< Genesis 32 >

1 Likewise, Jacob continued on the journey that he had begun. And the Angels of God met him.
Yaaqoobis karaa isaa itti fufe; ergamoonni Waaqayyoos isatti dhufan.
2 When he had seen them, he said, “These are the Encampments of God.” And he called the name of that place Mahanaim, that is, ‘Encampments.’
Innis yommuu isaan argetti, “Kun buufata Waaqaa ti” jedhe; iddoo sanas Mahanayiim jedhee moggaase.
3 Then he also sent messengers before him to his brother Esau, in the land of Seir, in the region of Edom.
Yaaqoobis gara obboleessa isaa Esaawu kan biyya Edoom lafa Seeʼiir jedhamu keessa jiraatuutti ergamoota of dura erge.
4 And he instructed them, saying: “You shall speak in this way to my lord Esau: ‘Your brother Jacob says these things: “I have sojourned with Laban, and I have been with him until the present day.
Innis akkana jedhee isaan ajaje: “Isin gooftaa koo Esaawuun akkana jedhaa: ‘Garbichi kee Yaaqoob akkana jedha; ani Laabaa bira jiraadhee hamma ammaattis isuma biran ture.
5 I have oxen, and donkeys, and sheep, and men servants, and women servants. And now I send an ambassador to my lord, so that I may find favor in your sight.”’”
Ani loonii fi harroota, hoolotaa fi reʼoota, hojjettoota dhiiraatii fi dubartootas qaba. Ammas ani fuula kee duratti surraa akkan argadhuuf ergaa kana gooftaa kootti nan erga.’”
6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, “We went to your brother Esau, and behold, he rushes to meet you with four hundred men.”
Ergamoonni sunis gara Yaaqoobitti deebiʼanii, “Nu obboleessa kee Esaawu bira dhaqneerra; innis si simachuuf dhufaa jira; namoonni dhibba afur isa wajjin jiru” jedhaniin.
7 Jacob was very afraid. And in his terror, he divided the people who were with him, likewise the flocks, and the sheep, and the oxen, and the camels, into two companies,
Yaaqoobis akka malee sodaatee dhiphate; namoota isa wajjin turanis garee lamatti qoode; bushaayee, loowwanii fi gaalawwan illee akkasuma garee lamatti qoode.
8 saying: “If Esau goes to one company, and strikes it, the other company, which is left behind, will be saved.”
Innis, “Yoo Esaawu dhufee garee tokko dhaʼe, gareen kaan jalaa baʼa” jedhee yaade.
9 And Jacob said: “God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, O Lord who said to me: ‘Return to your land, and to the place of your nativity, and I will do well for you.’
Yaaqoob akkana jedhee kadhate; “Yaa Waaqa abbaa koo Abrahaam, Waaqa abbaa koo Yisihaaq, yaa Waaqayyo, isa ‘Ati gara biyya keetii fi gara firoota keetiitti deebiʼi, ani waan gaarii siifin godhaa’ naan jette sun,
10 I am less than any of your compassions and your truth, which you have fulfilled to your servant. With my staff I crossed over this Jordan. And now I go back with two companies.
ani gaarummaa fi amanamummaa ati ana garbicha kee argisiifte kana hundaaf hin malu. Ani yeroo Yordaanos kana ceʼetti ulee koo qofa qaban ture; amma garuu garee lama taʼeen jira.
11 Rescue me from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am very afraid of him, lest perhaps he may come and strike down the mother with the sons.
Ani akka ati harka obboleessa koo Esaawu jalaa na baastu sin kadhadha. Ani, ‘Inni dhufee na ajjeesa; haadhotas ijoollee isaanii wajjin ni ajjeesa’ jedhee sodaadheeraatii.
12 You did say that you would do well by me, and that you would expand my offspring like the sand of the sea, which, because of its multitude, cannot be numbered.”
Ati garuu, ‘Ani dhugumaan waan gaarii siifin godha; sanyii kees akka cirracha galaanaa kan lakkaaʼamuu hin dandeenye sanaa nan godha’ jetteerta.”
13 And when he had slept there that night, he separated, from the things that he had, gifts for his brother Esau:
Inni halkan sana achuma bule; waan of biraa qabu keessaas kennaa obboleessa isaa Esaawuuf kennu filate;
14 two hundred she-goats, twenty he-goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty rams,
isaanis reʼoota dhaltuu dhibba lama, korbeeyyii reʼee digdama, hoolota dhaltuu dhibba lama, korbeeyyii hoolaa digdama,
15 thirty milking camels with their young, forty cows, and twenty bulls, twenty she-donkeys, and ten of their young.
gaalawwan dhalaa soddoma ilmaan isaanii wajjin, saawwan afurtama, jiboota loonii kudhan, harroota dhaltuu digdama, wadala harrootaa kudhan turan.
16 And he sent them by the hands of his servants, each flock separately, and he said to his servants: “Pass before me, and let there be a space between flock and flock.”
Innis karra karraan addaan baasee tajaajiltoota isaatti kennee, “Na dura darbaa deemaa; karrawwan horii gidduuttis lafa hambisaa” jedhee tajaajiltoota isaa ajaje.
17 And he instructed the first, saying: “If you happen to meet my brother Esau, and he questions you: “Whose are you?” or, “Where are you going?” or, “Whose are these which follow you?”
Namicha fuula duraan jiru sanaanis akkana jedhe: “Yoo Esaaw obboleessi koo sitti dhufe, ‘Ati kan eenyuu ti? Eessa dhaqxa? Horiin fuula kee dura jiru kun kan eenyuu ti?’ jedhee si gaafate,
18 you shall respond: “Your servant Jacob’s. He has sent them as a gift to my lord Esau. And he is also coming after us.”
ati, ‘Kan garbicha kee Yaaqoob. Isaanis kennaa gooftaa koo Esaawuuf ergamanii dha; kunoo, Yaaqoobis nu duubaan dhufaa jira’ jechuu qabda.”
19 Similarly, he gave orders to the second, and the third, and to all who followed the flocks, saying: “Speak these same words to Esau, when you find him.
Namicha lammaffaa, sadaffaa fi warra karrawwan sana faana deeman hundas akkana jedhee ajaje; “Isinis yoo Esaawun argitan waanuma kana isatti himaa.
20 And you will add: ‘Your servant Jacob himself also follows after us, for he said: “I will appease him with the gifts that go ahead, and after this, I will see him; perhaps he will be gracious to me.”’”
Akkasumas, ‘Kunoo garbichi kee Yaaqoob nu duubaan dhufaa jira’ jedhaa.” Inni, “Ani kennaa of dura ergeef kanaan isa nan araarfadha; ergasii immoo ani yommuun isa argutti tarii inni na simata taʼa” jedhee yaadee tureetii.
21 And so the gifts went before him, but he himself lodged that night in the camp.
Kennaan Yaaqoobiis isa dura darbe; Yaaqoob garuu halkan sana qubata sana keessa bule.
22 And when he had arisen early, he took his two wives, and the same number of handmaids, with his eleven sons, and he crossed over the ford of Jabbok.
Halkanuma sana Yaaqoob kaʼee niitota isaa lamaan, xomboreewwan isaa lamaanii fi ilmaan isaa kudha tokko fudhatee malkaa Yaaboq ceʼe.
23 And having delivered over all the things that belonged to him,
Innis erga laga isaan ceesisee booddee qabeenya isaa hunda erge.
24 he remained alone. And behold, a man wrestled with him until morning.
Yaaqoob immoo kophaa isaa hafe; namichi tokkos hamma lafti bariitutti walʼaansoo isa qabe.
25 And when he saw that he would not be able to overcome him, he touched the nerve of his thigh, and immediately it withered.
Namichis yommuu akka Yaaqoobin moʼachuu hin dandeenye argetti, buusaa luqqeettuu Yaaqoob tuqe; yeroo inni namicha wajjin walʼaansoo qabettis luqqeettuun Yaaqoob ni adoode.
26 And he said to him, “Release me, for now the dawn ascends.” He responded, “I will not release you, unless you bless me.”
Namichis, “Waan bariʼuu gaʼeef gad na dhiisi” jedhe. Yaaqoob garuu, “Yoo ati na eebbifte malee ani gad si hin dhiisu” jedhee deebise.
27 Therefore he said, “What is your name?” He answered, “Jacob.”
Namichis, “Maqaan kee eenyu” jedhee isa gaafate. Inni immoo, “Yaaqoob” jedhee deebise.
28 But he said, “Your name will not be called Jacob, but Israel; for if you have been strong against God, how much more will you prevail against men?”
Namichis, “Ati sababii Waaqaa fi namoota wajjin walʼaansoo qabdee moʼatteef siʼachi Israaʼel jedhamta malee Yaaqoob hin jedhamtu” jedhe.
29 Jacob questioned him, “Tell me, by what name are you called?” He responded, “Why do you ask my name?” And he blessed him in the same place.
Yaaqoobis, “Maaloo maqaa kee natti himi” jedheen. Inni garuu, “Ati maaliif maqaa koo gaafatta?” jedheen. Ergasiis inni achumatti isa eebbise.
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “I have seen God face to face, and my soul has been saved.”
Yaaqoobis, “Ani ifaan ifatti Waaqa argeeraatii; lubbuun koo garuu oolfamteerti” jedhee iddoo sana Pheniiʼeel jedhee moggaase.
31 And immediately the sun rose upon him, after he had crossed beyond Peniel. Yet in truth, he limped on his foot.
Akkuma inni Phenuuʼeelin darbeen aduun isatti baate; innis sababii luqqeettuu isaatiif okkolaa ture.
32 For this reason, the sons of Israel, even to the present day, do not eat the nerve that withered in Jacob’s thigh, because he touched the nerve of his thigh and it was obstructed.
Kanaafuu Israaʼeloonni hamma harʼaatti ribuu tafaa hin nyaatan; inni buusaa luqqeettuu Yaaqoob kan tafaan wal qabatu tuqee tureetii.

< Genesis 32 >