< Psalms 106 >

1 Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy [endures] for ever.
Alleluia! Célébrez Yahweh, car il est bon, car sa miséricorde est éternelle.
2 Who shall tell the mighty acts of the Lord? [who] shall cause all his praises to be heard?
Qui dira les hauts faits de Yahweh! Qui publiera toute sa gloire?
3 Blessed are they that keep judgement, and do righteousness at all times.
Heureux ceux qui observent la loi, qui accomplissent la justice en tout temps!
4 Remember us, O Lord, with the favour [you have] to your people: visit us with your salvation;
Souviens-toi de moi, Yahweh, dans ta bonté pour ton peuple, visite-moi avec ton secours,
5 that we may behold the good of your elect, that we may rejoice in the gladness of your nation, that we may glory with your inheritance.
afin que je voie le bonheur de tes élus, que je me réjouisse de la joie de ton peuple, et que je me glorifie avec ton héritage.
6 We have sinned with our fathers, we have transgressed, we have done unrighteously.
Nous avons péché comme nos pères, nous avons commis l’iniquité, nous avons fait le mal.
7 Our fathers in Egypt understood not your wonders, and remembered not the multitude of your mercy; but provoked [him] as they went up by the Red Sea.
Nos pères en Égypte n’eurent pas d’égard à tes prodiges, ils ne se souvinrent pas de la multitude de tes grâces, ils se sont révoltés à la mer, à la mer Rouge.
8 Yet he saved them for his name's sake, that he might cause his mighty power to be known.
Il les sauva pourtant à cause de son nom, pour faire éclater sa puissance.
9 And he rebuked the Red Sea, and it was dried up: so he led them through the deep as through the wilderness.
Il menaça la mer Rouge, et elle se dessécha; et il les fit marcher à travers l’abîme comme dans un désert.
10 And he saved them out of the hand of them that hated [them], and redeemed them out of the hand of the enemy.
Il les sauva de la main de celui qui les haïssait, il les délivra de la main de l’oppresseur.
11 The water covered those that oppressed them: there was not one of them left.
Les flots couvrirent leurs adversaires, pas un seul n’échappa.
12 Then they believed his words, and celebrated his praise.
Ils crurent alors à ses paroles, ils chantèrent ses louanges.
13 They made haste, they forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel.
Mais ils oublièrent bientôt ses œuvres, ils n’attendirent pas qu’il exécutât ses desseins.
14 And they lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the dry [land].
Ils furent pris de convoitise dans le désert, et ils tentèrent Dieu dans la solitude.
15 And he gave them their request, and sent fullness into their souls.
Il leur accorda ce qu’ils demandaient, mais il les frappa de consomption.
16 They provoked Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the holy one of the Lord.
Puis ils furent jaloux de Moïse dans le camp, et d’Aaron, le saint de Yahweh.
17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and closed upon the congregation of Abiron.
La terre s’ouvrit et engloutit Dathan, et elle se referma sur la troupe d’Abiron;
18 And a fire was kindled in their congregation, and a flame burnt up the sinners.
Le feu dévora leur troupe, la flamme consuma les méchants.
19 And they made a calf in Choreb, and worshipped the graven image,
Ils firent un veau au mont Horeb, ils se prosternèrent devant une image de métal fondu;
20 and they changed their glory into the similitude of a calf that feeds on grass.
Ils échangèrent leur gloire contre la figure d’un bœuf qui mange l’herbe.
21 They forgot God that saved them, who had wrought great deeds in Egypt;
Ils oublièrent Dieu, leur sauveur, qui avait fait de grandes choses en Égypte,
22 wondrous [works] in the land of Cham, and terrible things at the Red Sea.
des miracles dans le pays de Cham, des prodiges à la mer Rouge.
23 So he said that he would have destroyed them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn [him] away from the fierceness of his anger, so that he should not destroy them.
Il parlait de les exterminer, si Moïse, son élu, ne se fût tenu sur la brèche devant lui, pour empêcher sa colère de les détruire.
24 Moreover they set at nothing the desirable land, and believed not his word.
Ils dédaignèrent la terre de délices, ils ne crurent pas à la parole de Yahweh;
25 And they murmured in their tents: they listened not to the voice of the Lord.
ils murmurèrent dans leurs tentes, et n’obéirent pas à sa voix.
26 So he lifted up his hand against them, to cast them down in the wilderness;
Alors il leva la main contre eux, jurant de les faire périr dans le désert,
27 and to cast down their seed amongst the nations, and to scatter them in the countries.
de faire périr leur race parmi les nations, et de les disperser en d’autres contrées.
28 They were joined also to Beelphegor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. And they provoked him with their devices;
Ils s’attachèrent à Béelphégor et mangèrent des victimes offertes aux morts.
29 and destruction, was multiplied amongst them.
Ils irritèrent Yahweh par leurs actions, et un fléau fit irruption parmi eux.
30 Then Phinees stood up, and made atonement: and the plague ceased.
Phinées se leva et donna satisfaction, et le fléau fut arrêté.
31 And it was counted to him for righteousness, to all generations for ever.
Cette action fut imputée à justice, d’âge en âge, à jamais.
32 They provoked him also at the water of Strife, and Moses was hurt for their sakes;
Ils irritèrent Yahweh aux eaux de Mériba, et Moïse eut à souffrir à cause d’eux;
33 for they provoked his spirit, and he spoke [unadvisedly] with his lips.
car ils aigrirent son esprit, et il prononça des paroles inconsidérées.
34 They destroyed not the nations which the Lord told them [to destroy];
Ils n’exterminèrent pas les peuples que Yahweh leur avait ordonné de détruire.
35 but were mingled with the heathen, and learnt their works.
Ils se mêlèrent aux nations, et ils apprirent leurs œuvres.
36 And they served their graven images; and it became an offence to them.
Ils servirent leurs idoles, qui furent pour eux un piège.
37 And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to devils,
Ils immolèrent leurs fils et leurs filles aux démons.
38 and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Chanaan; and the land was defiled with blood.
Ils versèrent le sang innocent, le sang de leurs fils et de leurs filles, qu’ils sacrifiaient aux idoles de Canaan; et le pays fut profané par des meurtres.
39 and was polluted with their works; and they went a whoring with their own devices.
Ils se souillèrent par leurs œuvres, ils se prostituèrent par leurs actions.
40 So the Lord was very angry with his people, and he abhorred his inheritance.
La colère de Yahweh s’alluma contre son peuple, et il prit en horreur son héritage.
41 And he delivered them into the hands of [their] enemies; and they that hated them ruled over them.
Il les livra entre les mains des nations, ceux qui les haïssaient dominèrent sur eux.
42 Ands their enemies oppressed them, and they were brought down under their hands.
Leurs ennemis les opprimèrent, et ils furent humiliés sous leur main.
43 Many a time he delivered them; but they provoked him by their counsel, and they were brought low by their iniquities.
Bien des fois il les délivra, mais ils furent rebelles dans leurs desseins, et se perdirent par leurs iniquités.
44 You the Lord looked upon their affliction, when he heard their petition.
Néanmoins, il regarda leur détresse, lorsqu’il entendit leurs supplications.
45 And he remembered his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercy.
Il se souvint en leur faveur de son alliance, il eut pitié d’eux selon sa grande bonté,
46 And he caused them to be pitied in the sight of all who carried them captive.
et il en fit l’objet de ses miséricordes, devant tous ceux qui les tenaient captifs.
47 Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from amongst the heathen, that we may give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in your praise.
Sauve-nous Yahweh, notre Dieu, et rassemble-nous du milieu des nations, afin que nous célébrions ton saint nom, et que nous mettions notre gloire à te louer.
48 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting and to everlasting; and all the people shall say, Amen, Amen.
Béni soit Yahweh, Dieu d’Israël, d’éternité en éternité! Et que tout le peuple dise: Amen! Alleluia!

< Psalms 106 >