< 2 Kings 22 >

1 Josiah was eight years old when he had begun to reign. He reigned for thirty-one years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Jedidah, the daughter of Adaiah, from Bozkath.
Yosiya yana da shekara takwas sa’ad da ya zama sarki, ya kuma yi mulki shekara talatin da ɗaya a Urushalima. Sunan mahaifiyarsa Yedida’yar Adahiya; mutuniyar Bozkat.
2 And he did what was pleasing before the Lord, and he walked in all the ways of his father David. He did not turn aside to the right, or to the left.
Ya aikata abin da yake daidai a gaban Ubangiji ya kuma bi dukan gurbin kakansa Dawuda, bai bauɗe hagu ko dama ba.
3 Then, in the eighteenth year of king Josiah, the king sent Shaphan, the son of Azaliah, the son of Meshullam, the scribe of the temple of the Lord, saying to him:
A shekara ta goma sha takwas ta mulkinsa, Sarki Yosiya ya aiki Shafan ɗan Azaliya, ɗan Meshullam, magatakarda, zuwa haikalin Ubangiji. Ya ce,
4 “Go to Hilkiah, the high priest, so that the money may be put together which has been brought into the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers of the temple have collected from the people.
“Ka haura zuwa wurin Hilkiya babban firist ka sa yă shirya kuɗin da aka kawo a haikalin Ubangiji, wanda masu tsaron ƙofa suka tara daga mutane.
5 And let it be given, by those in charge of the house of the Lord, to the workers. And let them distribute it to those who are working in the temple of the Lord in order to repair the surfaces of the temple,
Ka sa su danƙa su a hannun waɗanda aka zaɓa don biyan ma’aikatan da suka yi gyara a haikalin Ubangiji,
6 specifically, to carpenters and masons, and to those who mend gaps, and so that wood may be purchased, and stones from the quarries, in order to repair the temple of the Lord.
wato, kafintoci, da magina, da masu tsara gini. Ka kuma sa su sayi katakai da sassaƙaƙƙun duwatsu don a gyara haikalin.
7 Yet truly, let no account be given by them of the money that they receive. Instead, let them have it within their power and trust.”
Amma ba sa bukata su ba da bayanin kuɗin da aka danƙa musu domin suna aikinsu da aminci.”
8 Then Hilkiah, the high priest, said to Shaphan, the scribe, “I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord.” And Hilkiah gave the volume to Shaphan, and he read it.
Hilkiya babban firist ya ce wa Shafan magatakarda, “Na sami Littafin Doka a haikalin Ubangiji.” Sai ya ba wa Shafan, shi kuma ya karanta.
9 Also, Shaphan, the scribe, went to the king, and reported to him what he had instructed. And he said: “Your servants have brought together the money which was found in the house of the Lord. And they have given it so that it would be distributed to the workers by the overseers of the works of the temple of the Lord.”
Sa’an nan Shafan ya koma wurin sarki ya ce masa, “Hafsoshinka sun kwashe kuɗin da suke a haikalin Ubangiji, suka ba wa masu aiki da masu lura da haikalin.”
10 Also, Shaphan, the scribe, explained to the king, saying, “Hilkiah, the priest, gave the book to me.” And when Shaphan had read it before the king,
Sa’an nan Shafan magatakarda ya ce wa sarki, “Hilkiya firist ya ba ni wani littafi.” Sai Shafan ya karanta shi a gaban sarki.
11 and the king had heard the words of the book of the law of the Lord, he tore his garments.
Da sarki ya ji kalmomin Littafin Doka, sai ya kece tufafinsa.
12 And he instructed Hilkiah, the priest, and Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, and Achbor, the son of Micaiah, and Shaphan, the scribe, and Asaiah, the servant of the king, saying:
Ya ba da waɗannan umarnai ga Hilkiya firist, da Ahikam ɗan Shafan, da Akbor ɗan Mikahiya, da Shafan magatakarda, da kuma Asahiya mai hidimar sarki, ya ce,
13 “Go and consult the Lord concerning me, and the people, and all of Judah, about the words of this volume which has been found. For the great wrath of the Lord has been kindled against us because our fathers did not listen to the words of this book, so that they would do all that has been written for us.”
“Ku je, ku nemi nufin Ubangiji saboda ni da saboda jama’a da kuma saboda dukan Yahuda game da abin da wannan littafi da aka samo ya ƙunsa. Fushin Ubangiji mai girma ne a kanmu domin kakanninmu ba su kiyaye kalmomin littafin nan ba; ba su aikata bisa ga abin da yake a rubuce game da mu ba.”
14 Therefore, Hilkiah, the priest, and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asaiah, went to Huldah, the prophetess, the wife of Shallum, the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, the keeper of the vestments, who was living in Jerusalem, in the second part. And they spoke with her.
Sai Hilkiya firist, da Ahikam, Akbor, da Shafan, da kuma Asahiya suka je don su yi magana da annabiya Hulda, matan Shallum ɗan Tikba, ɗan Harhas, mai ajiyar tufafi. Tana zama a Urushalima, a Yanki na Biyu.
15 And she responded to them: “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Tell the man who sent you to me:
Sai ta ce musu, “Ga abin da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila ya ce, ku faɗa wa mutumin da ya aike ku wurina,
16 Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will lead evils over this place, and over its inhabitants, all the words of the law that the king of Judah has read.
‘Ga abin da Ubangiji ya ce, zan kawo masifa wa wannan wuri da kuma wa kan mutanen wurin, bisa ga dukan abubuwan da suke a rubuce a cikin littafin da sarkin Yahuda ya karanta.
17 For they have abandoned me, and they have sacrificed to foreign gods, provoking me by all the works of their hands. And so my indignation will be kindled against this place. And it will not be extinguished.
Domin sun yashe ni suka ƙona turare wa waɗansu alloli, suka tozarta ni da dukan gumakan da hannuwansu suka sassaƙa, fushina zai yi ƙuna a kan wannan wuri, ba kuwa zai huce ba.’
18 But to the king of Judah, who sent you so that you would consult the Lord, so shall you say: Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: In so far as you have heard the words of the volume,
Ku faɗa wa sarkin Yahuda, wanda ya aike ku ku nemi nufin Ubangiji, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila yana cewa game da kalmomin da ka ji.
19 and your heart was terrified, and you humbled yourself before the Lord, listening to the words against this place and its inhabitants, specifically, that they would become an astonishment and a curse, and because you have torn your garments, and have wept before me: I also have heard you, says the Lord.
Domin zuciyarka mai tuba ce, ka kuma ƙasƙantar da kanka a gaban Ubangiji sa’ad da ka ji abin da na faɗa game da wannan wuri da mutanen wurin, cewa za su zama la’antattu da kuma kango, domin kuma ka kece tufafinka, ka kuma yi kuka a gabana, na ji ka, in ji Ubangiji.
20 For this reason, I will gather you to your fathers, and you will be gathered to your sepulcher in peace, so that your eyes may not see all the evils that I will bring over this place.”
Saboda haka zan haɗa ka da kakanninka, za a kuma binne ka cikin salama. Idanunka kuma ba za su ga dukan wannan masifan da zan jawo wa wurin nan ba.’” Sai suka kai wa sarki abin da ta faɗa.

< 2 Kings 22 >