< Esther 4 >

1 But Mardochaeus having perceived what was done, tore his garments, and put on sackcloth, and sprinkled dust upon himself; and having rushed forth through the open street of the city, he cried with a loud voice, A nation that has done no wrong is going to be destroyed.
Idi naammoan amin ni Mardokeo ti naaramid, rinay-abna ti pagan-anayna ket nagkawes iti nakirsang a lupot ken nagikabil kadagiti dapo. Napan isuna iti tengnga ti siudad, ket naganug-og isuna iti napigsa ken nasaem.
2 And he came to the king's gate, and stood; for it was not lawful for him to enter into the palace, wearing sackcloth and ashes.
Nagpatingga laeng isuna iti ruangan ti palasio ti ari, gapu ta awan ti mapalubusan nga sumrek a nakakawes iti nakirsang a lupot.
3 And in every province where the letters were published, [there was] crying and lamentation and great mourning on the part of the Jews: they spread for themselves sackcloth and ashes.
Kadagiti amin a probinsia a nakadanunan ti bilin ken linteg ti ari, adda iti kasta unay a panagladingit kadagiti Judio, a nabuyogan iti panagayunar, panagsangit, ken panagladingit. Adu kadakuada iti nagidda iti nakirsang a lupot ken kadagiti dapo.
4 And the queen's maids and chamberlains went in and told her: and when she had heard what was done, she was disturbed; and she sent to clothe Mardochaeus, and take away his sackcloth; but he consented not.
Idi napan dagiti babbalasitang ken dagiti adipen ni Ester nga imbaga kenkuana, nagledaang ti reyna. Nangipatulod isuna iti lupot a pagkawes ni Mardokeo (tapno ussobenna ti nakirsang a lupot), ngem saanna nga inawat dagitoy.
5 So Esther called for her chamberlain Achrathaeus, who waited upon her; and she sent to learn the truth from Mardochaeus.
Ket pinaayaban ni Ester ni Hatak, maysa kadagiti opisial ti ari, a nadutokan nga agserbi kenkuana. Binilinna isuna a mapan kenni Mardokeo tapno ammoenna ti napasamak ken no ania ti kayatna a sawen iti ar-aramidenna.
Napan ngarud ni Hatak iti ayan ni Mardokeo iti plasa iti siudad iti sangoanan iti ruangan ti palasio ti ari.
7 And Mardochaeus showed him what was done, and the promise which Aman had made the king of ten thousand talents [to be paid] into the treasury, that he might destroy the Jews.
Impadamag ni Mardokeo kenkuana amin a napasamak kenkuana, ken no mano ti bilang ti pirak nga ingkari ni Haman a maikilo ken maikabil iti pagiduldulinan iti kinabaknang ti ari tapno maibilin a mapapatay dagiti Judio.
8 Also he gave him the copy of the writing of the decree that was given at Shushan to destroy them, to shew [it] unto Esther, and to declare [it] unto her, and to charge her that she should go in unto the king, to make supplication unto him, and to make request before him for her people.
Nangted pay ni Mardokeo kenni Hatak iti kopya ti bilin a naited iti Susa para iti pannakadadael dagiti Judio. Inaramidna daytoy tapno ipakita ni Hatak daytoy kenni Ester, ken tapno maitedna kenni Ester ti pagrebbengan a mapan iti ari tapno agkiddaw iti paborna, ken makipagpakpakaasi kenkuana para kadagiti tattaona.
9 So Achrathaeus went in and told her all these words.
Napan ngarud ni Hatak ken imbagana kenni Ester ti imbaga ni Mardokeo.
10 And Esther said to Achrathaeus, Go to Mardochaeus, and say,
Kalpasanna nakisarita ni Ester kenni Hatak ket imbagana nga agsubli isuna kenni Mardokeo.
11 All the nations of the empire know, that whoever, man or woman, shall go in to the king into the inner court uncalled, that person can’t live: only to whoever the king shall stretch out [his] golden sceptre, he shall live: and I have not been called to go into the king, for these thirty days.
Kinuna ni Ester, “Amin dagiti adipen ken dagiti tattao kadagiti probinsia ti ari ket ammoda a siasinoman a lalaki wenno babai iti mapan iti akin uneg a paraangan ti ari a saan a napaayaban, adda iti maymaysa laeng a linteg: a masapul a mapapatay isuna-malaksid iti siasinoman a pangiturungan ti ari ti balitok a setro tapno agbiag dayta a tao. Saanak a napaayaban a mapan iti ayan ti ari kadagitoy tallo-pulo nga aldaw.”
12 And Achrathaeus reported to Mardochaeus all the words of Esther.
Isu nga impadamag ni Hatak kenni Mardokeo dagiti imbaga ni Ester.
13 Then Mardochaeus said to Achrathaeus, Go, and say to her, Esther, say not to yourself that you alone will escape in the kingdom, more than all the [other] Jews.
Sinungbatan ni Mardokeo daytoy a mensahe: “Saanmo a panunoten nga iti palasio ti ari, ket makalibaskanto ngem kadagiti dadduma a Judio.
14 For if you shall refuse to listen on this occasion, help and protection will be to the Jews from another quarter; but you and your father's house will perish: and who knows, if you have been made queen for this [very] occasion?
No agtalinaedka a naulimek kadagitoy a tiempo, aggapu iti sabali a lugar ti tulong ken panangispal kadagiti Judio, ngem sika ken ti balay ni amam ket mapukawto. Siasino ti makaammo a nalabit a naitan-okka a reyna para iti kastoy a gundaway?”
15 And Esther sent the [man] that came to her to Mardochaeus, saying,
Kalapasanna, impatulod ni Ester daytoy a mensahe kenni Mardokeo,
16 Go and assemble the Jews that are in Susa, and fast you for me, and eat not and drink not for three days, night and day: and I also and my maidens will fast; and then I will go in to the king contrary to the law, even if I must die.
“Mapanka, ummongem dagiti amin a Judio nga agnanaed iti Susa, ket agayunarkayo para kaniak. Saankayo a mangan wenno uminum iti tallo nga aldaw, ti rabii wenno aldaw. Dagiti babbalasitangko ken siak ket agayunar iti isu met laeng a wagas. Ket mapanakto iti ayan ti ari, uray no maibusor daytoy iti linteg. Ket no mapukawak, mapukawak.”
17 So Mardochaeus went and did all that Esther commanded him.
Napan ni Mardokeo ket inaramidna amin nga imbaga ni Ester nga aramidenna.

< Esther 4 >