< 1 Samuel 31 >

1 Now the Philistines were fighting against Israel. And the men of Israel fled before the face of the Philistines, and they fell down slain on mount Gilboa.
Et les Philistins combattirent contre Israël, et les hommes d’Israël s’enfuirent devant les Philistins, et tombèrent tués sur la montagne de Guilboa.
2 And the Philistines rushed upon Saul, and upon his sons, and they struck down Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, the sons of Saul.
Et les Philistins pressèrent fortement Saül et ses fils; et les Philistins frappèrent Jonathan, et Abinadab, et Malki-Shua, fils de Saül.
3 And the entire weight of the battle was turned against Saul. And the men who were archers pursued him. And he was severely wounded by the archers.
Et la bataille se renforça contre Saül, et les archers l’atteignirent; et il eut une très grande peur des archers.
4 Then Saul said to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword and strike me, otherwise these uncircumcised may come and kill me, mocking me.” And his armor bearer was not willing. For he had been struck with an exceedingly great fear. And so, Saul took his own sword, and he fell upon it.
Et Saül dit à celui qui portait ses armes: Tire ton épée et perce-m’en, de peur que ces incirconcis ne viennent et ne me percent, et ne m’outragent. Et celui qui portait ses armes ne voulut pas [le faire], car il avait très peur. Et Saül prit son épée et se jeta dessus.
5 And when his armor bearer had seen this, namely, that Saul had died, he too fell upon his sword, and he died with him.
Et quand celui qui portait ses armes vit que Saül était mort, il se jeta, lui aussi, sur son épée, et mourut avec lui.
6 Therefore, Saul died, and his three sons, and his armor bearer, and all his men, on the same day together.
Et en ce jour moururent ensemble Saül et ses trois fils, et celui qui portait ses armes, et tous ses hommes.
7 Then, seeing that the men of the Israelites had fled, and that Saul had died with his sons, the men of Israel who were across the valley or beyond the Jordan abandoned their cities, and they fled. And the Philistines went and lived there.
Et les hommes d’Israël qui étaient de ce côté de la vallée, et ceux qui étaient de ce côté du Jourdain, virent que les hommes d’Israël s’enfuyaient, et que Saül et ses fils étaient morts, et ils abandonnèrent les villes, et s’enfuirent; et les Philistins vinrent et y habitèrent.
8 Then, when the next day arrived, the Philistines came, so that they might despoil the slain. And they found Saul and his three sons lying on mount Gilboa.
Et il arriva que, le lendemain, les Philistins vinrent pour dépouiller les tués; et ils trouvèrent Saül et ses trois fils tombés sur la montagne de Guilboa.
9 And they cut off the head of Saul. And they despoiled him of the armor, and they sent it into the land of the Philistines all around, so that it might be announced in the temples of the idols and among their people.
Et ils lui coupèrent la tête, et le dépouillèrent de ses armes, et les envoyèrent partout dans le pays des Philistins pour annoncer la bonne nouvelle dans les maisons de leurs idoles et au peuple.
10 And they placed his armor in the temple of Ashtaroth. But his body they suspended on the wall of Bethshan.
Et ils placèrent ses armes dans la maison d’Ashtaroth, et clouèrent son corps à la muraille de Beth-Shan.
11 And when the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead had heard all that the Philistines had done to Saul,
Et les habitants de Jabès de Galaad entendirent parler de ce que les Philistins avaient fait à Saül;
12 all the most valiant men rose up, and they walked all night, and they took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan. And they went to Jabesh Gilead, and they burned them there.
et tous les hommes vaillants se levèrent et marchèrent toute la nuit, et prirent de la muraille de Beth-Shan le corps de Saül et les corps de ses fils, et vinrent à Jabès, et les brûlèrent là.
13 And they took their bones, and they buried them in the forest of Jabesh. And they fasted for seven days.
Et ils prirent leurs os, et les enterrèrent sous le tamaris de Jabès, et jeûnèrent sept jours.

< 1 Samuel 31 >