< Psalms 87 >

1 A Psalm of a Song for the sons of Core. His foundations are in the holy mountains.
Mazmur bani Korah: suatu nyanyian. Di gunung-gunung yang kudus ada kota yang dibangunkan-Nya:
2 The Lord loves the gates of Sion, more than all the tabernacles of Jacob.
TUHAN lebih mencintai pintu-pintu gerbang Sion dari pada segala tempat kediaman Yakub.
3 Glorious things have been spoken of you, O city of God. (Pause)
Hal-hal yang mulia dikatakan tentang engkau, ya kota Allah. (Sela)
4 I will make mention of Raab and Babylon to them that know me: behold also the Philistines, and Tyre, and the people of the Ethiopians: these were born there.
Aku menyebut Rahab dan Babel di antara orang-orang yang mengenal Aku, bahkan Filistea, Tirus dan Etiopia: "Ini dilahirkan di sana."
5 A man shall say, Sion [is my] mother; and [such] a man was born in her; and the Highest himself has founded her.
Tetapi tentang Sion dikatakan: "Seorang demi seorang dilahirkan di dalamnya," dan Dia, Yang Mahatinggi, menegakkannya.
6 The Lord shall recount [it] in the writing of the people, and of these princes that were born in her.
TUHAN menghitung pada waktu mencatat bangsa-bangsa: "Ini dilahirkan di sana." (Sela)
7 The dwelling of all within you is [as the dwelling] of those that rejoice.
Dan orang menyanyi-nyanyi sambil menari beramai-ramai: "Segala mata airku ada di dalammu."

< Psalms 87 >