< 2 Chronicles 21 >

1 Then Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and he was buried with them in the City of David. And his son, Jehoram, reigned in his place.
Και εκοιμήθη ο Ιωσαφάτ μετά των πατέρων αυτού και ετάφη μετά των πατέρων αυτού εν πόλει Δαβίδ· και εβασίλευσεν αντ' αυτού Ιωράμ ο υιός αυτού.
2 And he had brothers, sons of Jehoshaphat: Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah. All these were sons of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah.
Και είχεν αδελφούς, υιούς του Ιωσαφάτ, τον Αζαρίαν, και Ιεχιήλ και Ζαχαρίαν και Αζαρίαν και Μιχαήλ και Σεφατίαν· πάντες ούτοι ήσαν υιοί του Ιωσαφάτ βασιλέως του Ισραήλ.
3 And their father gave to them many gifts of silver, and gold, and valuables, with very fortified cities in Judah. But the kingdom he handed on to Jehoram, because he was the firstborn.
Και ο πατήρ αυτών έδωκεν εις αυτούς δώρα πολλά αργυρίου και χρυσίου και πολυτίμων πραγμάτων, μετά πόλεων οχυρών εν Ιούδα· την βασιλείαν όμως έδωκεν εις τον Ιωράμ, επειδή ήτο ο πρωτότοκος.
4 Therefore, Jehoram rose up over the kingdom of his father. And when he had established himself, he killed with the sword all his brothers, and certain ones from the leaders of Israel.
Ότε δε ο Ιωράμ υψώθη εις την βασιλείαν του πατρός αυτού και εκραταιώθη, εθανάτωσε πάντας τους αδελφούς αυτού εν ρομφαία και τινάς έτι εκ των αρχόντων του Ισραήλ.
5 Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he had begun to reign. And he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem.
Τριάκοντα δύο ετών ηλικίας ήτο ο Ιωράμ ότε εβασίλευσε, και εβασίλευσεν οκτώ έτη εν Ιερουσαλήμ.
6 And he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done. For his wife was a daughter of Ahab, and he did evil in the sight of the Lord.
Και περιεπάτησεν εν τη οδώ των βασιλέων του Ισραήλ, καθώς έκαμεν ο οίκος του Αχαάβ· διότι θυγάτηρ του Αχαάβ ήτο η γυνή αυτού· και έπραξε πονηρά ενώπιον Κυρίου.
7 But the Lord was not willing to destroy the house of David, because of the covenant that he had formed with him, and because he had promised that he would provide a lamp to him, and to his sons, for all time.
Αλλ' ο Κύριος δεν ηθέλησε να εξολοθρεύση τον οίκον του Δαβίδ, διά την διαθήκην την οποίαν έκαμε προς τον Δαβίδ, και διότι είπε να δώση λύχνον εις αυτόν και εις τους υιούς αυτού πάντοτε.
8 In those days, Edom rebelled, so as not to be subject to Judah, and they appointed for themselves a king.
Εν ταις ημέραις αυτού απεστάτησεν ο Εδώμ από της υποταγής του Ιούδα, και κατέστησαν βασιλέα εφ' εαυτούς.
9 And when Jehoram had gone across with his leaders, and all the horsemen who were with him, he arose in the night, and struck the Edomites (who had surrounded him), and all the commanders of his horsemen.
Και διήλθεν ο Ιωράμ μετά των αρχόντων αυτού και πάσαι αι άμαξαι μετ' αυτού· και σηκωθείς διά νυκτός, επάταξε τους Ιδουμαίους τους περικυκλούντας αυτόν και τους άρχοντας των αμαξών.
10 Even so, Edom rebelled, so as not to be under the authority of Judah, even to this day. Also at that time, Libnah withdrew, so as not to be under his hand. For he had forsaken the Lord, the God of his fathers.
Ούτως απεστάτησεν ο Εδώμ από της υποταγής του Ιούδα έως της ημέρας ταύτης. Τότε κατά τον αυτόν καιρόν απεστάτησε και η Λιβνά από της υποταγής αυτού, επειδή εγκατέλιπε Κύριον τον Θεόν των πατέρων αυτού.
11 Moreover, he also constructed high places in the cities of Judah. And he caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to fornicate, and Judah to prevaricate.
Αυτός ωκοδόμησεν έτι υψηλούς τόπους επί τα όρη του Ιούδα, και έκαμε τους κατοίκους της Ιερουσαλήμ να πορνεύωσι και απεπλάνησε τον Ιούδαν.
12 Then letters were conveyed to him from the prophet Elijah, in which it was written: “Thus says the Lord, the God of David, your father: Because you have not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat, your father, nor in the ways of Asa, the king of Judah,
Και ήλθε προς αυτόν έγγραφον παρά του Ηλία του προφήτου, λέγον, Ούτω λέγει Κύριος ο Θεός του Δαβίδ του πατρός σου· Επειδή δεν περιεπάτησας εν ταις οδοίς Ιωσαφάτ του πατρός σου και εν ταις οδοίς του Ασά βασιλέως του Ιούδα,
13 but instead you have advanced along the paths of the kings of Israel, and you have caused Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to fornicate, imitating the fornication of the house of Ahab, and moreover, you have killed your brothers, the house of your father, who are better than you:
αλλά περιεπάτησας εν τη οδώ των βασιλέων του Ισραήλ, και έκαμες τον Ιούδαν και τους κατοίκους της Ιερουσαλήμ να πορνεύσωσι κατά τας πορνείας του οίκου του Αχαάβ, έτι δε εθανάτωσας τους αδελφούς σου, τον οίκον του πατρός σου, τους καλητέρους σου,
14 behold, the Lord will strike you with a great plague, with all your people, and your sons and wives, and all your substance.
Ιδού, ο Κύριος θέλει πατάξει με πληγήν μεγάλην τον λαόν σου και τα τέκνα σου και τας γυναίκάς σου και πάντα τα υπάρχοντά σου·
15 And you shall be sickened by a very grievous disease of your bowels, until your inner organs depart, little by little, each day.”
και συ θέλεις κτυπηθή με πολλάς αρρωστίας, με αρρωστίαν των εντοσθίων σου, εωσού εξέλθωσι τα εντόσθιά σου εκ της αρρωστίας από ημέρας εις ημέραν.
16 Therefore, the Lord stirred up, against Jehoram, the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, who are along the borders of the Ethiopians.
Ο Κύριος έτι διήγειρεν εναντίον του Ιωράμ το πνεύμα των Φιλισταίων και των Αράβων, των πλησιοχώρων των Αιθιόπων·
17 And they ascended into the land of Judah. And they laid waste to it. And they despoiled all the substance that was found in the house of the king, including even his sons and wives. Neither did there remain for him any son, except Jehoahaz, who was the youngest born.
και ανέβησαν κατά του Ιούδα και εφώρμησαν επ' αυτόν και διήρπασαν πάντα τα υπάρχοντα τα ευρεθέντα εν τω οίκω του βασιλέως, και τους υιούς αυτού έτι και τας γυναίκας αυτού· ώστε δεν έμεινεν εις αυτόν άλλος υιός, ειμή Ιωάχαζ, ο νεώτερος των υιών αυτού.
18 And in addition to all these things, the Lord struck him with an incurable disease of the bowels.
Μετά δε πάντα ταύτα επάταξεν αυτόν ο Κύριος εις τα εντόσθια αυτού με αρρωστίαν ανίατον·
19 And as day followed after day, and the space of time turned, the course of two years was completed. And after having been wasted by a long consumption, so much so that even his inner organs were discharged, the disease ended along with his life. And so he died of a very grievous illness. And the people did not make a funeral for him, according to the custom of burning, as they had done for his ancestors.
και προϊόντος του καιρού, μετά παρέλευσιν δύο ετών, εξήλθον τα εντόσθια αυτού, εκ της αρρωστίας αυτού, και απέθανε με πόνους σκληρούς. Ο δε λαός αυτού δεν έκαμεν εις αυτόν καύσιν, κατά την καύσιν των πατέρων αυτού.
20 He was thirty-two years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem. And he did not walk uprightly. And they buried him in the City of David, yet truly, not in the sepulcher of the kings.
Τριάκοντα δύο ετών ηλικίας ήτο ότε εβασίλευσεν· εβασίλευσε δε εν Ιερουσαλήμ οκτώ έτη, και απήλθε χωρίς να ήναι ποθητός· και έθαψαν αυτόν εν πόλει Δαβίδ, πλην ουχί εν τοις τάφοις των βασιλέων.

< 2 Chronicles 21 >