< Esias 30 >

1 Woe to the apostate children, says the Lord: you have framed counsel, not by me, and covenants not by my Spirit, to add sins to sins:
“Asi pay dagiti nasukir nga annak,” daytoy ti pakaammo ni Yahweh. “Agplanoda, ngem saan nga aggapu kaniak; tumiponda kadagiti dadduma a nasion, ngem saan ida nga indalan ti Espirituk, isu a nayunanda ti basolda.
2 [even] they that proceed to go down into Egypt, but they have not enquired of me, that they might be helped by Pharao, and protected by the Egyptians.
Ikeddengda a sumalog idiay Egipto, ngem saanda a dinawat ti panangidalanko. Dawatenda ti panangsalaknib ti Faraon ken agkamangda iti salinong ti Egipto.
3 For the protection of Pharaoh shall be to you a disgrace, and [there shall be] a reproach to them that trust in Egypt.
Ngarud, ti panangsalaknib ti Faraon ti pakaibabainanyonto, ken ti panagkamangyo iti salinong ti Egipto ti pannakaibabainyo,
4 For there are princes in Tanes, evil messengers.
nupay adda idiay Zoan dagiti prinsipeda ken napan idiay Hanes dagiti mensaheroda.
5 In vain shall they labour [in seeking] to a people, which shall not profit them for help, but [shall be] for a shame and reproach.
Mabaindanto amin gapu kadagiti tattao a saan a makatulong kadakuada, kadagiti saan a makatulong wenno pakairanudan, no di ket pakaibabainan ken pakaibabaan.”
6 THE VISION OF THE QUADRUPEDS IN THE DESERT. In affliction and distress, [where are] the lion and lion's whelp, thence [come] also asps, and the young of flying asps, [there shall they be] who bore their wealth on asses and camels to a nation which shall not profit them.
Pakaammo maipapan iti narungsot nga ayup ti Negeb: Lumasatda iti daga ti riribok ken peggad, iti kabaian ken kalakian a leon, ti karasaen, ken ti nakabutbuteng a dragon, awitda dagiti kinabaknangda kadagiti bukot dagiti asnoda, ken dagiti gamengda iti bukot dagiti kamelioda, kadagiti tattao a saan a makatulong kadakuada.
7 The Egyptians shall help you utterly in vain: tell them, This your consolation is vain.
Ta awan serserbi ti tulong ti Egipto, isu a pinanaganak daytoy iti Rahab nga agtugtugaw lattan.
8 Now then sit down and write these words on a tablet, and in a book; for these things shall be for [many long] days, and even for ever.
Mapanka itan, isuratmo iti sangoananda, iti maysa a tapi ti bato, ken isuratmo iti nalukot a pagbasaan, tapno mapagtalinaed daytoy para iti masakbayan kas maysa a pammaneknek.
9 For the people is disobedient, false children, who would not hear the law of God:
Ta nasukir dagitoy a tattao, ulbod nga annak, annak a saan a dumngeg iti bilin ni Yahweh.
10 who say to the prophets, Report not to us; and to them that see visions, Speak [them] not to us, but speak and report to us another error;
Kunada kadagiti makakitkita iti masakbayan, “Saanka a kumita;” ken kadagiti profeta, “Saankayo a mangipadto iti pudno kadakami; ibagayo kadakami dagiti nasayaat a banbanag; mangipadtokayo kadagiti panangallilaw;
11 and turn us aside from this way; remove from us this path, and remove from us the oracle of Israel.
aglisikayo iti pagnaan; aglisikayo iti dalan; iyadayoyo iti sangoananmi ti Nasantoan ti Israel.”
12 Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel, Because you have refused to obey these words, and have trusted in falsehood; and because you have murmured, and been confident in this respect:
Ngarud, kuna ti Nasantoan ti Israel, “Gapu ta linaksidyo daytoy a sao ken nagtalekkayo iti pannakaidadanes ken panangallilaw ken mangnamnamakayo iti daytoy,
13 therefore shall this sin be to you as a wall suddenly falling when a strong city has been taken, of which the fall is very near at hand.
daytoy ngarud a basol para kadakayo ket kas iti naburburak a paset a dandanin matnag, kas iti maysa a paset ti nangato a pader a ti pannakatnagna ket saan a mapakpakadaan, iti apagdarikmat.”
14 And the fall thereof shall be as the breaking of an earthen vessel, [as] small fragments of a pitcher, so that you should not find amongst them a sherd, with which you might take up fire, and with which you should draw a little water.
Burakenna daytoy kas iti naburak a banga ti maysa nga agdamdamili; saanna a kailalaan daytoy, ket awanton a pulos ti masarakan kadagiti pidaso daytoy a naburak a mabalin a pagadaw iti apuy iti langlang ti urno, wenno pagtako iti danum manipud iti bubon.
15 Thus says the Lord, the Holy Lord of Israel; When you shall turn and mourn, then you shall be saved; and you shall know where you were, when you did trust in vanities: [then] your strength became vain, yet you would not listen:
Ta daytoy ti kuna ti Apo a ni Yahweh, a Nasantoan ti Israel, “Iti panagsubli ken panaginana ket maisalakankayonto; iti kinaulimek ken iti panagtalek ket isunto ti pigsayo. Ngem saankayo nga umannugot.
16 but you said, We will flee upon horses; therefore shall you flee: and, We will be aided by swift riders; therefore shall they that pursue you be swift.
Kunayo, 'Saan, ta aglibaskami babaen kadagiti kabalio,' isu nga aglibaskayo; ken, 'Agsakaykami kadagiti napapartak a kabalio,' isu a napartakto dagiti mangkamat kadakayo.
17 A thousand shall flee because of the voice of one, and many shall flee on account of the voice of five; until you be left as a signal-post upon a mountain, and as one bearing an ensign upon a hill.
Aglibasto ti sangaribo kadakayo babaen iti panangbutbuteng iti maysa; babaen iti panangbutbuteng iti lima aglibaskayonto agingga a dagiti mabati kadakayo ket kas iti maysa a poste ti bandera iti tapaw ti bantay, wenno kas iti maysa a bandera iti tapaw ti turod.”
18 And the Lord will again wait, that he may pity you, and will therefore be exalted that he may have mercy upon you: because the Lord your God is a judge: blessed are they that stay themselves upon him.
Ngem agur-uray ni Yahweh a tapno kaasiannakayo. Ngarud, maitan-okto isuna, ken sisasagana a mangaasi kadakayo. Ta ni Yahweh ket Dios ti hustisia; nagasat dagiti amin a manguray kenkuana.
19 For the holy people shall dwell in Sion: and [whereas] Jerusalem has wept bitterly, [saying], Pity me; he shall pity you: when he perceived the voice of your cry, he listened to you.
Ta agnaedto dagiti tattao iti Sion, idiay Jerusalem, ket saankayonton nga agsangit pay. Sigurado a kaassiannakayo iti panagsangityo. No mangngegna daytoy, sungbatannakayonto.
20 And [though] the Lord shall give you the bread of affliction and scant water, yet they that cause you to err shall no more at all draw near to you; for your eyes shall see those that cause you to err,
Uray no ipapaay kadakayo ni Yahweh ti tinapay ti kinarigat ken ti danum ti panagsagaba, saanton a pulos nga aglemmeng ti mannursuroyo, ngem makitayonto a mismo ti mannursuroyo babaen kadagiti bukodyo a mata.
21 and your ears shall hear the words of them that went after you to lead you astray, who say, This [is] the way, let us walk in it, whether to the right or to the left.
Makangngegto dagiti lapayagmo iti sao iti likudam nga agkunkuna, “Daytoy ti dalan, magnaka iti daytoy” no agbaw-ingka iti kannawan wenno iti kannigid.
22 And you shall pollute the plated idols, and you shall grind to powder the gilt ones, and shall scatter them as the water of a removed [woman], and you shall thrust them forth as dung.
Dadaelenyonto dagiti adda kadakayo a nakitikitan nga imahe a nakalupkopan iti pirak ken dagiti balitok a nasukog nga imahe. Ibellengyonto ida a kas iti narugit a pagpigadan. Ibagayonto kadagitoy, “Pumanawkayo ditoy.”
23 Then shall there be rain to the seed of your land; and the bread of the fruit of your land shall be plenteous and rich: and your cattle shall feed in that day in a fertile and spacious place.
Ipaaynanto ti tudo para kadagiti bukelyo inton mulaanyo ti daga, ken addanto nawadwad a tinapay manipud iti daga. Ket adunto dagiti mulmula. Iti dayta nga aldaw, agarabto dagiti bakayo kadagiti nalawa a pagpasturan.
24 Your bulls and your oxen that till the ground, shall eat chaff mixed with winnowed barley.
Manganto dagiti baka ken asno a pagar-aradoyo iti naimas a naitaep babaen iti pala ken tinidor.
25 And there shall be upon every lofty mountain and upon every high hill, water running in that day, when many shall perish, and when the towers shall fall.
Iti tunggal nangato a bantay ken turod, adunto ti agayus a waig ken karayan, iti aldaw ti nakaro a panangpapatay inton marba dagiti tore.
26 And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold in the day when the Lord shall heal the breach of his people, and shall heal the pain of your wound.
Ti raniag ti bulan ket kaslanto iti raniag ti init, ken rumaniagto pay iti mamimpito a daras ti raniag ti init, kas iti raniag ti init iti pito nga aldaw. Bedbedanto ni Yahweh ti sugat dagiti tattaona ken agasannanto dagiti dunor ti panangsugatna kadakuada.
27 Behold, the name of the Lord comes after a [long] time, burning wrath: the word of his lips is with glory, a word full of anger, and the anger of his wrath shall devour as fire.
Kitaem, ti nagan ni Yahweh ket umay manipud iti adayo a lugar, umap-apuy iti pungtotna ken addaan iti napuskol nga asok. Napno dagiti bibigna iti pungtot, ken ti dilana ket kas iti mangikisap nga apuy.
28 And his breath, as rushing water in a valley, shall reach as far as the neck, and be divided, to confound the nations for [their] vain error: error also shall pursue them, and overtake them.
Ti angesna ket kas iti agliplippias a layus a dumanon agingga iti tengnged, tapno sagaten dagiti nasion babaen iti sagat ti pannakadadael. Ti angesna ket kasla busal kadagiti sangi dagiti tattao a mangpaalla-alla kadakuada.
29 Must you always rejoice, and go into my holy places continually, as they that keep a feast? and must you go with a pipe, as those that rejoice, into the mountain of the Lord, to the God of Israel?
Maaddaankayonto iti kanta a kas iti kanta iti rabii no kasta a rambakan ti nasantoan a fiesta, ken kinaragsak ti puso, ken no kasta nga agpatpatukar iti plauta ti tao nga agturong iti bantay ni Yahweh, iti Bato ti Israel.
30 And the Lord shall make his glorious voice to be heard, and the wrath of his arm, to make a display with wrath and anger and devouring flame: he shall lighten terribly, and [his wrath shall be] as water and violent hail.
Ipangngegto ni Yahweh ti kinadayag ti timekna, ipakitananto ti garaw ti takkiagna babaen iti kasla bagyo a pungtot ken iti gil-ayab ti apuy, iti napigsa nga angin, napigsa a tudo ken uraro.
31 For by the voice of the Lord the Assyrians shall be overcome, [even] by the stroke wherewith he shall strike them.
Ta babaen iti timek ni Yahweh, madadaelto ti Asiria; bautennanto ida babaen iti sarukod.
32 And it shall happen to him from every side, [that] they from whom their hope of assistance was, in which he trusted, themselves shall war against him in turn with drums and with harp.
Ket iti tunggal pannakailayat ti naituding a sarukod nga ilayat ni Yahweh kadakuada ket danggayanto iti musika ti tamborin ken arpa kabayatan a gubgubaten ken karangrangetna ida.
33 For you shall be required before [your] time: has it been prepared for you also to reign? nay, God has [prepared for you] a deep trench, wood piled, fire and much wood: the wrath of the Lord [shall be] as a trench kindled with sulphur.
Ta adda naisaganan a lugar a pagpuoran idi pay laeng. Kinapudnona, naisagana daytoy para iti ari, ken inaramid ti Dios daytoy a nauneg ken nalawa. Nakasaganan ti gabsuon ti adu a kaykayo a pagaron. Ti anges ni Yahweh, a kasla karayan nga asufre, ket pasgedannanto daytoy.

< Esias 30 >