< Ezra 10 >

1 So when Esdras [had] prayed, and when he [had] confessed, weeping and praying before the house of God, a very great assembly of Israel came together to him, men and women and youths; for the people wept, and wept aloud.
Kabayatan ti panagkararag ken panagkumpisar ni Ezra, nagsangsangit isuna ket nagpakleb iti sangoanan ti balay ti Dios. Adu a taripnong ti lallaki, babbai, ken ub-ubbing nga Israelita ti immaribungbong kenkuana ken kasta unay ti panagsangsangit dagiti tattao.
2 And Sechenias the son of Jeel, of the sons of Elam, answered and said to Esdras, We have broken covenant with our God, and have taken strange wives of the nations of the land: yet now there is patience [of hope] to Israel concerning this thing.
Kinuna kenkuana ni Secanias a putot a lalaki ni Jehiel iti kaputotan ni Elam, “Dakami a mismo ket nakaaramid iti maikaniwas iti Diostayo ken nakipagnaedkami kadagiti ganggannaet a babbai manipud kadagiti tattao kadagiti sabali a daga. Ngem ita, adda namnama para iti Israel maipapan iti daytoy.
3 Now then let us make a covenant with our God, to put away all the wives, and their offspring, as you shall advise:
Isu nga ita, agkaritayo iti Diostayo a papanawentayo dagiti amin a babbai ken dagiti annakda segun kadagiti pagannurotan ti Apo ken segun iti pagannurotan dagiti agbuteng kadagiti bilbilin ti Diostayo, ket maaramid koma daytoy segun iti linteg.
4 arise, and alarm them with the commands of our God; and let [it] be done according to the law. Rise up, for the matter [is] upon you; and we [are] with you: be strong and do.
Tumakderka, ta daytoy a banag ket pagrebbengam nga aramiden, ket kaduaandaka. Patibkerem ti nakemmo ket aramidem daytoy.”
5 Then Esdras arose, and caused the rulers, the priests, and Levites, and all Israel, to swear that they would do according to this word: and they swore.
Isu a timmakder ni Ezra, pinagkarina dagiti opisial a papadi, dagiti Levita ken dagiti amin nga Israelita nga agtignayda iti kastoy a wagas. Nagkarida.
6 And Esdras rose up from before the house of God, and went to the treasury of Joanan the son of Elisub; he even went there: he ate no bread, and drank no water; for he mourned over the unfaithfulness [of them] of the captivity.
Kalpasanna, pimmanaw ni Ezra iti sangoanan ti balay ti Dios ket napan iti siled ni Jehonahan a putot a lalaki ni Eliasib. Saan isuna a nangan iti aniaman a tinapay wenno imminum iti danum, gapu ta agladladingit isuna maipapan iti kina-awan pammati dagiti naggapu iti pannaka-ibalud.
7 And they made proclamation throughout Juda and Jerusalem to all the children of the captivity, that they should assemble at Jerusalem, [saying],
Nangipatulodda iti mensahe idiay Juda ken idiay Jerusalem kadagiti amin a tattao a nagsubli manipud iti pannakaipanaw a kas balud nga aguummongda idiay Jerusalem.
8 Every one who shall not arrive within three days, as [is] the counsel of the rulers and the elders, all his substance shall be forfeited, and he shall be separated from the congregation of the captivity.
Siasinoman a saan a makaumay iti las-ud ti tallo nga aldaw segun iti pagannurotan dagiti opisial ken dagiti panglakayen ket masamsam amin dagiti sanikuana, ken saanen a maibilang iti dakkel a gimong dagiti tattao a nagsubli manipud iti pannakaipanaw.
9 So all the men of Juda and Benjamin assembled at Jerusalem within the three days. This [was] the ninth month: on the twentieth day of the month all the people sat down in the street of the house of the Lord, because of their alarm concerning the word, and because of the storm.
Naguummong ngarud dagiti amin a tattao ti Juda ken Bejamin idiay Jerusalem iti tallo nga aldaw. Daytoy ti maikaduapulo nga aldaw iti maikasiam a bulan. Nagtakder dagiti amin a tattao iti plasa ti sangoanan ti balay ti Dios ket nagtigergerda gapu iti sao ken iti tudo.
10 And Esdras the priest arose, and said to them, You have broken covenant, and have taken strange wives, to add to the trespass of Israel.
Timmakder ni Ezra a padi ket kinunana, “Nagbasolkayo. Nakidennakayo kadagiti ganggannaet a babbai a nangpaadu ti basol ti Israel.
11 Now therefore give praise to the Lord God of our fathers, and do that which is pleasing in his sight: and separate yourselves from the peoples of the land, and from the strange wives.
Ngem ita dayawenyo ni Yahweh, ti Dios ti kapuonanyo, ken aramidenyo ti pagayatanna. Suminakayo kadagiti tattao iti daga ken kadagiti ganggannaet a babbai.”
12 Then all the congregation answered and said, This your word [is] powerful upon us to do it.
Simmungbat babaen iti napigsa a timek dagiti amin a gimong, “Aramidenmi kas imbagam.
13 But the people [is] numerous, and the season [is] stormy, and there is no power to stand without, and the work is more than enough for one day or for two; for we have greatly sinned in this matter.
Nupay kasta, adu dagiti tattao, ket panagtutudo pay. Awan pigsami a tumakder iti ruar, ket saan laeng a maysa wenno dua nga aldaw ti panangaramid iti daytoy, gapu ta dakkel unay ti nagbasolanmi iti daytoy a banag.
14 Let now our rulers stand, and for all those in our cities who have taken strange wives, let them come at appointed times, and with them elders from every several city, and judges, to turn away the fierce wrath of our God from us concerning this matter.
Isu a bay-am a dagiti opisialesmi ti mangibagi iti amin a gimong. Dagiti nangipalubos kadagiti ganggannaet a babbai nga agnaed iti siuadadtayo ket bay-am nga umay iti tiempo nga ituding dagiti panglakayen ken ukom ti siudad agingga a maikkat ti nakaro a pungtot ti Diostayo kadatayo.”
15 Only Jonathan the son of Asael, and Jazias the son of Thecoe [were] with me concerning this; and Mesollam, and Sabbathai the Levite helped them.
Sinuppiat daytoy ni Jonatan a putot a lalaki ni Asael ken ni Jazeyas a putot a lalaki ni Tikva, ket immanamong kadakuada da Mesullam ken Sabbetai a Levita.
16 And the children of the captivity did thus: and Esdras the priest, and heads of families according to [their] house were separated, and all by their names, for they returned in the first day of the tenth month to search out the matter.
Isu a daytoy ti inaramid dagiti tattao a nagsubli manipud iti pannakaitalaw. Nangpili ni Ezra a padi kadagiti lallaki, dagiti mangidadaulo kadagiti puli ti kapuonanda ken babbalayda—aminda babaen iti nagan, rinugianda a sinukimat ti maipanggep iti banag iti umuna nga aldaw iti maikasangapulo a bulan.
17 And they made an end with all the men who had taken strange wives by the first day of the first month.
Iti umuna nga aldaw ti umuna a bulan, naileppasda ti panangsukimat no siasino kadagiti lallaki ti nakipagnaed kadagiti ganggannaet a babbai.
18 And there were found [some] of the sons of the priests who had taken strange wives: of the sons of Jesus the son of Josedec, and his brethren; Maasia, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Gadalia.
Kadagiti kaputotan dagiti padi ket adda dagiti nakipagnaed kadagiti ganggannaet a babbai. Kadagiti kaputotan ni Josue a putot a lalaki ni Josadac ken kadagiti lallaki a kakabsatna, ket da Maasias, Eliezer, Jarib, ken Gedalias.
19 And they pledged themselves to put away their wives, and [offered] a ram of the flock for a trespass-offering because of their trespass.
Ket disididoda a mangpapanaw kadagiti assawada a babbai. Agsipud ta nagbasolda, nangidatonda iti kalakian a karnero manipud iti arban para kadagiti basolda.
20 And of the sons of Emmer; Anani, and Zabdia.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Immer: da Hanani ken Zebadias.
21 And of the sons of Eram; Masael, and Elia, and Samaia, and Jeel, and Ozia.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Harim: da Maasias, Elias, Semamaias, Jehiel, ken Uzzias.
22 And of the sons of Phasur; Elionai, Maasia, and Ismael, and Nathanael, and Jozabad, and Elasa.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Pasur: da Elioenai, Maasias, Ismael, Netanel, Johabad, ken Elasa.
23 And of the Levites; Jozabad, and Samu, and Colia (he [is] Colitas, ) and Phetheia, and Judas, and Eliezer.
Kadagiti Levita: da Josabad, Simei, Kelaias, —isu ni Kelita, Petahias, Juda, ken Eliezer.
24 And of the singers; Elisab: and of the porters; Solmen, and Telmen, and Oduth.
Kadagiti kumakanta: ni Eliasib. Kadagiti parabantay iti ruangan: da Sallum, Telem ken Uri.
25 Also of Israel: of the sons of Phoros; Ramia, and Azia, and Melchia, and Meamin, and Eleazar, and Asabia, and Banaia.
Kadagiti dadduma nga Israelita—a dagiti kaputotan ni Paros: da Ramias, Izzias, Malkija, Mijamin, Eleazar, Malkija ken Benaias.
26 And of the sons of Helam; Matthania, and Zacharia, and Jaiel, and Abdia, and Jarimoth, and Elia.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Elam: da Mattanias, Zacarias, Jehiel, Abdi, Jeremot ken Elias.
27 And of the sons of Zathua; Elionai, Elisub, Matthanai, and Armoth, and Zabad, and Oziza.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Zattu: da Elioenai, Eliasib, Mattanias, Jeremot, Zabad ken Aziza.
28 And of the sons of Babei; Joanan, Anania, and Zabu, and Thali.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Bebai: da Jehohanan, Hananias, Zabbai ken Atlai.
29 And of the sons of Banui; Mosollam, Maluch, Adaias, Jasub, and Saluia, and Remoth.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Bani: da Mesullam, Malluk, Adaias, Jasub, Seal ken Jeremot.
30 And of the sons of Phaath Moab; Edne, and Chalel, and Banaia, Maasia, Matthania, Beseleel, and Banui, and Manasse.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Pahat Moab: da Adna, Kelal, Benaias, Maasis, Mattanias, Bezalel, Binnui ken Manases.
31 And of the sons of Eram; Eliezer, Jesia, Melchia, Samaias, Semeon,
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Harim: da Eliezer, Issijas, Malkija, Semaias, Simeon,
32 Benjamin, Baluch, Samaria.
Benjamin, Malluk ken Semarias.
33 And of the sons of Asem; Metthania, Matthatha, Zadab, Eliphalet, Jerami, Manasse, Semei.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Hasum: da Mattenai, Mattatta, Zabad, Elifelet, Jeremai, Manases ken Simei.
34 And of the sons of Bani; Moodia, Amram, Uel,
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Bani: da Maadai, Amram, Uel,
35 Banaia, Badaia, Chelkia,
Benaias, Bedeias, Keluhi,
36 Uvania, Marimoth, Eliasiph,
Vanias, Meremot, Eliasib,
37 Matthania, Matthanai:
Mattanias, Mattenai ken Jaasu,
38 and [so] did the children of Banui, and the children of Semei,
Bani, Binnui, ken Simei,
39 and Selemia, and Nathan, and Adaia,
Selamias, Natan, Adaias,
40 Machadnabu, Sesei, Sariu,
Maknadebai, Sasai, Sarai,
41 Ezriel, and Selemia, and Samaria,
Azarel, Selemias, Semarias,
42 and Sellum, Amaria, Joseph.
Sallum, Amarias, ken Jose.
43 Of the sons of Nabu; Jael, Matthanias, Zabad, Zebennas, Jadai, and Joel, and Banaia.
Kadagiti kaputotan ni Nebo: da Jeiel, Mattitias, Zabad, Zebina, Iddo, Joel ken Benaias.
44 All these had taken strange wives, and had begotten sons of them.
Nakiasawa amin dagitoy kadagiti ganggannaet ken addaan ti annak dagiti dadduma kadakuada.

< Ezra 10 >