< 1 Kings 6 >

1 Then it happened that, in the four hundred and eightieth year after the sons of Israel departed from the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, the house of the Lord began to be built.
Salomo mulai membangun Rumah TUHAN pada bulan Ziw, yaitu bulan kedua, dalam tahun keempat pemerintahannya, 480 tahun setelah bangsa Israel meninggalkan Mesir.
2 Now the house, which king Solomon was building to the Lord, was sixty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in width, and thirty cubits in height.
Ukuran Rumah TUHAN, bagian dalam adalah sebagai berikut: panjang 27 meter, lebar 9 meter, dan tinggi 13,5 meter.
3 And a portico was before the temple, of twenty cubits in length, in accord with the measure of the width of the temple. And it had ten cubits of width before the face of the temple.
Di bagian depan Rumah TUHAN itu ada balai yang panjangnya 4,5 meter dan lebarnya 9 meter, selebar rumah itu juga.
4 And he made oblique windows in the temple.
Pada tembok rumah itu terdapat lubang-lubang jendela yang melebar ke dalam.
5 And upon the wall of the temple, he built panels on all sides, in the walls of the house around the temple and the oracle. And he made side chambers all around.
Sekeliling bagian belakang rumah itu, pada tembok sebelah luarnya dibangun kamar-kamar bertingkat. Ada tiga tingkatnya, masing-masing setinggi 2,2 meter.
6 The flooring on the bottom level held five cubits in width, and the middle floor was six cubits in width, and the third floor held seven cubits in width. Then he positioned beams on the house all around the outside, in such a way that they would not be fastened to the walls of the temple.
Pada tingkat pertama, lebar setiap kamarnya 2,2 meter, pada tingkat kedua 2,7 meter dan pada tingkat ketiga 3,1 meter. Tembok tingkat bawah lebih tebal dari tembok tingkat yang di atasnya, sehingga balok-balok kamar tambahan itu dapat dihubungkan dengan tembok Rumah TUHAN itu tanpa melubangi tembok itu.
7 Now the house, while it was being built, was made from cut and finished stones. And so, neither mallet, nor chisel, nor any tool of iron was heard in the house while it was being built.
Untuk balok-balok itu dipakai kayu cemara Libanon. Pintu ke kamar-kamar tambahan di tingkat bawah berada di sebelah selatan, dan untuk ke tingkat dua dan tiga ada tangga pilin. Kemudian Salomo memasang langit-langit rumah itu. Untuk itu ia memakai kasau-kasau dan papan dari kayu cemara Libanon. Selama Rumah TUHAN itu dibangun, sama sekali tidak terdengar bunyi palu, kapak atau perkakas besi, sebab batu-batu yang dipakai untuk pembangunan itu telah disiapkan terlebih dahulu ketika masih di tambang-tambangnya. Demikianlah Salomo membangun Rumah TUHAN itu sampai selesai.
8 The door at the side of the middle section was to the right of the house. And they would ascend along winding stairs to the middle level, and from the middle level to the third level.
9 And he built the house, and finished it. And he overlaid the house with boards of cedar.
10 And he built a paneling over the entire house, five cubits in height, and he covered the house with cedar wood.
11 And the word of the Lord came to Solomon, saying:
Maka berkatalah TUHAN kepada Salomo,
12 “Concerning this house, which you are building: if you will walk in my precepts, and carry out my judgments, and keep all my commandments, advancing by them, I will confirm my word to you, which I spoke to your father David.
"Kalau engkau mentaati semua hukum dan perintah-Ku, Aku akan melakukan untukmu apa yang telah Kujanjikan kepada ayahmu Daud.
13 And I will dwell in the midst of the sons of Israel, and I will not forsake my people Israel.”
Aku akan tinggal di dalam rumah yang kaubangun ini di tengah-tengah umat-Ku Israel. Aku tidak akan meninggalkan mereka."
14 And so, Solomon built the house, and finished it.
Beginilah Salomo menyelesaikan pembangunan Rumah TUHAN itu:
15 And he built the walls of the house, on the interior, with panels of cedar, from the floor of the house, to the top of the walls, and even to the ceiling. He covered it with cedar wood on the interior. And he overlaid the floor of the house with panels of spruce.
Seluruh tembok bagian dalam dilapisinya dengan kayu cemara Libanon, mulai dari lantai sampai ke langit-langit. Lantainya dibuat dari kayu cemara biasa.
16 And he built panels of cedar, of twenty cubits, at the back part of the temple, from the floor even to the top. And he made the inner house of the oracle as the Holy of Holies.
Di dalam rumah itu, di bagian belakang dibuat kamar dengan memasang dinding pemisah dari kayu cemara, mulai dari lantai sampai ke langit-langit. Kamar itu dinamakan Ruang Mahasuci; panjangnya sembilan meter.
17 And the temple itself, before the doors of the oracle, was forty cubits.
Ruang di depan Ruang Mahasuci itu disebut Ruang Besar, dan panjangnya 18 meter.
18 And the entire house was clothed with cedar on the interior, having its turnings and junctures artfully wrought, with carvings projecting outward. Everything was clothed with panels of cedar. And no stone at all was able to be seen in the wall.
Tembok bagian dalam seluruh rumah itu dilapisi dengan kayu cemara Libanon, sehingga batu-batu temboknya tidak kelihatan sama sekali. Lapisan itu dihiasi dengan ukiran buah labu dan bunga-bunga mekar.
19 Now he made the oracle in the middle of the house, in the inner part, so that he might station the ark of the covenant of the Lord there.
Ruang Mahasuci yang dibuat di dalam Rumah TUHAN itu disediakan untuk Peti Perjanjian TUHAN.
20 And the oracle held twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in width, and twenty cubits in height. And he covered and clothed it with the purest gold. Then, too, he clothed the altar in cedar.
Ruangan itu panjangnya, lebarnya dan tingginya sama, yaitu sembilan meter. Mezbah di depan Ruang Mahasuci itu dibuat dari kayu cemara Libanon. Pada pintu masuk ke ruangan itu direntangkan rantai emas. Seluruh bagian dalam Rumah TUHAN itu termasuk Ruang Mahasuci dan mezbahnya dilapisi dengan emas murni.
21 Also, the house before the oracle, he covered with the purest gold, and he fastened the plates with nails of gold.
22 And there was nothing in the temple that was not covered with gold. Moreover, the entire altar of the oracle he overlaid with gold.
23 And he made in the oracle two cherubim from wood of the olive tree, of ten cubits in height.
Di dalam Ruang Mahasuci itu ditaruh juga dua patung kerub yang dibuat dari kayu zaitun. Kedua patung itu masing-masing tingginya 4,4 meter;
24 One wing of a cherub was five cubits, and the other wing of a cherub was five cubits, that is, having ten cubits from the summit of one wing even to the summit of the other wing.
ukuran dan bentuknya sama. Masing-masing mempunyai dua sayap, setiap sayap itu 2,2 meter panjangnya. Jarak antara kedua ujung sayap dari masing-masing patung 4,4 meter.
25 Likewise, the second cherub was ten cubits. And the measure was equal and the work was one, in the two cherubim,
26 that is, one cherub had a height of ten cubits, and similarly the second cherub.
27 And he stationed the cherubim in the middle of the inner temple. And the cherubim extended their wings, and the wing of the one was touching the wall, and the wing of the second cherub was touching the other wall. But the other wings, in the middle of the temple, were touching each another.
Kedua patung itu diletakkan berdampingan di dalam Ruang Mahasuci sehingga satu sayap dari setiap patung itu menyentuh dinding, dan sayap yang lainnya saling menyentuh di tengah-tengah ruangan itu.
28 He also overlaid the cherubim with gold.
Kedua patung kerub itu dilapisi dengan emas.
29 And all the walls of the temple all around he engraved with diverse carvings and turnings. And he made in them cherubim, and palm trees, and various images, as if these were projecting out, and going forth from, the wall.
Seluruh dinding bagian dalam Rumah TUHAN dihiasi dengan ukiran kerub-kerub, pohon-pohon palem, dan bunga-bunga mekar.
30 Then, too, the floor of the house he overlaid with gold within and without.
Lantai di dalam Rumah TUHAN itu seluruhnya dilapisi dengan emas.
31 And at the entrance of the oracle, he made little doors, from wood of the olive tree, with posts of five corners.
Pada pintu masuk ke dalam Ruang Mahasuci itu dipasang dua daun pintu dari kayu zaitun. Ambang pintu itu bagian atas berbentuk lengkungan yang tajam di tengah-tengahnya.
32 And there were two doors, from wood of the olive tree. And he carved upon them pictures of cherubim, and images of palm trees, and very prominent figures. And he overlaid these with gold. And he covered the cherubim, as well as the palm trees and the other things, with gold.
Kedua daun pintu itu dihiasi dengan ukiran kerub, pohon palem dan bunga-bunga mekar. Daun pintu, patung kerub dan ukiran pohon-pohon palem, semuanya dilapisi dengan emas.
33 And he made, at the entrance of the temple, posts from wood of the olive tree, with four corners,
Pada pintu masuk ke dalam ruangan muka, yaitu ruang besar, dipasang bingkai pintu dari kayu zaitun, berbentuk empat persegi panjang.
34 and two doors, from wood of the spruce tree, on the other side. And each door was double, and so it opened by folding upon itself.
Juga dibuat dua daun pintu dari kayu cemara biasa, yang masing-masing dapat dilipat.
35 And he carved cherubim, and palm trees, and very prominent engravings. And he covered everything with gold plates, worked to be perfectly square.
Daun-daun pintu itu dihiasi dengan ukiran kerub, pohon palem dan bunga mekar. Semua ukiran itu berlapis emas.
36 And he built the inner atrium with three rows of polished stones, and one row of cedar wood.
Di depan Rumah TUHAN itu dibuat pelataran dalam. Pelataran itu dikelilingi tembok yang berlapis-lapis: di atas setiap tiga lapis batu, ada selapis kayu cemara Libanon.
37 In the fourth year, the house of the Lord was founded, in the month of Ziv.
Pondasi Rumah TUHAN itu dipasang pada bulan Ziw, yaitu bulan kedua, dalam tahun keempat pemerintahan Salomo.
38 And in the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, the house was perfected in all its works and in all its equipment. And he built it for seven years.
Dan pada bulan Bul, yaitu bulan kedelapan, dalam tahun kesebelas pemerintahannya, selesailah Rumah TUHAN itu dibangun oleh Salomo, tepat seperti yang sudah direncanakan. Pembangunan rumah itu makan waktu tujuh tahun.

< 1 Kings 6 >