< Psalms 132 >

1 A Song of Degrees. Lord, remember David, and all his meekness:
Rabbiyow, bal xusuuso Daa'uud Dhibaatooyinkiisii oo dhan,
2 how he sware to the Lord, [and] vowed to the God of Jacob, [saying],
Iyo siduu Rabbiga ugu dhaartay, Oo nidar ugu galay Ilaaha Xoogga leh oo Yacquub, isagoo leh,
3 I will not go into the tabernacle of my house; I will not go up to the couch of my bed;
Hubaal anigu geli maayo teendhada gurigayga, Sariirtaydana fuuli maayo,
4 I will not give sleep to mine eyes, nor slumber to mine eyelids, nor rest to my temples,
Indhahayga seexasho isugu qaban maayo, Il iyo baalna isu keeni maayo,
5 until I find a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.
Ilaa aan meel u helo Rabbiga, Oo aan taambuug u helo Kan Xoogga leh oo Yacquub.
6 Behold, we heard of it in Ephratha; we found it in the fields of the wood.
Bal eeg, annagu waxaan ku maqalnay Efraataah, Oo waxaan ka helnay berrinkii duurka.
7 Let us enter into his tabernacles: let us worship at the place where his feet stood.
Waxaan geli doonnaa taambuugyadiisa, Oo waxaan ku sujuudi doonnaa meeshuu cagaha saarto.
8 Arise, O Lord, into your rest; you, and the ark of your holiness.
Rabbiyow, sara joogso, oo meeshaada nasashada gal, Adiga iyo sanduuqa xooggaaguba.
9 Your priests shall clothe themselves with righteousness; and your saints shall exult.
Wadaaddadaadu xaqnimo ha huwadeen, Quduusiintaaduna farxad ha la qayliyeen.
10 For the sake of your servant David turn not away the face of your anointed.
Addoonkaagii Daa'uud daraaddiis Ha sii jeedin kaaga subkan wejigiisa.
11 The Lord sware [in] truth to David, and he will not annul it, [saying], Of the fruit of your body will I set [a king] upon your throne.
Rabbigu run buu Daa'uud ugu dhaartay, Oo dhaartiisiina ka soo noqon maayo, Midhaha jidhkaaga midkood ayaan carshigaaga ku fadhiisin doonaa.
12 If your children will deep my covenant, and these my testimonies which I shall teach them, their children also shall sit upon your throne for ever.
Carruurtaadu hadday xajiyaan axdigayga Iyo markhaatifurkayga aan iyaga bari doono, De markaas carruurtooduna weligood bay ku fadhiisan doonaan carshigaaga.
13 For the Lord has elected Sion, he has chosen her for a habitation for himself, [saying],
Waayo, Rabbigu wuu doortay Siyoon, Oo wuxuu u jeclaystay inuu rugtiisii ka dhigto.
14 This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have chosen it.
Halkanu waa meeshaydii nasashada weligeedba, Halkanaan degganaan doonaa, waayo, waan jeclaystay.
15 I will surely bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.
Waxaan iyada aad iyo aad ugu barakayn doonaa quud, Oo masaakiinteeda waxaan ka dhergin doonaa cunto.
16 I will clothe her priests with salvation; and her saints shall greatly exult.
Wadaaddadeedana waxaan huwin doonaa badbaado, Quduusiinteeduna aad bay ula qaylin doonaan farxad.
17 There will I cause to spring up a horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for mine anointed.
Halkaas waxaan ka dhigi doonaa in gees Daa'uud u soo baxo, Waxaan laambad u diyaariyey kii aan subkaday.
18 His enemies will I clothe with a shame; but upon himself shall my holiness flourish.
Cadaawayaashiisa waxaan huwin doonaa ceeb, Laakiinse taajkiisu madaxiisuu ku waari doonaa.

< Psalms 132 >