< Chronicles II 6 >

1 Then said Solomon, The Lord said that he would dwell in thick darkness.
Kalpasanna, kinuna ni Solomon, “Kinuna ni Yahweh nga agnaed isuna iti napuskol a kasipngetan,
2 But I have built a house to your name, holy to you, and prepared [for you] to dwell in for ever.
ngem impatakderanka iti maysa a nadaeg a pagtaengam, maysa a disso a pagnaedam iti agnanayon.”
3 And the king turned his face, and blessed all the congregation of Israel: and all the congregation of Israel stood by.
Kalpasanna, timallikud ti ari ket binendisionanna amin a taripnong ti Israel, bayat nga agtaktakder amin a taripnong ti Israel.
4 And he said, Blessed [be] the Lord God of Israel: he has even fulfilled with his hands as he spoke with his mouth to my father David, saying,
Kinunana, “Madaydayaw koma ni Yahweh a Dios ti Israel, a nagsao kenni David nga amak, ken nangtungpal iti daytoy babaen kadagiti bukodna nga ima, a kinunana,
5 From the day when I brought up my people out of the land of Egypt, I chose no city of all the tribes of Israel, to build a house that my name should be there; neither did I choose a man to be a leader over my people Israel.
'Sipud pay iti aldaw nga inruarko dagiti tattaok iti daga ti Egipto, awan ti pinilik a siudad manipud kadagiti amin a tribu ti Israel a pangipatakderan iti maysa a balay, tapno adda sadiay ti naganko. Awan met ti siasinoman a pinilik nga agbalin a prinsipe dagiti tattaok nga Israel.
6 But I chose Jerusalem that my name should be there; and I chose David to be over my people Israel.
Nupay kasta, pinilik ti Jerusalem tapno adda sadiay ti naganko, ken pinilik ni David a mangituray kadagiti tattaok nga Israel.'
7 And it came into the heart of David my father, to build a house for the name of the Lord God of Israel.
Ita adda iti puso ni David nga amak, ti mangipatakder iti maysa a balay para iti nagan ni Yahweh a Dios ti Israel.
8 But the Lord said to my father David, Whereas it came into your heart to build a house for my name, you did well that it came into your heart.
Ngem kuna ni Yahweh kenni David nga amak, 'Iti dayta nga adda iti pusom a mangipatakder iti maysa a balay para iti naganko, nasayaat ti inaramidmo nga adda iti pusom.
9 Nevertheless you shall not build the house; for your son who shall come forth out of your loins, he shall build the house for my name.
Nupay kasta, saanmo a rumbeng nga ipatakder ti balay; ngem ketdi, ti putotmo a lalaki, nga agtaudto kadagita lumom, ti mangipatakderto iti balay para iti naganko.'
10 And the Lord has confirmed this word, which he spoke; and I am raised up in the room of my father David, and I sit upon the throne of Israel as the Lord said, and I have built the house for the name of the Lord God of Israel:
Tinungpal ni Yahweh ti sao a kinunana, ta timmakderak a kasukat ni David nga amak, ket nagtugawak iti trono ti Israel, a kas inkari ni Yahweh. Impatakderko ti balay para iti nagan ni Yahweh a Dios ti Israel.
11 and I have set there the ark in which [is] the covenant of the Lord, which he made with Israel.
Inkabilko ti lakasa ti tulag sadiay, nga ayan ti katulagan ni Yahweh, nga inaramidna kadagiti tattao ti Israel.”
12 And he stood before the altar of the Lord in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, and spread out his hands.
Timmakder ni Solomon iti sangoanan ti altar ni Yahweh iti imatang ti amin a taripnong ti Israel, ket intag-ayna dagiti imana.
13 For Solomon [had] made a brazen scaffold, and set it in the midst of the court of the sanctuary; the length of it [was] five cubits, and the breadth of it five cubits, and the height of it three cubits: and he stood upon it, and fell upon his knees before the whole congregation of Israel, and spread abroad his hands to heaven,
Ta nangaramid isuna iti plataporma a bronse, lima a kubit ti kaatiddogna, lima a kubit ti kalawa ken tallo a kubit ti kangatona. Ingkabilna daytoy iti tengnga ti paraangan. Nagtakder iti rabaw daytoy ken nagparintumeng iti sangoanan ti amin a taripnong ti Israel ket intag-ayna dagiti imana.
14 and said, Lord God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven, or on the earth; keeping covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before you with [their] whole heart.
Kinunana, “O Yahweh a Dios ti Israel, awan ti Dios a kas kenka kadagiti langit wenno ditoy rabaw ti daga, a mangsalsalimetmet kadagiti tulag ken kinapudno iti tulag kadagiti adipenmo nga agtultulnog iti amin a pusoda;
15 Even as you have kept [them] with your servant David my father, as you have spoken to him in words: —you have both spoken with your mouth, and have fulfilled [it] with your hands, as it is this day.
sika a nangtungpal iti inkarim iti adipenmo a ni David, nga amak. Wen, nagsaoka kadagiti ngiwatmo ket tinungpalmo daytoy babaen iti imam, a kas iti daytoy nga aldaw.
16 and now, Lord God of Israel, keep with your servant David my father the things which you spoke to him, saying, There shall not fail you a man before me sitting on the throne of Israel, if only your sons will take heed to their way to walk in my law, as you did walk before me.
Ket ita O Yahweh, a Dios ti Israel, tungpalem ti inkarim iti adipenmo a ni David nga amak, idi kinunana, 'Agtultuloy nga adda maysa a tao iti imatangko ti agtugaw iti trono ti Israel, no laketdi ta agtulnog a sipapasnek dagiti kaputotam kadagiti lintegko, a kas iti panagtulnogmo iti sangoanak.'
17 And now, Lord God of Israel, let, I pray you, your word be confirmed, which you have spoken to your servant David.
Ita ngarud, O Dios ti Israel, ikararagko a matungpal koma ti inkarim iti adipenmo a ni David.
18 For will God indeed dwell with men upon the earth? if the heaven and the heaven of heavens will not suffice you, what then is this house which I have built?
Ngem pudno kadi a makipagnaedto ti Dios kadagiti tattao ditoy daga? Kitaem, ti entero a sangalubongan ken ti langit a mismo ket saandaka a malaon—ad-adda a basbassit daytoy a templo nga impatakderko!
19 Yet you shall have respect to the prayer of your servant, and to my petition, O Lord God, so as to listen to the petition and the prayer which your servant prays before you this day:
Ngem pangaasim ta patgam koma daytoy a kararag ken dawat ti adipenmo, O Yahweh a Diosko; denggem ti asug ken kararag nga ikarkararag dagiti adipenmo iti sangoanam.
20 so that your eyes should be open over this house by day and by night, towards this place, whereon you said your name should be called, so as to hear the prayer which your servant prays towards this house.
Silulukat koma dagiti matam iti daytoy a templo iti aldaw ken rabii, iti lugar a kinunam nga adda koma sadiay ti naganmo tapno denggem dagiti kararag ti adipenmo nga agkararagto iti daytoy a disso.
21 And you shall hear the supplication of your servant, and of your people Israel, whatever prayers they shall make towards this place: and you shall listen in your dwelling-place out of heaven, yes you shall hear, and be merciful.
Isu a denggem koma dagiti kiddaw ti adipenmo ken dagiti tattaom nga Israel inton agkararagkami a nakasango iti daytoy a disso. Wen, denggem manipud iti disso a pagnanaedam, manipud kadagiti langit; ket inton denggem, mamakawanka.
22 If a man sin against his neighbour, and he bring an oath upon him so as to make him swear, and he come and swear before the altar in this house;
No makabasol ti maysa a tao a maibusor iti kaarrubana ket masapul nga agsapata, ket no umay isuna ken agsapata iti sangoanan ti altarmo iti daytoy a balay,
23 then shall you listen out of heaven, and do, and judge your servants, to recompense the transgressor, and to return his ways upon his head: and to justify the righteous, to recompense him according to his righteousness.
denggem ngarud manipud kadagiti langit ket agtignay ken ukomem dagiti adipenmo, supapakam ti nadangkes, tapno agballatek kenkuana ti aramidna. Ket ipakaammom a nalinteg ti awan basolna, tapno maikkan isuna iti gunggona gapu iti kinalintegna.
24 And if your people Israel should be put to the worse before the enemy, if they should sin against you, and [then] turn and confess to your name, and pray and make supplication before you in this house;
No dagiti tattaom nga Israel ket pinarmek ti kabusor gapu ta nagbasolda kenka, no agsublida kenka, raemenda ti naganmo, agkararag ken agkiddawda iti pammakawan iti sangoanam iti daytoy a templo—
25 then shall you listen out of heaven and shall be merciful to the sins of your people Israel, and you shall restore them to the land which you gave to them and to their fathers.
ket denggem koma manipud kadagiti langit ken pakawanem ti basol dagiti tattaom nga Israel; isublim ida iti daga nga intedmo kadakuada ken kadagiti kapuonanda.
26 When heaven is restrained, and there is no rain, because they shall have sinned against you, and [when] they shall pray towards this place, and praise your name, and shall turn from their sins, because you shall afflict them;
No agrikep dagiti tangatang ket awan ti tudo gapu ta nagbasol dagiti tattao kenka—no agkararagda a nakasango iti daytoy a disso, raemenda ti naganmo, ket isardengda dagiti basolda inton parigatem ida—
27 then shall you listen from heaven, and you shall be merciful to the sins of your servants, and of your people Israel; for you shall show them the good way in which they shall walk; and you shall send rain upon your land, which you gave to your people for an inheritance.
ket denggem koma dita langit ken pakawanem ti basol dagiti adipenmo ken dagiti tattaom nga Israel, inton idalanmo ida iti nasayaat a dalan a rumbeng a pagnaanda. Pagtudoem iti dagam, nga intedmo kadagiti tattaom, a kas tawidda.
28 If there should be famine upon the land, if there should be death, a pestilent wind an blight; if there should be locust and caterpiller, and if the enemy should harass them before their cities: in whatever plague and whatever distress [they may be];
No kas pangarigan adda bisin iti dayta a daga, wenno kas pangarigan ta adda sakit, kebbet wenno buot, dagiti dudon wenno igges; wenno kas pangarigan ta rauten dagiti kabusor dagiti ruangan iti dagada, wenno adda didigra wenno sakit—
29 Then whatever prayer and whatever supplication shall be made by any man and all your people Israel, if a man should know his own plague and his own sickness, and should spread forth his hands towards this house;
ket kas pangarigan ta agkarkararag ken dumawdawat ti maysa a tao wenno dagiti amin a tattaom nga Israel—a bigbigen ti tunggal maysa ti didigra ken ladingit iti bukodna a puso bayat iti panangitag-ayna kadagiti imana a nakasango iti templo.
30 then shall you hear from heaven, out of your prepared dwelling-place, and shall be merciful, and shall recompense to the man according to his ways, as you shall know his heart [to be]; for you alone know the heart of the children of men:
Ket denggem koma manipud langit, ti lugar a pagnanaedam; pakawanem ken gunggonaam ti tunggal tao segun kadagiti amin a wagasna; ammom ti pusona, gapu ta Sika ken Sika laeng ti makaammo kadagiti puso dagiti tattao.
31 that they may reverence all your ways all the days which they live upon the face of the land, which you gave to our fathers.
Aramidem daytoy tapno agbutengda kenka, tapno agtulnogda kadagiti wagasmo iti amin nga aldaw iti panagbiagda iti rabaw ti daga nga intedmo kadagiti kapuonanmi.
32 And every stranger who is not himself of your people Israel, and who shall have come from a distant land because of your great name, and your mighty hand, and your high arm; when they shall come and worship towards this place; —
Maysa pay, maipapan kadagiti ganggannaet a saan a maibilang kadagiti tattaom nga Israel: no aggapu isuna iti adayo a pagilian gapu iti naindaklan a naganmo, ti nabileg nga imam, ken ti nakangato a takkiagmo; inton umayda ket agkararagda a nakasango iti daytoy a balay—
33 then shall you listen out of heaven, out of your prepared dwelling-place, and shall do according to all that the stranger shall call upon you for; that all the nations of the earth may know your name, and that they may fear you, as your people Israel [do], and that they may know that your name is called upon this house which I have built.
denggem koma ngarud manipud kadagiti langit, a lugar a pagnanaedam, ket aramidem ti aniaman a kidkiddawen kenka ti ganggannaet, tapno maammoan dagiti amin a bunggoy dagiti tattao iti rabaw ti daga ti naganmo, tapno agbutengda kenka, a kas kadagiti tattaom nga Israel, ken tapno maammoanda daytoy a balay nga impatakderko a naawagan babaen iti naganmo.
34 And if your people shall go forth to war against their enemies by the way by which you shall send them, and shall pray to you towards this city which you have chosen, and [towards] the house which I have built to your name;
No kas pangarigan ta mapan makigubat dagiti tattaom kadagiti kabusorda, babaen iti aniaman a wagas a panangibaonmo kadakuada, ket kas pangarigan ta agkararagda kenka a nakasango iti daytoy a siudad a pinilim, ken nakasango iti balay a binangonko para iti naganmo.
35 then shall you hear out of heaven their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause.
Ket denggem koma manipud kadagiti langit dagiti kararagda, dagiti kiddawda, ket pagballigiem ida kadagiti dawatda.
36 Whereas if they shall sin against you, (for there is no man who will not sin, ) and you shall strike them, and deliver them up before their enemies, and they that take them captive shall carry them away into a land of enemies, to a land far off or near;
No kas pangarigan ta agbasolda kenka—agsipud ta awan ti tao a saan nga agbasol—ken no kas pangarigan ta makaungetka kadakuada ket iyawatmo ida kadagiti kabusorda, tapno iyadayo ida dagiti kabusorda ken italawda ida a kas balud iti dagada, iti adayo man wenno iti asideg.
37 and [if] they shall repent in their land whither they were carried captive, and shall also turn and make supplication to you in their captivity, saying, We have sinned, we have transgressed, we have wrought unrighteously;
Ket no kas pangarigan ta maamirisda nga addada iti daga a nakaitalawanda, ket kas pangarigan ta agbabawida ken dumawatda iti pabor manipud kenka iti daga a nakaibaludanda. No kas pangarigan ta ibagada, 'Nagaramidkami kadagiti dinadakes ken nagbasolkami. Dakes ti inar-aramidmi.'
38 and [if] they shall turn to you with all their heart and all their soul in the land of them that carried them captives, whither they carried them captives, and shall pray towards their land which you gave to their fathers, and the city which you did choose, and the house which I built to your name: —
No kas pangarigan ta agsublida kenka iti amin a pusoda ken iti amin a kararuada iti daga a nakaibaludanda, a nangipananda kadakuada a kas balud, ken no kas pangarigan ta agkararagda a nakasango iti dagada nga intedmo kadagiti kapuonanda, ken sumangoda iti dayta a siudad a pinilim, ken sumangoda iti balay nga impatakderko para iti naganmo.
39 then shall you hear out of heaven, out of your prepared dwelling-place, their prayer and their supplication, and you shall execute justice, and shall be merciful to your people that sin against you.
Ket denggem koma manipud kadagiti langit, a lugar a pagnanaedam, dagiti kararag ken dagiti kiddawda, ken pagballigiem ida. Pakawanem dagiti tattaom, a nagbasol kenka.
40 And now, Lord, let, I pray you, your eyes be opened, and your ears be attentive to the petition [made in] this place.
Ita, O Diosko, ipakpakaasik kenka, imulagatmo koma dagiti matam, ket denggen koma dagiti lapayagmo dagiti maikararag iti daytoy a disso.
41 And now, O Lord God, arise into your resting-place, you, and the ark of your strength: let your priests, O Lord God, clothe themselves with salvation, and your sons rejoice in prosperity.
Tumakderka ngarud ita, O Yahweh a Dios, iti pagin-inanaam a disso, sika ken ti lakasa ti pannakabalinmo. O Yahweh a Dios, makawesan koma iti pannakaisalakan dagiti papadim, ken agrag-o koma dagiti sasantom iti kinaimbagmo.
42 O Lord God, turn not away the face of your anointed: remember the mercies of your servant David.
O Yahweh a Dios, saanmo kadi a laksiden dagiti pinulotam. Laglagipem ti kinapudnom iti tulagmo kenni David nga adipenmo.”

< Chronicles II 6 >