< Esther 6 >

1 But the Lord removed sleep from the king that night: and he told his servant to bring in the books, the registers of daily events, to read to him.
Habeenkaasna boqorkii wuu seexan kari waayay, kolkaasuu amray in loo keeno buuggii taariikhda wakhtigaas, oo waxaa lagu akhriyey boqorka hortiisa.
2 And he found the records written concerning Mardochaeus, how he had told the king concerning the two chamberlains of the king, when they were keeping guard, and sought to lay hands on Artaxerxes.
Oo waxaa laga dhex helay oo ku qornaa in Mordekay sheegay Bigtaan iyo Teresh oo ahaa boqorka labadiisii midiidin oo ka mid ahaa kuwii iridda dhawri jiray, kuwaas oo doonay inay Boqor Ahashwerus dilaan.
3 And the king said, What honour or favour have we done to Mardochaeus? And the king's servants said, You have not done anything to him.
Markaasaa boqorkii wuxuu yidhi, Taas aawadeed maxaa maamuus iyo derejo ah oo Mordekay loo sameeyey? Kolkaasaa addoommadii boqorka u adeegi jiray waxay isagii ku yidhaahdeen, Waxba looma samayn.
4 And while the king was enquiring about the kindness of Mardochaeus, behold, Aman [was] in the court. And the king said, Who [is] in the court? Now Aman was come in to speak to the king, that he should hang Mardochaeus on the gallows, which he had prepared.
Markaasaa boqorkii wuxuu yidhi, Yaa barxadda jooga? Haddaba Haamaan ayaa yimid guriga boqorka barxaddiisa dibadda ah inuu boqorka kala hadlo in Mordekay lagu deldelo qorigii deldelaadda oo uu isaga u diyaariyey.
5 And the king's servants said, Behold, Aman stands in the court. And the king said, Call him.
Markaasaa boqorka addoommadiisii waxay isaga ku yidhaahdeen, Bal eeg, Haamaan baa taagan barxadda. Kolkaasaa boqorkii yidhi, Ha soo galo.
6 And the king said to Aman, What shall I do to the man whom I wish to honour? And Aman said within himself, Whom would the king honour but myself?
Markaasuu Haamaan soo galay, oo boqorkii wuxuu ku yidhi, Ninkii boqorku ku farxo inuu maamuuso maxaa loo yeelaa? Haddaba Haamaan wuxuu qalbigiisa iska yidhi, Bal yaa boqorku ku farxi lahaa inuu maamuuso in ka badan intuu i maamuuso?
7 and he said to the king, As for the man whom the king wishes to honour,
Oo Haamaan wuxuu boqorkii ku yidhi, Ninkii boqorku ku farxo inuu maamuuso
8 let the king's servants bring the robe of fine linen which the king puts on, and the horse on which the king rides,
ha loo keeno dharkii boqornimada oo boqorku xidhan jiray, iyo faraska boqorku fuulo, oo madaxana ha loo saaro taajka boqorka,
9 and let him give [it] to one of the king's noble friends, and let him array the man whom the king loves; and let him mount him on the horse, and proclaim through the street of the city, saying, Thus shall it be [done] to every man whom the king honours.
oo dharka iyo faraska gacanta ha loo geliyo boqorka amiirradiisa sharafta leh midkood, in loo lebbiso ninkii boqorku ku farxo inuu maamuuso. Oo isaga inta faras la fuushiiyo, jidka magaalada dhexdeeda ha la mariyo, oo hortiisa ha laga naadiyo, Ninkii boqorku ku farxo inuu maamuuso sidaasaa loo yeelaa.
10 Then the king said to Aman, You have well said: so do to Mardochaeus the Jew, who waits in the palace, and let not a word of what you have spoken be neglected.
Markaasaa boqorkii wuxuu Haamaan ku yidhi, Haddaba soo dhaqso, oo waxaad soo qaaddaa dharkii iyo faraskii aad sheegtay, oo wixii aad sheegtay oo dhan u samee Mordekay oo ah Yuhuudiga fadhiya boqorka iriddiisa; oo wixii aad sheegtay oo dhan yaan waxba ka dhinnaan.
11 So Aman took the robe and the horse, and arrayed Mardochaeus, and mounted him on the horse, and went through the street of the city, and proclaimed, saying, Thus shall it be to every man whom the king wishes to honour.
Kolkaasaa Haamaan wuxuu soo qaaday dharkii iyo faraskii oo wuxuu u lebbisay Mordekay, oo isagoo faraskii fuushan ayuu mariyey jidka magaalada, oo wuxuu hortiisa ka naadiyey, Sidaasaa loo yeelaa ninkii boqorku ku farxo inuu maamuuso.
12 And Mardochaeus returned to the palace: but Aman went home mourning, and having his head covered.
Haddaba Mordekay wuxuu mar kale ku soo noqday boqorka iriddiisii. Laakiinse Haamaan isagoo murugaysan oo hagoogan ayuu gurigiisii dhaqso u tegey.
13 And Aman related the events that had befallen him to Zosara his wife, and to [his] friends: and his friends and his wife said to him, If Mardochaeus [be] of the race of the Jews, [and] you have begun to be humbled before him, you will assuredly fall, and you will not be able to withstand him, for the living God [is] with him.
Markaasaa Haamaan wuxuu naagtiisii Seresh iyo saaxiibbadiis oo dhan uga sheekeeyey wixii isaga ku dhacay oo dhan. Kolkaasaa raggiisii xigmadda lahaa iyo naagtiisii Seresh waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Mordekay oo aad bilowday inaad hortiisa ku dhacdo, hadduu yahay farcanka Yuhuudda, ka adkaan maysid, laakiinse hubaal hortiisaad ku dhici doontaa.
14 While they were yet speaking, the chamberlains arrived, to hasten Aman to the banquet which Esther had prepared.
Oo weliba intay isagii la sii hadlayeen waxaa yimid boqorka midiidinnadiisii, oo u soo dhaqsaday inay haddiiba Haamaan keenaan martiqaadkii Esteer diyaarisay.

< Esther 6 >