< Deuteronomy 19 >

1 “When the Lord your God will have destroyed the nations, whose land he will deliver to you, and when you possess it and live in its cities and buildings,
Sa’ad da Ubangiji Allahnku ya hallakar da al’ummai waɗanda yake ba ku ƙasarsu, sa’ad da kuka kore su, kuka kuma zauna a birane da gidajensu,
2 you shall separate for yourselves three cities in the midst of the land, which the Lord will give to you as a possession,
sai ku keɓe wa kanku birane uku waɗanda suke a tsakiyar ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnku yake ba ku ku mallaka.
3 paving the road carefully. And you shall divide the entire province of your land equally into three parts, so that he who is forced to flee because of manslaughter may have a place nearby to which he may be able to escape.
Ku gina hanyoyi zuwa cikinsu, ku kuma raba ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnku yake ba ku gādo kashi uku, saboda duk wani da ya yi kisankai yă iya gudu zuwa can.
4 This shall be the law of the killer who flees, whose life is to be saved. Whoever strikes down his neighbor unwillingly, and who has been proven to have had no hatred against him yesterday and the day before,
Ga doka game da mutumin da ya kashe wani, ya kuma gudu don yă cece ransa, wani wanda ya kashe maƙwabcinsa ba da gangan ba, ba kuwa da wata ƙiyayya a tsakaninsu a dā ba.
5 such that he had gone with him into the forest simply to cut wood, and in cutting down the tree, the axe slipped from his hand, or the iron slipped from the handle, and it struck his friend and killed him: he shall flee to one of the cities stated above, and he shall live.
Misali, in mutum ya je jeji da maƙwabcinsa domin yankan itace, sai ruwan gatarinsa ya kwaɓe daga ƙotar yayinda yake saran itacen, ya sari maƙwabcin har ya mutu. Mutumin nan zai iya gudu zuwa ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan birane don yă ceci ransa.
6 Otherwise, perhaps the near relative of him whose blood was shed, impelled by his grief, might pursue and apprehend him, unless the way is too long, and he might strike down the life of him who is not guilty unto death, since he had demonstrated that he had no prior hatred against him who was slain.
In ba haka ba mai neman ɗaukan fansa jini, zai iya binsa cikin fushi, yă cim masa, saboda nisan hanyar, har ya kashe shi, ko da yake bai cancanci mutuwa ba, tun da yake ba ƙiyayya tsakaninsa da abokinsa a dā.
7 For this reason, I instruct you to separate three cities at equal distance from one another.
Wannan ne ya sa na umarce ku ku keɓe wa kanku birane uku.
8 And when the Lord your God will have enlarged your borders, just as he swore to your fathers, and when he will have given to you all the land that he has promised to them,
In Ubangiji Allahnku ya fadada yankinku, kamar yadda ya alkawarta da rantsuwa wa kakanninku, ya kuma ba ku ƙasar gaba ɗaya kamar yadda ya yi musu alkawari,
9 (but this is only so if you will keep his commandments and do the things which I instruct to you this day, so that you love the Lord your God, and walk in his ways at all times) you shall add for yourselves three other cities, and so you shall double the number of the three cities stated above.
idan dai kun lura, kuka kiyaye umarnin da nake ba ku a yau, wato, ta wurin ƙaunar Ubangiji Allahnku, kuka kuma yi tafiya kullum cikin hanyoyinsa, to, sai ku keɓe ƙarin birane uku.
10 So may innocent blood not be shed in the midst of the land which the Lord your God will give you to possess, lest you be guilty of blood.
Ku yi haka don kada a zub da jinin marar laifi a ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnku yake ba ku gādo, don kada ku kuma zama masu laifin zub da jini.
11 But if anyone, having hatred for his neighbor, will have lain in ambush for his life, and, rising up, will have struck him, and he will have died, and if he will have fled to one of the cities stated above,
Amma idan wani mutum yana ƙin maƙwabcinsa, ya kuma yi kwanto yana fakonsa, ya yi masa rauni, har ya kashe shi, sa’an nan ya gudu zuwa ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan birane,
12 the elders of his city shall send, and they shall take him from the place of refuge, and they shall deliver him into the hand of the relative of him whose blood was shed, and he shall die.
dattawan garinsa za su aika a kawo shi, a dawo da shi daga birnin, a miƙa shi ga mai neman fansar jini don yă kashe shi.
13 You shall not take pity on him, and so shall you take away the blood of the innocent from Israel, so that it may be well with you.
Kada ku ji tausayinsa. Dole ku fid da laifin zub da jinin marar laifi daga Isra’ila, don ku sami zaman lafiya.
14 You shall not take up or move the landmark of your neighbor, which those before you have placed, in your possession that the Lord your God will give to you, in the land you will receive to possess.
Kada ka gusar da dutsen nuna shaidar iyakar maƙwabcinka wanda kakanni suka sa, a gādon da ka samu a ƙasar da Ubangiji Allahnka yake ba ka mallaka.
15 One witness shall not stand against another, no matter what the sin or outrage may be. For every word shall stand by the mouth of two or three witnesses.
Shaidar mutum guda ba tă isa a tabbatar cewa mutum yana da laifi game da laifin da ake tuhumarsa ba, ko kuwa a kan wani laifin da ake zaginsa da aikata ba. Dole a tabbata da batun ta bakin shaidu biyu, ko uku.
16 If a lying witness will have stood against a man, accusing him of a transgression,
In wani ɗan sharri ya tashi ya yi wa wani sharri, don a sami wani da laifi,
17 both of those whose case it is shall stand before the Lord in the sight of the priests and the judges who shall be in those days.
dole mutanen nan biyu da suke rikici su tsaya a gaban Ubangiji, a gaban firistoci da alƙalai waɗanda suke aiki a lokacin.
18 And when, after a very diligent examination, they will have found that the false witness had told a lie against his brother,
Dole alƙalan su yi bincike sosai, in kuma aka tabbatar mai ba da shaida maƙaryaci ne, yana ba da shaidar zur a kan ɗan’uwansa ne,
19 they shall render to him just as he intended to do to his brother. And so shall you take away the evil from your midst.
to, sai a yi da shi yadda ya yi niyya yă yi da ɗan’uwansa. Dole ku fid da mugu daga cikinku.
20 Then the others, upon hearing this, will be afraid, and they will by no means dare to do such things.
Sauran mutane za su ji wannan su kuma ji tsoro, ba kuwa za a ƙara yin irin wannan mugun abu a cikinku ba.
21 You shall not take pity on him. Instead, you shall require a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot.”
Kada ku ji tausayi, rai yă zama a maimakon rai, ido a maimakon ido, haƙori a maimakon haƙori, hannu a maimakon hannu, ƙafa a maimakon ƙafa.

< Deuteronomy 19 >