< Isaiah 2 >

1 The word that Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
Ga abin da Ishaya ɗan Amoz ya gani game da Yahuda da Urushalima.
2 And in the last days, the mountain of the house of the Lord will be prepared at the summit of the mountains, and it will be exalted above the hills, and all the nations shall flow to it.
A kwanaki masu zuwa za a kafa dutsen haikalin Ubangiji a matsayin babba cikin duwatsu; za a daga shi bisa tuddai, kuma dukan al’ummai za su bumbunto zuwa gare shi.
3 And many peoples will go, and they will say: “Let us approach and ascend to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob. And he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For the law will go forth from Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
Mutane da yawa za su zo su ce, “Ku zo, bari mu haura zuwa dutsen Ubangiji, zuwa gidan Allah na Yaƙub. Zai koya mana hanyoyinsa, domin mu yi tafiya cikin hanyoyinsa.” Dokar za tă fito daga Sihiyona, maganar Ubangiji daga Urushalima.
4 And he will judge the nations, and he will rebuke many peoples. And they shall forge their swords into plowshares, and their spears into sickles. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they continue to train for battle.
Zai shari’anta tsakanin al’ummai zai kuma sulhunta faɗar mutane masu yawa. Za su mai da takubansu su zama garemani māsunsu su zama wuƙaƙen askin itatuwa. Al’umma ba za tă ƙara ɗauki takobi a kan al’umma ba, ba kuwa za su ƙara yin horarwar yaƙi.
5 O house of Jacob, let us approach and walk in the light of the Lord.
Ki zo, ya gidan Yaƙub, bari mu yi tafiya a hasken Ubangiji.
6 For you have cast aside your people, the house of Jacob, because they have been filled up, as in past times, and because they have had soothsayers as the Philistines have, and because they have joined themselves to foreign servants.
Ka rabu da mutanenka, gidan Yaƙub. Sun cika da ayyukan sihiri da aka kawo daga Gabas; suna yin duba kamar Filistiyawa suna tafa hannuwa tare da marasa sanin Allah.
7 Their land has been filled with silver and gold. And there is no end to their storehouses.
Ƙasarsu ta cika da azurfa da zinariya; dukiyarsu kuma ba iyaka. Ƙasarsu ta cika da dawakai; kekunan yaƙinsu kuma ba iyaka.
8 And their land has been filled with horses. And their four-horse chariots are innumerable. And their land has been filled with idols. They have adored the work of their hands, which their own fingers have made.
Ƙasarsu ta cika da gumaka; sukan rusuna ga aikin hannuwansu, ga abin da yatsotsinsu suka yi.
9 And man has bowed himself down, and so man has become debased. Therefore, you should not forgive them.
Saboda an jawo mutum ƙasa aka kuma ƙasƙantar da ɗan adam, kada ku gafarta musu.
10 Enter into the rock, and hide in a ditch in the soil, from the presence of the fear of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty.
Ku tafi cikin duwatsu, ku ɓuya cikin ƙasa daga razanar Ubangiji da kuma darajar ɗaukakarsa!
11 The lofty eyes of man have been humbled, and the haughtiness of men will be bowed down. Then the Lord alone shall be exalted, in that day.
Za a ƙasƙantar da mai girman kai za a kuma lalatar da fariyar masu ɗaga kai; Ubangiji kaɗai za a ɗaukaka a wannan rana.
12 For the day of the Lord of hosts will prevail over all the proud and self-exalted, and over all the arrogant, and each one shall be humbled,
Ubangiji Maɗaukaki yana da rana ajiye domin dukan masu girman kai da masu fariya domin dukan waɗanda aka ɗaukaka (zai kuwa ƙasƙantar da su),
13 and over all the straight and tall cedars of Lebanon, and over all the oaks of Bashan;
domin dukan al’ul na Lebanon, masu tsayi da masu fariya, da kuma dukan itatuwan oak na Bashan,
14 and over all the lofty mountains, and over all the elevated hills;
domin dukan dogayen duwatsu da kuma tuddai masu tsayi,
15 and over every lofty tower, and over every fortified wall;
domin kowace doguwar hasumiya da kowace katanga mai ƙarfi,
16 and over all the ships of Tarshish, and over all the beauty that may be seen.
domin kowane jirgin ruwan kasuwanci da kuma jirgi mafi girma mafi kyau.
17 And the loftiness of men will be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men will be brought low. And the Lord alone shall be exalted, in that day.
Za a jawo mai girman kai ƙasa a kuma ƙasƙantar da mai ɗaga kai; Ubangiji kaɗai za a ɗaukaka a wannan rana,
18 And idols will be thoroughly crushed.
za a kuma kawar da gumaka ƙaƙaf.
19 And they will go into the caves of the rocks, and into the caverns of the earth, from the presence of the dread of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, when he will have risen up to strike the earth.
Mutane za su gudu zuwa kogwannin duwatsu da kuma ramummuka a ƙasa daga razanar Ubangiji da kuma darajar ɗaukakarsa, sa’ad da ya tashi don yă girgiza duniya.
20 In that day, man shall cast aside his idols of silver and his images of gold, which he had made for himself, as if to reverence the moles and the bats.
A wannan rana mutane za su zubar wa jaba da jamage gumakansu na azurfa da gumakansu na zinariya da suka yi don su bauta musu.
21 And so he will go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the caverns of stone, from the presence of the dread of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, when he will have risen up to strike the earth.
Za su gudu zuwa kogwannin duwatsu da kuma zuwa tsagaggun duwatsu daga razanar Ubangiji da kuma darajar ɗaukakarsa, sa’ad da ya tashi don yă girgiza duniya.
22 Therefore, rest away from man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for he considers himself to be exalted.
Ku daina dogara ga mutum, wanda numfashi ne kawai yake da shi a hancinsa. Wace daraja gare shi?

< Isaiah 2 >