< Esther 2 >

1 And after this the king's anger was pacified, and he no more mentioned Astin, bearing in mind what she had said, and how he had condemned her.
Kalpasan dagitoy a banbanag, idi bimmaawen ti pungtot ni Ari Ahasuero, nalagipna ni Vasti ken ti inaramidna. Nalagipna met ti maipapan iti bilin nga inaramidna a maibusor kenkuana.
2 Then the servants of the king said, Let there be sought for the king chaste [and] beautiful young virgins.
Ket kinuna dagiti agtutubo a lallaki nga agserserbi kenkuana, “Iti biang iti ari, adda koma maaramid a panagbirok kadagiti napipintas a birhen a babbalasang.
3 And let the king appoint local governors in all the provinces of his kingdom, and let them select fair [and] chaste young damsels [and bring them] to the city Susa, into the women's apartment, and let them be consigned to the king's chamberlain, the keeper of the women; and let things for purification and other attendance be given [to them].
Mangdutok koma ti ari kadagiti opisial kadagiti amin a probinsia iti pagarianna, a mangummong kadagiti amin a napipintas a birhen a babbalasang idiay harem iti palasio iti Susa. Maipaaywanda koma kenni Hegai, nga opisial ti ari, nga isu iti agay-aywan kadagiti babbai, ket bay-am isuna a mangted kadakuada kadagiti pagpapintas.
4 And let the woman who shall please the king be queen instead of Astin. And the thing pleased the king; and he did so.
Ti balasang a makaay-ayo iti ari ti agbalin a reyna a kasukat ni Vasti.” Daytoy a balakad ket nagustoan iti ari, ket inaramidna ngarud daytoy.
5 Now there was a Jew in the city Susa, and his name was Mardochaeus, the [son] of Jairus, [the son] of Semeias, [the son] of Cisaeus, of the tribe of Benjamin;
Adda maysa a Judio iti siudad ti Susa nga agnagan iti Mardokeo a putot a lalaki ni Jair a puto a lalaki ni Simei a puto a lalaki ni Kis, a Benjamita.
6 who had been brought a prisoner from Jerusalem, which Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had carried into captivity.
Naiyadayo isuna iti Jerusalem ta nairaman isuna kadagiti naitalaw a kas balud a kaduada Jehoiakim nga ari ti Juda, nga intalaw ni Nebucadnesar nga ari ti Babylonia.
7 And he had a foster child, daughter of Aminadab his father's brother, and her name [was] Esther; and when her parents were dead, he brought her up for a wife for himself: and the damsel was beautiful.
Inay-aywananna ni Hadassa, dayta ket ni Ester, a puto a babai ti ulitegna, gapu ta awan ti ama wenno inana. Napintas ti pammagi ti balasang ken makaay-ayo ti langana. Inbilang isuna ni Mardokeo a kas bukodna a putot a babai.
8 And because the king's ordinance was published, many damsels were gathered to the city Susa under the hand of Gai; and Esther was brought to Gai the keeper of the women.
Idi a naipakaammo ti bilin ken linteg ti ari, adu a babbalasang ti naiyeg iti palasio ti Susa. Naipaaywanda kenni Hegai. Naipan met ni Ester iti palasio ti ari ken naipaaywan kenni Hegai, ti mangay-aywan kadagiti babbai.
9 And the damsel pleased him, and she found favour in his sight; and he hasted to give her the things for purification, and her portion, and the seven maidens appointed her out of the palace: and he treated her and her maidens well in the women's apartment.
Naay-ayo ti balasang ni Hegai, ket nagun-odna ti paborna. Dagus nga impaayanna kadagiti pagpapintas ken iti bingayna a taraon. Nangidutok isuna kenkuana kadagiti pito nga adipen a babbai a naggapo iti palasio ti ari, ket inkabilna isuna ken dagiti adipen a babbai iti kasasayaatan a paset iti balay dagiti babbai.
10 But Esther didn’t reveal her family nor her kindred: for Mardochaeus had charged her not to tell.
Awan ti siasinoman a nangibagaan ni Ester no siasino dagiti tattao wenno kakabagianna, ta imbilin kenkuana ni Mardokeo a saanna nga ibagbaga.
11 But Mardochaeus used to walk every day by the women's court, to see what would become of Esther.
Inaldaw nga agsubli subli ni Mardokeo iti paraangan ti balay dagiti babbai, tapno maamoanna no ania ti mapaspasamak kenni Ester, ken no ania iti mabalin a maaramid kenkuana.
12 Now this was the time for a virgin to go into the king, when she should have fulfilled twelve months; for so are the days of purification fulfilled, six months while they are anointing themselves with oil of myrrh, and six months with spices and women's purifications.
Idi dimteng ti batang ti tunggal babai a mapan kenni Ari Ahasuero—kas panagtulnog kadagiti annuruten para kadagiti babbai, lippasen ti tunggal babai ti sangapulo ket dua a bulan a panagpapintas, innem a bulan nga agusarda iti lana ti mira, ken innem a bulan nga agusarda ti pabanglo ken pagpapintas—
13 And then [the damsel] goes in to the king; and [the officer] to whoever he shall give the command, will bring her to come in with him from the women's apartment to the king's chamber.
inton mapan ti balasang iti ayan ti ari, maipaay kenkuana aniaman a tarigagayanna manipud iti balay dagiti babbai, nga itugotna iti palasio.
14 She enters in the evening, and in the morning she departs to the second women's apartment, where Gai the king's chamberlain [is] keeper of the women: and she goes not in to the king again, unless she should be called by name.
Sumrek isuna iti rabii, ket iti kabigatanna agsubli isuna iti maikadua a balay dagiti babbai, ken iti panangaywan ni Saasgas, ti opisial iti ari, a mangay- aywan kadagiti assawa iti ari. Saan isuna nga agsubli iti ari malaksid no naliwliwa kenkuana ti ari ket paayabanna manen isuna.
15 And when the time. was fulfilled for Esther the daughter of Aminadab the brother of Mardochaeus' father to go in to the king, she neglected nothing which the chamberlain, the women's keeper, commanded; for Esther found grace in the sight of all that looked upon her.
Ita dimteng ti tiempo ni Ester (putot a babai ni Abihail, ti uliteg ni Mardokeo, a nangala kenkuana a kas bukodna a putot a babai) a mapan iti ayan ti ari, awan iti aniaman a kiniddawna no di, ti insingasing ni Hegai nga opisial ti ari a mangay-aywan kadagiti babbai. Ita nagun-od ni Ester ti pabor dagiti amin a nakakita kenkuana.
16 So Esther went in to king Artaxerxes in the twelfth month, which is Adar, in the seventh year of his reign.
Naiyeg ni Ester iti pagtaengan ni Ari Ahasuero iti maikasangapulo a bulan, a bulan ti Tebeth, iti maikapito a tawen iti panagturayna.
17 And the king loved Esther, and she found favour beyond all the [other] virgins: and he put on her the queen's crown.
Inayat ti ari ni Ester a nalablabes ngem kadagiti amin a babbai, ket nagun-od ni Ester ti pabor ken panagayat iti sangoanan ti ari, a nalablabes ngem kadagiti amin a birhen, isu nga inkabil ti ari ti korona ti reyna iti ulo ni Ester ket insaad ti ari ni Ester a reyna a kasukat ni Vasti.
18 And the king made a banquet for all his friends and great men for seven days, and he highly celebrated the marriage of Esther; and he made a release to those who were under his dominion.
Nangangay ti ari iti dakkel a padaya para kadagiti amin nga opisial ken kadagiti adipenna, “Padaya ni Ester,” ket impaayna ti tulong kadagiti probinsia manipud kadagiti naibayad a buis. Nangited pay isuna kadagiti sagut a nabuyugan iti kinaimbag.
19 But Mardochaeus served in the palace.
Ita, idi sangsangkamaysa a naummong manen dagiti birhen iti maikadua a tiempo, nakatugaw ni Mardokeo iti ruangan ti palasio ti ari.
20 Now Esther had not revealed her kindred; for so Mardochaeus commanded her, to fear God, and perform his commandments, as when she was with him: and Esther changed not her manner of life.
Saan pay nga imbaga ni Ester iti siasinoman iti maipanggep kadagiti kakabagianna wenno tattaona, a kas imbilin ni Mardokeo kenkuana. Intuloyna a tinungpal ti balakad ni Mardokeo, a kas inaramidna idi inaywananna isuna.
21 And two chamberlains of the king, the chiefs of the body-guard, were grieved, because Mardochaeus was promoted; and they sought to kill king Artaxerxes.
Kadagidiay nga al-aldaw, kabayatan nga agtugtugaw ni Mardokeo iti ruangan ti palasio ti ari, dua kadagiti opisyal ti ari ti nakaunget, da Bigtana ken Teres, a mangbanbantay iti ruangan iti ari, ket pinanggepda a dangran ni Ari Ahasuero.
22 And the matter was revealed to Mardochaeus, and he made it known to Esther, and she declared to the king the matter of the conspiracy.
Idi naiparangarang dayta a banag kenni Mardokeo, imbagana kenni Reyna Ester, ket nakisarita ni Ester iti ari babaen iti nagan ni Mardokeo.
23 And the king examined the two chamberlains, and hanged them: and the king gave orders to make a note for a memorial in the royal records of the good offices of Mardochaeus, as a commendation.
Nasukimat ken napaneknekan ti damag, ket nabitay nga agpada dagiti dua a lallaki. Naisurat ti pasamak Iti Libro Iti Pakasaritaan iti imatang iti ari.

< Esther 2 >