< Esther 6 >

1 The king passed that night without sleep, and so he ordered the histories and chronicles of former times to be brought to him. And when they were reading them before him,
A daren nan, sarki bai iya barci ba, saboda haka ya ba da umarni a kawo, a kuma karanta masa littafin tarihi na shekara-shekara, da rubutaccen labarin mulkinsa.
2 they came to that place where it had been written, how Mordecai had reported the treachery of Bigthan and Teresh the eunuchs, who desired to cut the throat of king Artaxerxes.
Aka tarar, a rubuce a ciki, cewa Mordekai ya tone ƙulle-ƙullen Bigtana da Teresh, biyu daga hafsoshin sarki, waɗanda suke tsaron mashigin ƙofa, waɗanda suka ƙulla su kashe Sarki Zerzes.
3 When the king had heard this, he said, “What honor and reward has Mordecai been given for this fidelity?” His servants and ministers said to him, “He has received no compensation at all.”
Sarki ya ce, “Wace girma da daraja ce aka ba wa Mordekai saboda wannan?” Masu hidimarsa suka ce, “Ba a yi masa wani abu ba.”
4 And immediately the king said, “Who is in the atrium?” For, you see, Haman was entering the inner atrium of the king’s house to suggest to the king that he should order Mordecai to be hanged on the gallows, which had been prepared for him.
Sarki ya ce, “Wa yake a haraba?” Daidai lokacin kuwa Haman ya shigo harabar waje na fada don yă yi magana da sarki a kan a rataye Mordekai a wurin rataye mai laifin da ya shirya.
5 The servants answered, “Haman is standing in the atrium.” And the king said, “Let him enter.”
Masu yi wa sarki hidima, suka amsa, “Haman yana tsaye a haraba.” Sarki ya umarta, “A kawo shi ciki.”
6 And when he had entered, he said to him, “What ought to be done for the man whom the king wishes to honor?” But Haman, thinking in his heart and supposing that the king would honor no one else but himself,
Sa’an nan Haman ya shigo, sai sarki ya ce masa, “Me ya kamata a yi wa mutumin da sarki yake jin daɗi yă girmama?” Haman dai ya yi tunani a ransa ya ce, “Wane ne sarki zai girmama in ba ni ba?”
7 answered, “The man whom the king wishes to honor,
Sai ya amsa wa sarki cewa, “Saboda mutumin da sarki yake jin daɗi yă girmama,
8 ought to be clothed with the king’s apparel, and be set upon the horse that the king rides, and receive the royal crown upon his head.
bari a kawo rigar sarautar da sarki ya taɓa sawa, da kuma dokin da sarki ya taɓa hawa, wanda aka sa kambin sarauta a kai.
9 And let the first of the king’s rulers and sovereigns hold his horse, and, as they advance through the street of the city, proclaim before him and say, ‘Thus shall he be honored, whom the king decides to honor.’”
Sa’an nan, bari a ba da rigar da kuma dokin wa ɗaya daga cikin manyan sarakuna mafi kirki na sarki. Bari shi kuma yă sa wannan riga wa mutumin da sarki yake jin daɗi yă girmama, a kuma bi da shi a bisan doki ko’ina a titunan birni, ana shela a gabansa ana cewa, ‘Wannan shi ne abin da ake yin wa mutumin da sarki yake jin daɗi yă girmama!’”
10 And the king said to him, “Hurry, take the robe and the horse, and do as you have said to Mordecai the Jew, who sits in front of the gate of the palace. Be careful not to omit any of those things which you have mentioned.”
Sarki ya umarci Haman ya ce, “Tafi yanzu ka karɓi rigar da dokin, ka kuma yi yadda ka shawarta wa Mordekai, mutumin Yahudan nan, wanda yake zama a bakin ƙofar sarki. Kada ka kāsa yin kome daga cikin abin da ka faɗa.”
11 And so Haman took the robe and the horse, and arraying Mordecai in the street of the city, and setting him on the horse, he went before him and cried out, “He is worthy of this honor, whom the king has decided to honor.”
Saboda haka, Haman ya karɓo rigar da dokin. Ya sa wa Mordekai rigar, ya kuma bi da shi a kan doki ko’ina a titunan birnin, yana shela a gabansa yana cewa, “Wannan shi ne abin da ake yi wa mutumin da sarki yake jin daɗi yă girmama!”
12 And Mordecai returned to the palace door. And Haman hurried to go to his house, mourning and hiding his head.
Daga baya, Mordekai ya dawo zuwa ƙofar sarki. Amma Haman ya ruga gida, kansa a rufe, saboda baƙin ciki.
13 And he explained to Zeresh his wife and to his friends all that had happened to him. And the wise men, whom he held in counsel, and his wife, answered him, “If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is from the offspring of the Jews, you will not be able to withstand him, but you will fall in his sight.”
Ya je ya faɗa wa matarsa Zeresh, da dukan abokansa, me ya same shi. Masu ba shi shawara, da matarsa Zeresh, suka ce masa, “Idan Mordekai, wanda ka fara fāɗuwa a gabansa, daga zuriyar Yahudawa yake, to, ba za ka yi nasara a kansa ba, tabbatacce za ka fāɗi a gabansa!”
14 As they were still speaking, the king’s eunuchs arrived and compelled him to go quickly to the feast, which the queen had prepared.
Suna cikin magana da shi ke nan, sai ga bābānnin sarki, suka iso suka kuma hanzarta da Haman zuwa liyafar da Esta ta shirya.

< Esther 6 >