< Exodus 11 >

1 And the Lord said to Moses, I will yet bring one plague upon Pharao and upon Egypt, and after that he will send you forth thence; and whenever he sends you forth with every thing, he will indeed drive you out.
Kalpasanna, kinuna ni Yahweh kenni Moises, “Adda pay ti maysa a didigra nga iyegko kenni Faraon ken iti Egipto. Kalpasan dayta, palubosannakayonto a pumanaw manipud ditoy. Inton palubosannakayo, papanawennakayonton a naan-anay.
2 Speak therefore secretly in the ears of the people, and let every one ask of his neighbour jewels of silver and gold, and raiment.
Bilinem dagiti tattao a dumawat ti tunggal lalaki ken babai iti alahas a pirak ken balitok iti kaarrubada.
3 And the Lord gave his people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, and they lent to them; and the man Moses was very great before the Egyptians, and before Pharao, and before his servants.
Ita, inaramid ti Dios a nagagar dagiti Egipcio a mangay-ayo kadagiti Israelita. Maysa pay, nakaay-ayo unay ti lalaki a ni Moises iti imatang dagiti adipen ni Faraon ken kadagiti tattao iti Egipto.
4 And Moses said, These things says the Lord, About midnight I go forth into the midst of Egypt.
Kinuna ni Moises, “Kinuna ni Yahweh daytoy: “Inton tengnga ti rabii, mapanakto iti entero nga Egipto.
5 And every firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharao that sits on the throne, even to the firstborn of the woman-servant that is by the mill, and to the firstborn of all cattle.
Matayto amin nga inauna nga annak iti daga ti Egipto, manipud iti inauna nga anak ni Faraon, nga agtugtugaw iti tronona, agingga iti inauna nga anak ti tagabu a babai nga adda iti likudan ti paggilingan nga aggilgiling, ken dagiti amin nga inauna nga annak dagiti taraken nga ayup.
6 And there shall be a great cry through all the land of Egypt, such as has not been, and such shall not be repeated any more.
Ket addanto ti napigsa a panagdung-aw iti entero a daga ti Egipto, a saan pay a napamasak wenno saanto a pulos a mapasamak manen.
7 But amongst all the children of Israel shall not a dog snarl with his tongue, either at man or beast; that you may know how wide a distinction the Lord will make between the Egyptians and Israel.
Ngem awanto ti uray aso nga agtaul iti aniaman kadagiti tattao ti Israel, iti tao man wenno narungsot nga ayup. Iti daytoy a wagas, maammoanyonto nga agduma ti panangtratok kadakayo nga Egipcio ken kadakayo nga Israelita.'
8 And all these your servants shall come down to me, and do me reverence, saying, Go forth, you and all the people over whom you preside, and afterwards I will go forth.
Amin dagitoy nga adipenmo, Faraon, umaydanto ket agrukbabda kaniak. Ibagadanto, “Inkayo, sika ken amin a tattao a sumursurot kenka!” Kalpasan dayta pumanawakto.” Ket pinanawanna ni Faraon a kasta unay ti pungtotna.
9 And Moses went forth from Pharao with wrath. And the Lord said to Moses, Pharao will not listen to you, that I may greatly multiply my signs and wonders in the land [of] Egypt.
Kinuna ni Yahweh kenni Moises, “Saanto a dumngeg kenka ni Faraon. Mapasamak daytoy tapno agaramidakto kadagiti adu a nakakaskasdaaw a banbanag iti daga ti Egipto.”
10 And Moses and Aaron wrought all these signs and wonders in the land [of] Egypt before Pharao; and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharao, and he did not listen to send forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
Inaramid amin da Moises ken Aaron dagitoy a nakakaskasdaaw a banbanag iti sangoanan ni Faraon. Ngem pinatangken ni Yahweh ti puso ni Faraon, ket saan a pinalubosan ni Faraon a rummuar iti dagana dagiti tattao ti Israel.

< Exodus 11 >