< 1 Chronicles 14 >

1 Also, Hiram, the king of Tyre, sent messengers to David, and cedar wood, and artisans of walls and of wood, so that they might build a house for him.
E Hiram rey de Tiro envió embajadores a David, y madera de cedro, y albañiles, y carpinteros, que le edificasen una casa.
2 And David realized that the Lord had confirmed him as king over Israel, and that his kingdom had been lifted up over his people Israel.
Y entendiendo David que Jehová le había confirmado por rey sobre Israel, y que había ensalzado su reino sobre su pueblo Israel,
3 Also, David took other wives in Jerusalem. And he conceived sons and daughters.
Tomó aun David mujeres en Jerusalem, y engendró David aun hijos e hijas.
4 And these are the names of those who were born to him in Jerusalem: Shammua and Shobab, Nathan and Solomon,
Y estos son los nombres de los que le nacieron en Jerusalem: Samua, Sobad, Natán, Salomón,
5 Ibhar, and Elishua, and Elpelet,
Jebahar, Elisua, Elifalet,
6 as well as Nogah, and Nepheg, and Japhia,
Noga, Nafeg, Jafías,
7 Elishama, and Beeliada, and Eliphelet.
Elisama, Baal-jada, y Elifalet.
8 Then, hearing that David had been anointed as king over all of Israel, all the Philistines ascended so that they might seek him. But when David had heard of it, he went out to meet them.
Y oyendo los Filisteos, que David era ungido por rey sobre todo Israel, subieron todos los Filisteos en busca de David. Y como David lo oyó, salió contra ellos.
9 Now the Philistines, arriving, spread out in the Valley of the Rephaim.
Y vinieron los Filisteos, y extendiéronse por el valle de Rafaim.
10 And so David consulted the Lord, saying, “Shall I ascend to the Philistines, and will you deliver them into my hand?” And the Lord said to him, “Ascend, and I will deliver them into your hand.”
Y David consultó a Dios, diciendo: ¿Subiré contra los Filisteos? ¿Entregarlos has en mi mano? Y Jehová le dijo: Sube, que yo los entregaré en tus manos.
11 And when they had ascended to Baal-perazim, David struck them there, and he said: “God has divided my enemies by my hand, just as waters are divided.” And therefore the name of that place was called Baal-perazim.
Entonces subieron en Baal-perazim, y allí los hirió David. Y David dijo: Dios rompió mis enemigos por mi mano como se rompen las aguas. Por esto llamaron el nombre de aquel lugar Baal-perazim.
12 And they left behind their gods in that place, and so David ordered them to be burned.
Y dejaron allí sus dioses, y David dijo, que los quemasen a fuego.
13 And then, at another time, the Philistines invaded, and they spread out in the valley.
Y volviendo los Filisteos a extenderse por el valle,
14 And again, David consulted God. And God said to him: “You shall not ascend after them. Draw away from them. And you shall come against them opposite the balsam trees.
David volvió a consultar a Dios, y Dios le dijo: No subas tras ellos; sino rodéalos, para venir a ellos por delante de los morales.
15 And when you hear a sound approaching in the tops of the balsam trees, then you shall go forth to war. For God has gone forth before you, so that he may strike down the army of the Philistines.”
Y como oyeres venir un estruendo por las copas de los morales, sal luego a la batalla: porque Dios saldrá delante de ti, y herirá el campo de los Filisteos.
16 Therefore, David did just as God had instructed him. And he struck down the army of the Philistines, from Gibeon as far as Gazera.
Y David lo hizo como Dios le mandó; e hirieron el campo de los Filisteos, desde Gabaón hasta Gazera.
17 And the name of David became well-known in all the regions. And the Lord placed the fear of him over all the nations.
Y el nombre de David fue divulgado por todas aquellas tierras; y puso Jehová el temor de David sobre todas las gentes.

< 1 Chronicles 14 >