< Ezekiel 40 >

1 In the twenty-fifth year of our transmigration, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was struck, on this very day, the hand of the Lord was placed upon me, and he brought me to that place.
Iti maikaduapulo ket lima a tawen iti pannakaitalawmi a kas balud, iti rugrugi ti tawen, iti maikasangapulo nga aldaw ti bulan, iti maikasangapulo ket uppat a tawen kalpasan a nasakup ti siudad—iti dayta met laeng nga aldaw, ti ima ni Yahweh ket adda kaniak, ket impannak sadiay.
2 In the visions of God, he brought me into the land of Israel, and he released me on an exceedingly high mountain, on which there was something like the edifice of a city, verging toward the south.
Kadagiti sirmata manipud iti Dios, impannak iti daga ti Israel. Indissonak iti rabaw ti nangato unay a bantay; iti abagatan ket adda dagiti kasla pasdek ti maysa a siudad.
3 And he led me into that place. And behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a linen rope in his hand, and a measuring reed in his hand. And he was standing at the gate.
Kalpasanna, impannak sadiay. Pagammoan, nagparang ti maysa a lalaki a kasla bronse ti langana. Adda iggemna a lubid a lino ken maysa a kayo a pagrukod, ket nagtakder isuna iti ruangan ti siudad.
4 And the same man said to me: “Son of man, look with your eyes, and listen with your ears, and set your heart upon all that I will reveal to you. For you have been brought to this place, so that these things may be revealed to you. Announce all that you see to the house of Israel.”
Kinuna ti lalaki kaniak, “Anak ti tao, kumitaka ken dumngegka, ken panunotem a nalaing dagiti amin nga ipakpakitak kenka, ta naiyegka ditoy tapno maipakitak kenka dagitoy. Ipadamagmo ti amin a makitam iti balay ti Israel.”
5 And behold, there was a wall outside of the house, encircling it all around, and in the man’s hand was a measuring reed of six cubits and a palm. And he measured the width of the edifice with one reed; likewise, the height with one reed.
Adda pader a naipalikmut iti ayan ti templo, ken adda iggem ti lalaki a maysa a kayo a pagrukod, innem a kubit ti kaatiddog daytoy—ti tunggal “atiddog” a kubit ket maysa a kubit ken sangadakulap ti kaatiddogna. Rinukod ti lalaki ti kapuskol ti pader—maysa a kayo—ken ti kangato daytoy—maysa a kayo.
6 And he went to the gate which looked toward the east, and he ascended by its steps. And he measured the width of the threshold of the gate as one reed, that is, one threshold was one reed in width.
Kalpasanna, napan isuna iti ruangan ti templo a nakasango iti daya ket immuli iti agdan ti ruangan. Rinukodna ti pagserkan—maysa a kayo ti kauneg daytoy.
7 And a chamber was one reed in length and one reed in width. And between the chambers, there were five cubits.
Dagiti siled dagiti guardia ket maysa a kayo ti kaatiddogna ken maysa a kayo ti kaakabana; adda lima a kubit iti nagbaetan ti tunggal dua a siled, ken ti pagserkan iti ruangan ti templo nga asideg iti portiko ti templo ket maysa a kayo ti kaunegna.
8 And the threshold of the gate, next to the inner vestibule of the gate, was one reed.
Rinukodna ti portiko ti ruangan; maysa a kayo ti kaatiddog daytoy.
9 And he measured the vestibule of the gate as eight cubits, and its front as two cubits. But the vestibule of the gate was inside.
Rinukodna ti portiko ti ruangan; maysa a kayo ti kauneg daytoy. Ken dua a kubit ti kaakaba dagiti adigi ti ruangan. Daytoy ti portiko ti ruangan a nakasango iti templo.
10 Moreover, the chambers of the gate, toward the way of the east, were three from one side to the other. The three were of one measure, and the fronts were of one measure, on both sides.
Tallo ti siled dagiti guardia iti agsinnumbangir a paset ti ruangan, ket agpapada amin ti rukod dagitoy, ken agpapada met laeng ti rukod ti diding a nangbingay-bingay amin kadagitoy.
11 And he measured the width of the threshold of the gate as ten cubits, and the length of the gate as thirteen cubits.
Ket rinukod ti lalaki ti kaakaba ti pagserkan—sangapulo a kubit; ken rinukodna ti kaatiddog ti pagserkan—sangapulo ket tallo a kubit.
12 And before the chambers, the border was one cubit. And on both sides, the border was one cubit. But the chambers were six cubits, from one side to the other.
Rinukodna ti diding nga adda iti sangoanan dagiti siled—maysa a kubit ti kangato daytoy. Ken dagiti siled—innem a kubit ti tunggal sikigan.
13 And he measured the gate, from the roof of one chamber to the roof of another, twenty-five cubits in width, from door to door.
Ket rinukodna ti pagserkan manipud iti atep ti maysa a siled agingga iti atep ti sumaruno a siled—duapulo ket lima a kubit, manipud iti pagserkan ti umuna a siled agingga iti pagserkan ti maikadua a siled.
14 And he found the fronts to be sixty cubits. And at the front, there was a court for the gate on every side all around.
Ket rinukodna ti diding a nagbaetan dagiti siled dagiti guardia—innem a pulo a kubit ti kaatiddogna; rinukodna agingga iti portiko ti ruangan.
15 And before the face of the gate, which extended even to the face of the vestibule of the gate of the interior, there were fifty cubits.
Ti pagserkan manipud iti sangoanan ti ruangan agingga iti murdong ti portiko ti ruangan ket limapulo a kubit.
16 And there were slanting windows in the chambers and at their fronts, which were within the gate on every side all around. And similarly, there were also windows in the vestibules all around the interior, and there were images of palm trees before the fronts.
Adda babassit a tawa kadagiti siled, ken kadagiti diding a nagbabaetan dagiti siled; kasta met laeng iti portiko, ken dagiti amin a tawa ket adda iti akin-uneg a paset. Adda dagiti naikitikit a kaykayo a palma kadagiti diding.
17 And he led me away to the outer court, and behold, there were storerooms and a layer of pavement stones throughout the court. Thirty storerooms encircled the pavement.
Kalpasanna, impannak ti lalaki iti akin-ruar a paraangan ti templo. Kitaem, adda dagiti siled, ken adda dalan iti paraangan, adda tallopullo a siled iti abay ti dalan.
18 And the pavement in front of the gates, along the length of the gates, was lower.
Dimmanun ti dalan iti igid dagiti ruangan, ken ti kaakaba daytoy ket kas iti kaatiddog dagiti ruangan. Daytoy ti akin-baba a dalan.
19 And he measured the width, from the face of the lower gate to the front of the outer part of the inner court, to be one hundred cubits, to the east and to the north.
Kalpasanna, rinukod ti lalaki manipud iti sangoanan ti akin-baba a ruangan agingga iti sangoanan ti akin-uneg a ruangan; sangagasut a kubit iti daya a paset, ken kasta met iti amianan a paset.
20 Likewise, he measured the gate of the outer court, which looked to the way of the north, to be as much in length as in width.
Kalpasanna, rinukodna ti kaatiddog ken kaakaba ti ruangan nga adda iti amianan ti akin-ruar a paraangan.
21 And its chambers were three from one side to the other. And its front and its vestibule, in accord with the measure of the former gate, were fifty cubits in its length and twenty-five cubits in width.
Adda tallo a siled iti agsinnumbangir a sikigan ti dayta a ruangan, ti rukod ti ruangan ken ti portiko daytoy ket kas iti rukod ti kangrunaan a ruangan—limapulo a kubit ti kaatiddogna ken limapulo ket lima a kubit ti kaakabana.
22 Now its windows, and the vestibule, and the engravings were in accord with the measure of the gate which looked to the east. And its ascent was by seven steps, and a vestibule was before it.
Dagiti tawa, portiko, siled, ken dagiti kayo a palma daytoy ket maipada iti ruangan a nakasango iti daya. Adda agdan a pito ti tukadna nga umuli iti daytoy ken iti portiko daytoy.
23 And the gate of the inner court was opposite the gate of the north, and that of the east. And he measured from gate to gate as one hundred cubits.
Adda maysa a ruangan nga agturong iti akin-uneg a paraangan iti sangoanan ti ruangan a nakasango iti amianan, kasta met nga adda ruangan iti daya; rinukod ti lalaki manipud iti maysa a ruangan agingga iti sabali a ruangan—sangagasut a kubit ti nagbaetan dagitoy.
24 And he led me to the way of the south, and behold, there was a gate which looked toward the south. And he measured its front and its vestibule to be the same as the measures above.
Kalpasanna, impannak ti lalaki iti ruangan ti akin-abagatan a pagserkan, ti rukod dagiti diding ken ti portiko ti ruangan ket kas iti rukod dagiti dadduma nga akin-ruar a ruangan.
25 And its windows and the vestibule all around were like the other windows: fifty cubits in length and twenty-five cubits in width.
Adda dagiti babassit a tawa iti ruangan ken iti portiko daytoy a kas iti adda iti dayta a ruangan. Agrukod iti limapulo a kubit ti kaatiddog ken duapulo ket lima a kubit ti kaakaba ti akin-abagatan a ruangan ken ti portiko daytoy.
26 And there were seven steps to ascend to it, and a vestibule before its doors. And there were engraved palm trees, one on each side, at its front.
Adda pito a tukad nga umuli iti ruangan ken iti portiko daytoy, ken adda dagiti naikitikit a kaykayo a palma iti agsinnumbangir a diding.
27 And there was a gate at the inner court, on the way to the south. And he measured from one gate to another, on the way to the south, to be one hundred cubits.
Adda maysa a ruangan iti akin-abagatan a paset nga agturong iti akin-uneg a paraangan, ket rinukod ti lalaki manipud iti dayta a ruangan agingga iti ruangan ti abagatan a pagserkan—sangagasut a kubit ti rukod daytoy.
28 And he led me into the inner court, to the south gate. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.
Ket impannak ti lalaki iti akin-uneg a paraangan babaen iti akin-abagatan a ruangan nga addaan iti rukod a kas kadagiti dadduma a ruangan.
29 Its chamber, and its front, and its vestibule had the same measures. And its windows and its vestibule all around were fifty cubits in length, and twenty-five cubits in width.
Ti rukod dagiti siled, diding, ken dagiti portiko ti ruangan ket kas iti rukod dagiti dadduma a ruangan; adda tawtawa iti aglikmut ti portiko. Agrukod iti limapulo a kubit ti kaatiddog ken duapulo ket lima a kubit ti kaakaba ti akin-uneg a ruangan ken ti portiko daytoy.
30 And the vestibule all around was twenty-five cubits in length, and five cubits in width.
Adda met laeng dagiti portiko iti aglikmut ti akin-uneg a diding; duapulo ket lima a kubit ti kaatiddog ken lima a kubit ti kaakaba dagitoy.
31 And its vestibule was toward the outer court, and its palm trees were at the front. And there were eight steps to ascend to it.
Daytoy a portiko ket nakasango iti akin-ruar a paraangan nga addaan kadagiti naikitikit a kaykayo a palma kadagiti diding daytoy ken adda walo a tukad nga umuli iti daytoy.
32 And he led me into the inner court, along the way of the east. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.
Ket impannak ti lalaki iti akin-uneg a paraangan babaen iti akin-daya a dalan ket rinukodna ti ruangan, a ti rukodna ket kas iti rukod dagiti dadduma a ruangan.
33 Its chamber, and its front, and its vestibule were as above. And its windows and its vestibules all around were fifty cubits in length, and twenty-five cubits in width.
Ti rukod dagiti siled, diding, ken ti portiko daytoy ket kas iti rukod dagiti dadduma a ruangan, ken adda dagiti tawa iti aglikmut. Agrukod iti limapulo a kubit ti kaatiddog ken duapulo ket lima a kubit ti kaakaba ti akin-uneg a ruangan ken ti portiko daytoy.
34 And it had a vestibule, that is, at the outer court. And the engraved palm trees at its front were on one side and the other. And its ascent was by eight steps.
Ti portiko daytoy ket nakasango iti akin-ruar a paraangan; adda kaykayo a palma iti agsinnumbangir a sikigan daytoy ken adda walo a tukad nga umuli iti daytoy.
35 And he led me to the gate which looked toward the north. And he measured it to be in accord with the measures above.
Kalpasanna, impannak ti lalaki iti akin-amianan a ruangan ket rinukodna daytoy; ti rukod daytoy ket kas iti rukod dagiti dadduma a ruangan.
36 Its chamber, and its front, and its vestibule, and its windows all around were fifty cubits in length, and twenty-five cubits in width.
Ti rukod dagiti siled, diding, ken ti portiko daytoy ket kas iti rukod dagiti dadduma a ruangan, ken adda tawtawa iti aglikmut. Agrukod iti limapulo a kubit ti kaatiddog ken duapulo ket lima a kubit ti kaakaba ti pagserkan ken ti portiko daytoy.
37 And its vestibule looked toward the outer court. And an engraving of palm trees at its front was on one side and the other. And its ascent was by eight steps.
Ti portiko ti ruangan ket nakasango iti akin-ruar a paraangan; ti portiko ket addaan kadagiti kaykayo a palma iti agsinnumbangir a sikigan ken adda walo a tukad nga umuli iti daytoy.
38 And at each one of the storerooms, there was a door at the front of the gates. There, they washed the holocaust.
Adda maysa a siled nga adda ruanganna iti abay ti tunggal akin-uneg a ruangan. Ditoy ti pangugasanda kadagiti daton a mapuoran.
39 And at the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables on one side, and two tables on the other side, so that the holocaust, and the offering for sin, and the offering for transgression could be immolated upon them.
Adda dua a lamisaan iti agsinnumbangir a paset ti tunggal portiko, a pakapartian dagiti daton a mapuoran, ken kasta met ti daton gapu iti basol ken ti daton gapu iti salungasing.
40 And at the outer side, which ascends to the door of the gate that goes toward the north, there were two tables. And at the other side, before the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables.
Iti abay ti diding ti paraangan, iti ruangan nga adda iti amianan, adda dua a lamisaan. Kasta met iti bangir, adda dua a lamisaan iti portiko ti ruangan.
41 Four tables were on one side, and four tables were on the other side; along the sides of the gate, there were eight tables, upon which they immolated.
Adda uppat a lamisaan iti agsinnumbangir a sikigan ti ruangan; pagpartianda kadagiti ayup dagiti walo a lamisaan.
42 Now the four tables for the holocausts were constructed of square stones: one and a half cubit in length, and one and a half cubits in width, and one cubit in height. Upon these, they placed the vessels, in which the holocaust and the victim were immolated.
Adda uppat a lamisaan a natapias a bato para kadagiti daton a mapuoran, maysa ket kagudua a kubit ti kaatiddugna, maysa ket kagudua a kubit ti kaakabana, ken maysa a kubit ti katayagna. Iti rabaw dagitoy, indissoda dagiti rimienta a pagparpartida kadagiti daton a mapuoran para kadagiti sakripisio.
43 And their edges were one palm in width, turned inward all around. And the flesh of the oblation was on the tables.
Naikapet iti aglikmut ti portiko dagiti kaw-it a sangadakulap ti kaatiddugna ken adda dua a tiradna, ken maikabil kadagiti lamisaan ti lasag dagiti daton.
44 And outside the interior gate, there were storerooms for the cantors, in the inner court, which was beside the gate that looks toward the north. And their face was opposite the way to the south; one was beside the east gate, which looked toward the way of the north.
Iti asideg ti akin-uneg a ruangan, iti akin-uneg a paraangan, ket adda dagiti siled dagiti kumakanta. Ti maysa kadagitoy a siled ket adda iti amianan a paset, ken ti maysa ket adda iti abagatan.
45 And he said to me: “This is the storeroom that looks toward the south; it shall be for the priests who keep watch for the protection of the temple.
Ket kinuna ti lalaki kaniak, “Daytoy a siled a nakasango iti abagatan ket para kadagiti padi nga agserserbi iti templo.
46 Moreover, the storeroom that looks toward the north will be for the priests who keep watch over the ministry of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, those among the sons of Levi who may draw near to the Lord, so that they may minister to him.”
Ken ti siled a nakasango iti amianan ket maipaay kadagiti padi nga agserserbi iti altar. Dagitoy dagiti putot a lallaki ni Zadok nga umas-asideg kenni Yahweh tapno agserbi kenkuana; isuda dagiti putot a lallaki ni Levi.”
47 And he measured the court to be one hundred cubits in length, and one hundred cubits in width, with four equal sides. And the altar was before the face of the temple.
Kalpasanna, rinukodna ti paraangan—sangagasut a kubit ti kaatiddogna ken sangagasut a kubit ti kaakabana a kuadrado, ken ti altar ket adda iti sangoanan ti balay.
48 And he led me into the vestibule of the temple. And he measured the vestibule to be five cubits on one side, and five cubits on the other side. And the width of the gate was three cubits on one side, and three cubits on the other side.
Kalpasanna, impannak ti lalaki iti portiko ti balay ket rinukodna dagiti adigi ti ruangan daytoy—lima a kubit ti kapuskol ti agsinnumbangir nga adigi. Ti mismo a pagserkan ket sangapulo ket uppat a kubit ti kaakabana, ken ti agsinnumbangir a diding ket tallo a kubit ti kaakabana.
49 Now the length of the vestibule was twenty cubits, and the width was eleven cubits, and there were eight steps to ascend to it. And there were pillars at the front, one on this side and another on that side.
Duapulo a kubit ti kaatiddog ti portiko ti santuario, ken sangapulo ket maysa a kubit ti kauneg daytoy. Adda agdan nga umuli iti daytoy ken adda dagiti adigi iti agsinnumbangir a sikigan daytoy.

< Ezekiel 40 >