< Ezekiel 2 >

1 This was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And I saw, and I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of someone speaking. And he said to me: “Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak with you.”
Alobaki na ngai: « Mwana na moto, telema na makolo na yo; pamba te nazali na likambo ya koyebisa yo. »
2 And after this was spoken to me, the Spirit entered into me, and he set me on my feet. And I heard him speaking to me,
Wana azalaki nanu koloba, Molimo akotaki kati na ngai mpe atelemisaki ngai na makolo na ngai; bongo nakomaki koyoka Ye koloba na ngai.
3 and saying: “Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to an apostate nation, which has withdrawn from me. They and their fathers have betrayed my covenant, even to this day.
Alobaki na ngai: « Mwana na moto, nazali kotinda yo epai ya bana ya Isalaele, ekolo ya bato ya mito makasi, bato oyo batombokelaka ngai. Wuta kala kino na mokolo ya lelo, bango mpe batata na bango batombokelaka kaka ngai.
4 And those to whom I am sending you are sons with a hard face and an unyielding heart. And you shall say to them: ‘Thus says the Lord God.’
Bato oyo epai wapi nazali kotinda yo, bazali mito makasi mpe mitema mabanga. Loba na bango: ‹ Tala liloba oyo Nkolo Yawe alobi. ›
5 Perhaps it may be that they will hear, and perhaps they may be quieted. For they are a provoking house. And they shall know that there has been a prophet in their midst.
Boye, ezala bayokeli yo to baboyi koyokela yo, mpo ete bazali libota ya batomboki, bakososola solo ete mosakoli moko azali kati na bango.
6 But as for you, son of man, you should not fear them, and you should not dread their words. For you are among unbelievers and subversives, and you are living with scorpions. You should not fear their words, and you should not dread their faces. For they are a provoking house.
Bongo yo, mwana na moto, kobanga bango te mpe kobanga maloba na bango te, atako banzube mpe basende ezingeli yo mpe ozali kovanda elongo na koto. Kozala na somo ya makambo oyo bazali koloba te mpe kolenga liboso na bango te atako bazali batomboki.
7 Therefore, you shall speak my words to them, so that perhaps they may hear and be quieted. For they are provoking.
Osengeli koyebisa bango maloba na ngai, ezala bayokeli yo to bayokeli yo te, mpo ete bazali batomboki.
8 But as for you, son of man, listen to all that I say to you. And do not choose to be provoking, as that house is a provoker. Open your mouth, and eat whatever I give to you.”
Kasi yo, mwana na moto, yoka makambo oyo nazali koloba na yo. Kotombokela ngai te lokola libota ya batomboki oyo! Fungola monoko na yo mpe lia oyo nazali kopesa yo! »
9 And I looked, and behold: a hand was put forth toward me; there was a scroll rolled up in it.
Bongo natalaki mpe namonaki loboko moko esembolama kino epai na ngai mpe esimbaki mokanda lokola buku elingama.
10 And he spread it out before me, and there was writing on the inside and on the outside. And there were written in it lamentations, and verses, and woes.
Loboko yango efungolaki mokanda yango liboso na ngai. Na bangambo na yango nyonso mibale, bakomaki: basango ya bileli, ya mikakatano mpe ya pasi.

< Ezekiel 2 >