< Job 41 >

1 But will you catch the serpent with a hook, and put a halter about his nose?
War bahalbadeedka Lewiiyaataan la yidhaahdo miyaad jillaab kalluun ku soo bixin kartaa? Carrabkiisase ma hoos baad xadhig ugu adkayn kartaa?
2 Or will you fasten a ring in his nostril, and bore his lip with a clasp?
Ma sankiisaad xadhig ku xidhi kartaa? Mase daankiisaad jillaab ku duleelin kartaa?
3 Will he address you with a petition? softly, with the voice of a suppliant?
Isagu ma aad buu kuu baryi doonaa? Mase hadal macaan buu kugula hadli doonaa?
4 And will he make a covenant with you? and will you take him for a perpetual servant?
Ma axdi buu kula dhigan doonaa, Si aad addoon uga dhigatid weligiisba?
5 And will you play with him as with a bird? or bind him as a sparrow for a child?
Ma waxaad isaga ula cayaari doontaa sidaad shimbir ula cayaartid oo kale? Miyaadse gabdhahaaga u xidhi doontaa?
6 And do the nations feed upon him, and the nations of the Phoenicians share him?
Kalluumaystayaashu miyey isaga iibin doonaan? Mase baayacmushtariyaasha bay u qaybin doonaan?
7 And all the ships come together would not be able to bear the mere skin of his tail; neither [shall they carry] his head in fishing vessels.
Haraggiisa miyaad hotooyin ka buuxin kartaa? Madaxiisase miyaad warmaha kalluunka lagu qabsado ka buuxin kartaa?
8 But you shall lay your hand upon him [once], remembering the war that is waged by his mouth; and let it not be done any more.
Gacantaada isaga kor saar, Markaas dagaalka xusuuso, oo mar dambe saas yeeli maysid!
9 Hast you not seen him? and have you not wondered at the things said [of him]?
Bal eeg, in isaga la qabto rajo ma leh, Xataa haddii isaga la arko, sow hoos loo dhici maayo?
10 Do you not fear because preparation has been made by me? for who is there that resists me?
Ma jiro mid ku dhaca inuu isaga kiciyo, Haddaba waa ayo kan aniga i hor istaagi kara?
11 Or who will resist me, and abide, since the whole [world] under heaven is mine?
Bal yaa hore wax ii siiyey oo aan haatan u celiyaa? Waxa samada ka hooseeya oo dhan anigaa leh.
12 I will not be silent because of him: though because of his power [one] shall pity his antagonist.
Anigu ka aamusi maayo waxa ku saabsan addimmadiisa, Ama itaalkiisa xoogga leh, ama jidhkiisa quruxda badan.
13 Who will open the face of his garment? and who can enter within the fold of his breastplate?
Haddaba bal yaa dharkiisa kore ka furan kara? Oo bal yaa gowsihiisa soo geli kara?
14 Who will open the doors of his face? terror is round about his teeth.
Bal yaa albaabbada wejigiisa furi kara? Ilkihiisa aad baa looga cabsadaa.
15 His inwards are as brazen plates, and the texture of his [skin] as a smyrite stone.
Qolfihiisa adag waa wuxuu ku kibro, Oo waxay isugu wada xidhan yihiin sida wax shaabad lagu adkeeyo.
16 One [part] cleaves fast to another, and the air can’t come between them.
Midba midda kale way ku dhow dahay, Oo innaba dabaylu dhexdooda kama dusi karto.
17 They will remain united each to the other: they are closely joined, and can’t be separated.
Middoodba midda kale way haysataa, Oo way isku wada dheggan yihiin, oo innaba lama kala fujin karo.
18 At his sneezing a light shines, and his eyes are [as] the appearance of the morning star.
Hindhisooyinkiisa waxaa ka soo widhwidha iftiin, Oo indhihiisuna waa sidii kaaha waaberiga.
19 Out of his mouth proceed as it were burning lamps, and as it were hearths of fire are cast abroad.
Afkiisa waxaa ka soo baxa wax ololaya, Oo waxaa ka soo duula dhimbiilo dab ah.
20 Out of his nostrils proceeds smoke of a furnace burning with fire of coals.
Dulalka sankiisa qiiq baa ka soo baxa Sida dheri karaya iyo cawsduur ololaya.
21 His breath is [as] live coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth.
Neeftiisu dhuxulay shiddaa, Oo olol baa afkiisa ka soo baxa.
22 And power is lodged in his neck, before him destruction runs.
Luquntiisu xoog bay leedahay, Oo cabsina hortiisay ku booddaa.
23 The flesh also of his body is joined together: [if one] pours [violence] upon him, he shall not be moved.
Duudduubyada jidhkiisu way isku wada dheggan yihiin, Wayna ku adag yihiin oo innaba lama dhaqaajin karo.
24 His heart is firm as a stone, and it stands like an unyielding anvil.
Qalbigiisu wuxuu u adag yahay sida dhagax oo kale, Hubaal wuxuu u adag yahay sida dhagaxa shiidka ee hoose.
25 And when he turns, [he is] a terror to the four-footed wild beasts which leap upon the earth.
Markuu sara joogsado ayay kuwa xoogga badanu baqaan, Oo naxdin daraaddeed ayay la waashaan.
26 If spears should come against him, [men] will effect nothing, [either with] the spear or the breast-plate.
In kastoo lagula kaco seef, Iyo waran, iyo fallaadh, iyo hoto, kolleyba waxba kama tari karaan.
27 For he considers iron as chaff, and brass as rotten wood.
Isagu birta wuxuu ku tiriyaa sida caws engegan oo kale, Naxaastana wuxuu ku tiriyaa sida qori bololay.
28 The bow of brass shall not would him, he deems a slinger as grass.
Fallaadhu isaga ma eryi karto, Oo dhagaxyada wadhafkuna waxay isaga u noqdaan sidii xaab oo kale.
29 Mauls are counted as stubble; and he laughs to scorn the waving of the firebrand.
Budhadhkuna waxay isaga la yihiin sidii xaab oo kale, Oo hotada ruxmashadeedana wuu ku qoslaa.
30 His lair is [formed of] sharp points; and all the gold of the sea under him is an immense [quantity of] clay.
Boggiisa hoose waa sida dheryo burburradooda afaysan, Oo wuxuu dhoobada ugu kor dhaqaaqaa sida gaadhi hadhuudh lagu tumo.
31 He makes the deep boil like a brazen cauldron; and he regards the sea as a pot of ointment,
Isagu moolkuu u kariyaa sidii dheri oo kale, Oo baddana wuxuu ka dhigaa sida weel cadar ku jiro oo kale.
32 and the lowest part of the deep as a captive: he reckons the deep as [his] range.
Xaggiisa dambe wuxuu noqdaa jid wax ka iftiimo, Oo moolkana waxaa loo maleeyaa sidii cirro oo kale.
33 There is nothing upon the earth like to him, formed to be sported with by my angels.
Dhulka ma joogo mid sidiisa oo kale, Oo cabsila'aan la abuuray.
34 He beholds every high thing: and he is king of all that are in the waters.
Isagu wuxuu fiiriyaa waxyaalaha sare oo dhan, Oo inta kibirsan oo dhan boqor buu u yahay.

< Job 41 >