< Lamentations 1 >

1 And it came to pass, after Israel was taken captive, and Jerusalem made desolate, [that] Jeremias sat weeping, and lamented [with] this lamentation over Jerusalem, and said, ALEPH. How does the city that was filled with people sit solitary! she is become as a widow: she that was magnified amongst the nations, [and] princess amongst the provinces, has become tributary.
Ti siudad a napnoan idi kadagiti tattao ket agtugtugaw itan a nakalidliday! Nagbalin isuna a kasla maysa a balo, nupay maysa idi isuna a nabileg a nasion! Maysa idi isuna a prinsesa kadagiti nasion, ngem nagbalin itan a tagabu!
2 BETH. She weeps sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks; and there is none of all her lovers to comfort her: all that were her friends have dealt deceitfully with her, they are become her enemies.
Agsangsangit ken agan-anug-og isuna iti rabii, ket agarubos dagiti luana kadagiti pingpingna. Awan kadagiti kaayan-ayatna ti mangliwliwa kenkuana. Liniputan isuna dagiti amin a gagayyemna. Nagbalinda a kabusorna.
3 GIMEL. Judea is gone into captivity by reason of her affliction, and by reason of the abundance of her servitude: she dwells amongst the nations, she has not found rest: all her pursuers have overtaken her between her oppressors.
Kalpasan iti kinakurapay ken pannakaparigat, nagbalin a balud ti Juda. Makipagnanaed isuna kadagiti nasion ken saan a makasarak iti inanana. Nakamatan isuna dagiti mangkamkamat kenkuana iti pannakaupayna.
4 DALETH. The ways of Sion mourn, because there are none that come to the feast: all her gates are ruined: her priests groan, her virgins are led captive, and she is in bitterness in herself.
Agladladingit dagiti kalsada ti Sion gapu ta awan ti umay kadagiti naituding a fiesta. Nabaybay-an dagiti amin a ruanganna. Agas-asug dagiti papadina. Kasta unay ti ladingit dagiti birhenna ken isuna a mismo ket matutuokan unay.
5 HE. Her oppressors are become the head, and her enemies have prospered; for the Lord has afflicted her because of the multitude of her sins: her young children are gone into captivity before the face of the oppressor.
Nagbalin nga amona dagiti kasupiatna; rumangrang-ay dagiti kabusorna. Pinarigat isuna ni Yahweh gapu kadagiti adu a basolna. Nagbalin a balud dagiti ubbing nga annakna kadagiti kasupiatna.
6 VAU. And all her beauty has been taken away from the daughter of Sion: her princes were as rams finding no pasture, and are gone [away] in weakness before the face of the pursuer.
Ken pimmanaw ti kinapintas iti anak a babai ti Sion. Nagbalin a kasla ugsa a saan a makasarak iti pagaraban dagiti prinsipena, ket awan iti pigsada a tumaray manipud kadagiti mangkamkamat kadakuada.
7 ZAIN. Jerusalem remembered the days of her affliction, and her rejection; [she thought on] all her desirable things which were from the days of old, when her people fell into the hands of the oppressor, and there was none to help her: when her enemies saw [it] they laughed at her habitation.
Kadagiti al-aldaw ti pannakaparigat ken kinaawan pagtaenganna, malagip ti Jerusalem dagiti amin a napateg a gameng nga adda kenkuana kadagiti immun-una nga al-aldaw. Idi natnag dagiti tattaona iti ima ti kasupiatna, awan iti timmulong kenkuana. Nakita isuna dagiti kabusorna ket kinatkatawaanda ti pannakadadaelna.
8 HETH. Jerusalem has sinned a [great] sin; therefore has she come into tribulation, all that used to honour her have afflicted her, for they have seen her shame: yes, she herself groaned, and turned backward.
Nagbasol iti kasta unay ti Jerusalem isu a linalaisda isuna a kas maysa a banag a makarimon. Um-umsien isuna itan dagiti amin a nangraraem kenkuana gapu ta nakitada ti kinalamo-lamona. Agasug isuna ket padasenna ti tumallikod.
9 TETH. Her uncleanness is before her feet; she remembered not her last end; she has lowered her boasting [tone], there is none to comfort her. Behold, O Lord, my affliction: for the enemy has magnified himself.
Nagbalin isuna a narugit a kasla iti maysa a babai nga agpadpadara. Saanna a pinanunot ti maipanggep iti masakbayanna. Nakaro ti pannakatnagna. Awan ti mangliwliwa kenkuana. Impukkawna, “Kitaem ti pannakaparigatko O Yahweh, ta nagbalin a nabileg unay ti kabusor!”
10 JOD. The oppressor has stretched out his hand on all her desirable things: for she has seen the Gentiles entering into her sanctuary, [concerning] whom you did command that they should not enter into your congregation.
Innala ti kabusor dagiti amin a napateg a gamengna. Nakitana dagiti nasion a sumsumrek iti santuariona, uray no imbilinmo a masapul a saanda a sumsumrek iti paggigimungam.
11 CHAPH. All her people groan, seeking bread: they have given their desirable things for meat, to restore their soul: behold, Lord, and look; for she is become dishonoured.
Agasug dagiti amin a tattaona bayat nga agsapsapulda iti tinapay. Insukatda dagiti napateg a gamengda iti taraon tapno agbiagda. Kitaennak O Yahweh, ket panunotennak, ta nagbalinak nga awan serserbina.
12 LAMED. All you that pass by the way, turn, and see if there is sorrow like to my sorrow, which has happened [to me]. The Lord who spoke by me has afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.
Awan kadi iti aniamanna kadakayo, dakayo amin a lumabas? Kitaenyo no adda siasinoman nga addaan iti ladingit a kas iti ladingit a sagsagrapek, gapu ta dinusanak ni Yahweh iti aldaw ti nakaro a pungtotna.
13 MEM. He has sent fire from his lofty habitation, he has brought it into my bones: he has spread a net for my feet, he has turned me back: he has made me desolate [and] mourning all the day.
Manipud iti ngato nga impatulodna ti apuy iti uneg dagiti tulangko, ket pinagballigianna dagitoy. Nangiyaplag isuna iti iket para kadagiti sakak ket pinagsublinak. Intultuloynak nga aramiden nga agwalangwalang ken nakapuy.
14 NUN. He has watched over my sins, they are twined about my hands, they have come up on my neck: my strength has failed; for the Lord has laid pains on my hands, I shall not be able to stand.
Ti sangol dagiti salungasingko ket mareppet babaen iti imana. Naigalut dagitoy ket naikabil iti tengngedko. Pinukawna ti pigsak. Impaimanak ti Apo kadakuada, ket awan iti gawayko.
15 SAMECH. The Lord has cut off all my strong men from the midst of me: he has summoned against me a time for crushing my choice men: the Lord has trodden a wine-press for the virgin daughter of Juda: for these things I weep.
Impalladaw ti Apo dagiti amin a maingel a lallaki a nangikanawa kaniak. Nangayab isuna iti maysa a gimong a maibusor kaniak tapno maparmek dagiti mamaingel a tattaok. Imbaddek ti Apo ti birhen nga anak a babai ti Juda a kas kadagiti ubas iti maysa a pagpespesan.
16 AIN. Mine eye has poured out water, because he that should comfort me, that should restore my soul, has been removed far from me: my sons have been destroyed, because the enemy has prevailed.
Agsangitak gapu kadagitoy a banbanag. Dagiti matak, agarubos ti lua manipud kadagiti matak gapu ta adayo kaniak ti mangliwliwa a mangpabaro koma iti biagko. Nagwalangwalang dagiti annakko gapu ta nagballigi ti kabusor.
17 PHE. Sion has spread out her hand, [and] there is none to comfort her: the Lord has commanded [concerning] Jacob, his oppressors are round about him: Jerusalem has become amongst them as a removed woman.
Inyunnat ti Sion dagiti imana; awan ti mangliwliwa kenkuana. Imbilin ni Yahweh a masapul nga agbalin a kasupiatna dagiti adda iti aglawlaw ni Jacob. Ti Jerusalem ket maysa a banag a narugit kadakuada.
18 TSADE. The Lord is righteous; for I have provoked his mouth: hear, I pray you, all people, and behold my grief: my virgins and my young men are gone into captivity.
Nalinteg ni Yahweh, ta nagsukirak iti bilinna. Dumngegkayo, dakayo amin a tattao, ket kitaenyo ti ladingitko. Naibalud dagiti birhen ken dagiti mamaingel a tattaok.
19 KOPH. I called my lovers, but they deceived me: my priests and my elders failed in the city; for they sought meat that they might restore their souls, and found [it] not.
Inawagak dagiti kaayan-ayatko, ngem linipliputandak. Nagpukaw dagiti padi ken panglakayen iti siudad, kabayatan nga agsapsapulda iti taraon tapno agbiagda.
20 RHECHS. Behold, O Lord; for I am afflicted: my belly is troubled, and my heart is turned within me; for I have been grievously rebellious: abroad the sword has bereaved me, even as death at home.
Kumitaka O Yahweh, ta matutuokak; agkibur ti tianko. Naburak ti pusok iti kaunggak gapu ta nakaro ti panagsukirko. Matay dagiti annakmi kadagiti kalsada babaen iti kampilan; iti pagtaengan ket kasla lubong dagiti natay.
21 CHSEN. Hear, I pray you, for I groan: there is none to comfort me: all mine enemies have heard [of] mine afflictions, and rejoice because you have done [it]: you have brought on the day, you have called the time: they are become like to me.
Denggennak nga umas-asug. Awan ti mangliwliwa kaniak. Nangngeg dagiti amin a kabusorko ti panagrigrigatko. Agragragsakda ta inaramidmo daytoy. Iyegmo ti aldaw nga impakaammom; agbalinda koma a kas kaniak.
22 THAU. Let all their wickedness come before your face; and strip them, as they have made a gleaning for all my sins: for my groans are many, and my heart is grieved.
Umay koma dagiti amin a kinadangkesda iti sangoanam. Dusaem ida kas iti panangdusam kaniak gapu kadagiti amin a nagbasolak; ta adun ti panagas-asugko, ken nakapuyen ti pusok.

< Lamentations 1 >