< Esther 2 >

1 And so, after this had been carried out, and the indignation of king Artaxerxes had subsided, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what had happened to her.
Daga baya sa’ad da fushin Sarki Zerzes ya huce, sai ya tuna da Bashti da abin da ta yi, da kuma dokar da ya bayar game da ita.
2 And the servants of the king, and his ministers, said, “Let young women be sought for the king, virgins and beautiful,
Sai masu hidimar sarki na musamman, suka kawo shawara cewa, “Bari a nemi, kyawawan budurwai saboda sarki.
3 and let investigators be sent throughout all the provinces for young women, beautiful and virgins. And let them bring them to the city of Susa, and deliver them to the house of the women under the hand of Hegai the eunuch, who is the overseer and keeper of the king’s women. And let them receive feminine ornaments, and other things necessary for their use.
Bari sarki yă naɗa komishinoni a kowane yanki na masarautarsa, domin su kawo dukan waɗannan kyawawan’yan mata cikin harabar mazaunin masarautar a Shusha. Bari a sa su a hannun Hegai, bābān sarki, wanda yake lura da mata, bari kuma a yi musu kulawa ta musamman.
4 And whoever among them all will please the king’s eyes, let her reign instead of Vashti.” The idea pleased the king, and so he ordered it to be done as they had suggested.
Sa’an nan bari yarinyar da ta gamshi sarki, tă zama sarauniya a maimakon Bashti.” Wannan shawara ta gamshi sarki, ya kuwa yi na’am da ita.
5 There was a Jewish man in the city of Susa, by the name of Mordecai, son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish, of the house of Benjamin,
To, a cikin mazaunin masarauta a Shusha, akwai wani mutumin Yahuda, daga Kabilar Benyamin mai suna Mordekai, ɗan Yayir, ɗan Shimeyi, ɗan Kish,
6 who had been carried away from Jerusalem at the time that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon carried away Jeconiah king of Judah,
wanda Nebukadnezzar sarkin Babilon ya ɗauka tare’yan zaman bauta cikin waɗanda ya ɗauko daga Urushalima, tare da Yekoniya, sarkin Yahuda.
7 who had raised his brother’s daughter Hadassah, who by another name was called Esther. And she had lost both her parents. She was very beautiful, with a graceful appearance. Since her father and mother had both died, Mordecai adopted her as his own daughter.
Mordekai yana da wata’yar kawunsa mai suna Hadassa, wanda ya yi reno, ba ta da mahaifi ko mahaifiya. Ita ce yarinyar da aka santa da suna Esta. Kyakkyawa ce ƙwarai. Mordekai dai ya ɗauke ta tamƙar’yarsa sa’ad da mahaifinta da mahaifiyarta suka mutu.
8 And when the king’s command became very well-known, in accordance with his command, many beautiful virgins were brought to Susa, and were delivered to Hegai the eunuch. Likewise, Esther, along with the other young women, was delivered to him, to be protected with the assembled women.
Da aka yi shelar umarni da dokar sarki, sai aka kawo’yan mata masu yawa a mazaunin masarauta a Shusha, aka kuma sa su ƙarƙashin kulawar Hegai. Aka kawo Esta ma zuwa fadar sarki, aka danƙa ta wa Hegai, wanda yake lura da mata.
9 She was pleasing to him, and she found favor in his sight. And he commanded a eunuch to hasten the women’s ornaments, and to deliver her share to her, along with seven of the most beautiful young women of the king’s house, so as to both adorn and honor her and her handmaids.
Yarinyar ta gamshe shi, ta kuma sami tagomashinsa. Nan da nan ya tanada mata, ya ba ta man shafawa da abinci na musamman. Ya ba ta bayi mata bakwai da aka zaɓa daga fadar sarki. Ya kuma kai ta tare da bayinta zuwa wuri mafi kyau na gidan matan kulle.
10 She was not willing to reveal to him her people or her native land. For Mordecai had instructed her that she should keep silent about all these things.
Esta ba tă bayyana asalin al’ummarta da na iyalinta ba, domin Mordekai ya hana yin haka.
11 He went for a walk every day, in the front courtyard of the house in which the chosen virgins were kept, having concern for Esther’s welfare and wanting to know what would happen to her.
Kowace rana Mordekai yana kai da komowa kusa da harabar filin gidan matan kulle, domin ya san yadda Esta take, da kuma abin da yake faruwa da ita.
12 But, when the time came for each in the line of young women to go in to the king, after everything had been completed concerning feminine grooming, the twelfth month had been reached, to the extent that for six months they were anointed with oil of myrrh, and for another six months they used certain types of makeup and perfumes.
Kafin a kai kowace yarinya wurin Sarki Zerzes, sai ta gama watanni goma sha biyu cif ana yin mata kwalliyar da aka tsara, akan ɗauki watanni shida ana shafa mata man mur, a ɗauki watanni shida kuma ana shafa mata man ƙanshi da kayan shafe-shafe.
13 And when they were going in to the king, whatever they requested to adorn themselves, they received, and when each was pleased with herself, having been prepared in the chamber of the women, she passed on to the king’s chamber.
A kuma koya mata yadda za tă tafi wurin sarki. Aka ba ta duk abin da take so ta riƙe daga gidan matan kulle zuwa fadar sarki.
14 And whoever entered at evening, departed in the morning, and then from there she was led to the second house, which was under the hand of Shaashgaz the eunuch, who presided over the king’s concubines. Nor did she have the power to return again to the king, unless the king desired it and had summoned her by name.
Da yamma za tă tafi can, da safe kuma ta dawo wani ɓangaren gidan matan kullen da yake a ƙarƙashin kulawar Sha’ashgaz, bābā na sarki, wanda yake lura da ƙwarƙwarai. Ba ta dawowa wurin sarki sai in ta gamshe shi, sai ya kuma kira ta da suna.
15 But, as the order continued to progress, the day arrived when Esther, the daughter of Abihail the brother of Mordecai, whom he had adopted as his daughter, was required to go in to the king. She did not seek feminine ornaments, except that whatever Hegai the eunuch and keeper of the virgins chose, he gave her to adorn her. For she was very attractive, and her incredible beauty made her appear gracious and amiable in the eyes of all.
Sa’ad da lokaci ya yi da Esta (yarinyar da Mordekai ya ɗauka tamƙar’yarsa,’yar kawunsa Abihayil) za tă shiga wurin sarki, ba tă nemi a ba ta kome ba in ban da abin da Hegai, bābān sarki mai lura da gidan matan kulle, ya ba da shawara. Esta kuwa ta sami tagomashin kowa da ya ganta.
16 And so she was led to the chamber of king Artaxerxes, in the tenth month, which is called Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.
Aka kai Esta wurin Sarki Zerzes a mazaunin sarauta a wata na goma, watan Tebet, a shekara ta bakwai ta mulkinsa.
17 And the king loved her more than all the women, and she had favor and mercy in his eyes above all the women, and he set the royal crown on her head, and he made her queen instead of Vashti.
To, sarki ya so Esta fiye da duk sauran matan, ta kuma sami tagomashinsa da kuma yardarsa fiye da duk sauran budurwai. Saboda haka ya sa rawanin sarauta a kanta, ya kuma mai da ita sarauniya a maimakon Bashti.
18 And he ordered a magnificent feast to be prepared for all the rulers, and for his servants, because of the union and wedding of Esther. And he gave a holiday to all the provinces, and he bestowed gifts befitting of princely generosity.
Sarki kuwa ya yi ƙasaitacciyar liyafa, liyafar Esta, wa dukan hakimansa da shugabannin masarautarsa. Ya yi shelar hutu ko’ina a larduna, ya kuma raba kyautai a yalwace irin na sarauta.
19 And when the virgins were sought for the second time and gathered together, Mordecai remained at the king’s gate.
Sa’ad da aka tara budurwai karo na biyu, Mordekai kuwa yana zama a bakin ƙofar sarki.
20 Esther had not yet declared her native land and her people, according to his command. For whatever he instructed, Esther observed. And so she did all things as she had become accustomed in the time when he raised her from early childhood.
Amma Esta ta ɓoye asalin iyalinta da na al’ummarta yadda Mordekai ya ce ta yi, gama ta ci gaba da bin umarnan Mordekai yadda take yi sa’ad da yake renonta.
21 Therefore, at that time, when Mordecai was staying at the king’s gate, Bagatha and Thara, two of the king’s eunuchs, who were gatekeepers and who presided over the first entryway of the palace, were angry, and they decided to rise up against the king and kill him.
Sa’ad da Mordekai yake zaune a bakin ƙofar sarki, sai Bigtana da Teresh, biyu daga cikin hafsoshin sarki masu gadin ƙofar shiga, suka yi fushi, suka kuma ƙulla su kashe sarki Zerzes.
22 But Mordecai did not keep this secret, and immediately he reported it to queen Esther, and she reported it to the king in Mordecai’s name, who had brought the matter to her.
Mordekai kuwa ya sami labarin makircin, ya kuma faɗa wa Sarauniya Esta, wadda ta faɗa wa sarki, ta kuma nuna masa cewa Mordekai ne ya ji.
23 It was inquired into and discovered, and they were both hanged on a gallows. And it was committed to the histories and the chronicles which are delivered in the sight of the king.
Sa’ad da aka bincika labarin aka kuma iske gaskiya ne, sai aka rataye hafsoshin nan biyu a wurin rataye mai laifi. Aka rubuta dukan wannan a cikin littafin tarihi a gaban sarki.

< Esther 2 >