< Jezekiel 48 >

1 And these are the names of the tribes from the northern corner, on the side of the descent that draws a line to the entrance of Emath the palace of Aelam, the border of Damascus northward on the side of Emath the palace; and they shall have the eastern parts as far as the sea, for Dan, one [portion].
Koca rhoek kah a ming he tlangpuei khobawt lamloh Lebokhamat kah Hethlon longpuei kah ngolbuel taeng duela, Damasku khorhi kah Hazarenan tlangpuei la, Khamath ngolbuel phai neh tuipuei kah khothoeng baengki hil te pakhat ah Dan rhoek om uh saeh.
2 And from the borders of Dan eastward as far as the west sea-coast, for Asser, one.
Dan khorhi dongah khothoeng saa lamloh khotlak baengki due pakhat ah Asher ham saeh.
3 And from the borders of Asser, from the eastern parts as far as the west coasts, for Nephthalim, one.
Asher khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te pakhat ah Naphtali ham saeh.
4 And from the borders of Nephthalim, from the east as far as the west coasts, for Manasse, one.
Naphtali khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil pakhat ah Manasseh ham saeh.
5 And from the borders of Manasse, from the eastern parts as far as the west coasts, for Ephraim, one.
Manasseh khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te pakhat ah Ephraim ham saeh.
6 And from the borders of Ephraim, from the eastern parts to the west coasts, for Ruben, one.
Ephraim khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te pakhat ah Reuben ham saeh.
7 And from the borders of Ruben, from the eastern parts as far as the west coasts, for Juda, one.
Reuben khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te pakhat ah Judah ham saeh.
8 And from the borders of Juda, from the eastern parts shall be the offering of first fruits, in the breadth twenty-five thousand [reeds], and in length as one of the portions [measured] from the east even to the western parts: and the sanctuary shall be in the midst of them.
Judah khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil khosaa om saeh. Te te a daang neh a yun thawng kul thawng nga tloeng uh. Khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki duela khoyo pakhat la om saeh lamtah a khui ah rhokso om saeh.
9 [As for] the first fruits which they shall offer to the Lord, [it shall be] in length twenty-five thousand, and in breadth twenty-five thousand.
BOEIPA taengah khosaa te a yun thawng kul thawng nga neh a daang thawng rha na tloeng ni.
10 Out of this shall be the first fruits of the holy things to the priests, northward, five and twenty-thousand, and towards the west, ten thousand, and southward, five and twenty thousand: and the mountain of the sanctuary, shall be in the midst of it,
He rhoek he khosoih rhoek ham khosaa hmuencim la om ni. Tlangpuei ah thawng kul thawng nga, khotlak ah a daang te thawng rha saeh lamtah khothoeng ah a daang thawng rha saeh, tuithim ah a yun thawng kul thawng nga neh a khui ah BOEIPA kah rhokso om saeh.
11 for the priests, for the consecrated sons of Sadduc, who keep the charges of the house, who erred not in the error of the children of Israel, as the Levites erred.
Zadok koca lamkah mah khosoih la hoep saeh. Te rhoek long tah ka kueknah a ngaithuen uh tih Levi kah khohmang bangla Israel ca loh kho a hmang akhaw te rhoek loh kho a hmang uh moenih.
12 And the first fruits shall be given to them out of the first fruits of the land, [even] a most holy portion from the borders of the Levites.
Te dongah Levi khorhi taengkah a cim la aka cim koek khohmuen kah khosaa te amih ham rhungkung buh la om saeh.
13 And the Levites [shall have] the [part], next to the borders of the priests, in length twenty-five thousand, and in breadth ten thousand: the whole length [shall be] five and twenty thousand, and the breadth twenty thousand.
Levi kah khaw khosoih khorhi voeivang ah thawng kul thawng nga te a yun vetih a daang te thawng rha lo ni. A yun boeih te thawng kul thawng nga vetih a daang te thawng rha lo ni.
14 No [part] of it shall be sold, nor measured [as for sale], neither shall the first fruits of the land be taken away: for they are holy to the Lord.
Te te yoi uh boel saeh lamtah tho boel saeh. Khohmuen tanglue he BOEIPA ham a cim dongah khum rhoe khum boel saeh.
15 But [concerning] the five thousand that remain in the breadth in the five and twenty thousand, they shall be a suburb to the city for dwelling, and for a space before it: and the city shall be in the midst thereof.
A daang thawng kul thawng nga hmai la thawng nga aka hoei te khopuei ham neh tolrhum ham khaw khocaak ham khaw hmangrhong la om saeh. Tedae a laklo a laklo ah kho om saeh.
16 And these [shall be] its dimensions; from the northern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the southern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the eastern side four thousand and five hundred, and from the western side [they shall measure] four thousand and five hundred.
A cungnueh te tlangpuei saa dongah thawng li ya nga neh tuithim saa thawng li ya nga panga, khothoeng saa dongah thawng li ya nga neh khotlak saa dongah ah thawng li ya nga lo saeh.
17 And there shall be a space to the city northward two hundred and fifty, and southward two hundred and fifty, and eastward two hundred and fifty, and westward two hundred and fifty.
Khopuei kah khocaak ham te tlangpuei ah yahnih sawmnga, tuithim ah yahnih sawmnga, khothoeng ah yahnih sawmnga, khotlak ah yahnih sawmnga lo saeh.
18 And the remainder of the length that is next to the first fruits of the holy [portion shall be] ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and they shall be the first fruits of the sanctuary; and the fruits thereof shall be for bread to them that labour for the city.
Hmuencim khosa rhi kah a yun te khothoeng ah thawng rha, khotlak ah thawng rha coih pueng tih hmuencim khosaa voeivang ah om saeh. A vueithaih tah khopuei ah aka thotat kah a caak ham a vueithaih la om saeh.
19 And they that labour for the city shall labour for it out of all the tribes of Israel.
Khopuei kah aka thotat Israel koca boeih loh te te tawn saeh.
20 The whole offering [shall be] a square of twenty-five thousand by twenty-five thousand: you shall separate [again part] of it, the first fruits of the sanctuary, from the possession of the city.
Khosaa boeih te thawng kul thawng nga, thawng kul thawng nga ah pali la hmoel lamtah khopuei kah khohut neh hmuencim khosaa la om saeh.
21 And the prince [shall have] the remainder on this side and on that side from the first fruits of the sanctuary, and [there shall be] a possession of the city, for five and twenty thousand cubits in length, to the eastern and western borders, for five and twenty thousand to the western borders, next to the portions of the prince; and the first fruits of the holy things and the sanctuary of the house [shall be] in the midst of it.
Hmuencim khosaa neh khopuei kah khohut te heben ah khaw keben ah khaw khoboei ham sueng pah saeh. Khosaa te a hmai thawng kul thawng nga lamloh khothoeng khorhi hil pha saeh. Te phoeiah tuipuei hmai lamloh khotlak rhi thawng kul thawng nga hil voeivang phai te khoboei kah khoyo la om saeh. Te dongah khosaa hmuencim neh a im kah rhokso tah a laklung, a laklung ah om saeh.
22 And there shall be [a portion taken] from the Levites, from the possession of the city in the midst of the princes between the borders of Juda and the borders of Benjamin, and it shall be [the portion] of the princes.
Te dongah Levi khohut lamkah neh khopuei khohut lamkah a laklung te khoboei ham om pah saeh. Judah khorhi laklo neh Benjamin khorhi laklo te khoboei ham om pah saeh.
23 And [as for] the rest of the tribes, from the eastern parts as far as the western, Benjamin [shall have] one [portion].
Te vaengah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te Benjamin koca kah hlangrhuel ham pakhat la om saeh.
24 And from the borders of Benjamin, from the eastern parts to the western, Symeon, one.
Benjamin khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te Simeon ham pakhat om saeh.
25 And from the borders of Symeon, from the eastern parts to the western, Issachar, one.
Simeon khorhi phoeiah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te Issakhar ham pakhat om saeh.
26 And from the borders of Issachar, from the eastern parts to the western, Zabulon, one.
Issakhar khorhi phoeikah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te Zebulun ham pakhat om saeh.
27 And from the borders of Zabulon, from the east to the western parts, Gad, one.
Zebulun khorhi phoeikah khothoeng baengki lamloh khotlak baengki hil te Gad ham pakhat om saeh.
28 And from the borders of Gad, from the eastern parts to the south-western parts; his coasts shall even be from Thaeman, and the water of Barimoth Cades, for an inheritance, to the great sea.
Gad khorhi phoeikah tuithim khorhi te tah tuithim la yong. Te phoeiah khorhi te Kadesh soklong kah Meribah tui taeng Tamar lamloh tuipuei tanglue la pawk.
29 This is the land, which you shall divide by lot to the tribes of Israel, and these are their portions, says the Lord God.
Khohmuen he he Israel koca ham neh amamih boelnah bangla rho la naan pah. He tah ka Boeipa Yahovah kah olphong ni.
30 And these are the goings out of the city northward, four thousand and five hundred by measure.
Khopuei a bawtnah rhoek he tlangpuei saa ah cungnueh thawng li ya nga lo saeh.
31 And the gates of the city [shall be] after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward; the gate of Ruben, one, and the gate of Juda, one, and the gate of Levi, one.
Khopuei vongka rhoek te Israel koca ming la om vetih tlangpuei kah vongka pathum dongah Reuben vongka pakhat, Judah vongka pakhat, Levi vongka pakhat saeh.
32 And eastward four thousand and five hundred: and three gates; the gate of Joseph, one, and the gate of Benjamin, one, and the gate of Dan, one.
Khothoeng saa dongkah te thawng li ya nga lo tih, vongka pathum dongah Joseph vongka pakhat, Benjamin vongka pakhat, Dan vongka pakhat saeh.
33 And southward, four thousand and five hundred by measure: and three gates; the gate of Symeon, one, and the gate of Issachar, one, and the gate of Zabulon, one.
Tuithim saa khaw cungnueh ah thawng li ya nga lo. Vongka pathum dongkah te Simeon vongka pakhat, Issakhar vongka pakhat, Zebulun vongka pakhat saeh.
34 And westward, four thousand and five hundred by measure: [and] three gates; the gate of Gad, one, and the gate of Asser, one, and the gate of Nephthalim, one.
Khotlak saa ah thawng li ya nga lo bal. A vongka pathum dongah Gad vongka pakhat, Asher vongka pakhat, Naphtali vongka pakhat saeh.
35 The circumference, eighteen thousand [measures]: and the name of the city, from the day that it shall be finished, shall be the name thereof.
A kaepvai te thawng hlai rhet lo tih BOEIPA kah khohnin lamlong tah khopuei ming khaw pahoi om saeh.

< Jezekiel 48 >