amparará Jehová de los ejércitos a Jerusalem, amparando, librando, pasando, y salvando.
6 Be converted to the same depth that you have drawn away, O sons of Israel.
Convertíos al que habéis profundamente rebelado, o! hijos de Israel.
7 For in that day, a man will cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which your hands have made for you unto sin.
Porque en aquel día arrojará el hombre los ídolos de su plata, y los ídolos de su oro, que os hicieron vuestras manos pecadoras.
8 And Assur will fall by a sword not of man, and a sword not of man will devour him. And he will not flee from the face of the sword, and his young men will be subject to a penalty.
Entonces caerá el Asur por espada, no de varón; y espada, no de hombre, le consumirá; y huirá de la presencia de la espada, y sus mancebos serán tributarios.
9 And his strength will pass away in terror, and his princes will flee in fear. The Lord has said it. His fire is in Zion, and his furnace is at Jerusalem.
Y de miedo se pasará a su fortaleza; y sus príncipes tendrán pavor de la bandera, dice Jehová, cuyo fuego está en Sión, y su horno en Jerusalem.

< Isaiah 31 >