< Habakkuk 1 >

1 The burden that Habakkuk the prophet saw.
Proroštvo koje vidje prorok Habakuk.
2 How long, O Lord, shall I cry out, and you will not heed? Shall I shout to you while suffering violence, and you will not save?
Dokle ću, Jahve, zapomagati, a da ti ne čuješ? Vikati k tebi “Nasilje!” a da ti ne spasiš?
3 Why have you revealed to me iniquity and hardship, to see plunder and injustice opposite me? And there has been judgment, but the opposition is more powerful.
Zašto mi nepravdu iznosiš pred oči, zašto gledaš ugnjetavanje? Pljačka je i nasilje preda mnom. Raspra je, razmirica bjesni!
4 Because of this, the law has been torn apart, and judgment does not persevere to its conclusion. For the impious prevail against the just. Because of this, a perverse judgment is issued.
Zakon je izgubio snagu, a pravda se ni načas ne pomalja. Da, zlikovac progoni pravednika, pravo je stoga izopačeno.
5 Gaze among the nations, and see. Admire, and be astounded. For a work has been done in your days, which no one will believe when it is told.
Obazrite se na narode, pogledajte, čudite se, zapanjite! Jer u vaše dane činim djelo u koje ne biste vjerovali da vam ga tko ispriča.
6 For behold, I will raise up the Chaldeans, a bitter and swift people, marching across the width of the earth, to possess tabernacles not their own.
Da! Evo dižem Kaldejce, narod divlji i naprasit što nadire širom zemlje da obitavališta otme tuđa.
7 It is dreadful and terrible. From themselves, judgment and their burden will issue.
On je strašan i jezovit, od njega samog izlazi njegovo pravo i njegov ponos.
8 Their horses are more nimble than leopards and swifter than wolves in the evening; their horsemen will spread out. And then their horsemen will approach from far away; they will fly like the eagle, hurrying to devour.
Konji su mu brži od leoparda, hitriji od vukova uvečer; jahači mu poskakuju, stižu izdaleka, ustremljeni k'o orlovi da plijen proždru.
9 They will all approach towards the prey; their face is like a burning wind. And they will gather captives together like sand.
Svi će doći rad' grabeža, lica im žegu k'o istočni vjetar, grabe roblje kao pijesak!
10 And concerning kings, he will triumph, and sovereign rulers will be his laughingstock, and he will laugh over every fortress, and he will transport a rampart and seize it.
Taj se narod kraljevima ruga, podsmjehuje knezovima, poigrava se svim utvrdama, nasipa zemlju i zauzima ih.
11 Then his spirit will be altered, and he will cross over and fall. Such is his strength from his god.
Tad se k'o vjetar okrenu i ode, zlikovac komu je snaga bog postala.
12 Have you not existed from the beginning, Lord my God, my holy one, and so we shall not die? Lord, you have stationed him for judgment, and you have established that his strength will be swept away.
Nisi li od davnih vremena, Jahve, Bože moj, Sveče moj? Ti koji ne umireš! Ti si, Jahve podigao ovaj narod radi pravde, postavio ga, Stijeno, da kažnjava.
13 Your eyes are pure, you do not behold evil, and you cannot look towards iniquity. Why do you look upon the agents of iniquity, and remain silent, while the impious is devouring one who is more just than himself?
Prečiste su tvoje oči da bi zloću gledale. Ti ne možeš motriti tlačenja. Zašto gledaš vjerolomce, šutiš kad zlikovac ništi pravednijeg od sebe?
14 And you will make men like the fish of the sea and like the creeping things that have no ruler.
Postupaš s ljudima k'o s morskim ribama, k'o s gmazovima što nemaju gospodara!
15 He lifted up everything with his hook. He drew them in with his dragnet, and gathered them into his netting. Over this, he will rejoice and exult.
On ih sve lovi na udicu, izvlači ih mrežom, pređom ih skuplja i tako se raduje i likuje.
16 For this reason, he will offer victims to his dragnet, and he will sacrifice to his netting. For through them, his portion has been made fat, and his meals elite.
Stog žrtvuje mreži svojoj, pali tamjan svojoj pređi jer mu pribavljaju zalogaj slastan, hranu pretilu.
17 Because of this, therefore, he expands his dragnet and will not be lenient in continually putting to death the peoples.
Valja li, dakle, da neprestano poteže mač i kolje narod nemilice?

< Habakkuk 1 >