< Chronicles II 4 >

1 And he made a brazen altar, the length of it twenty cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits, and the height ten cubits.
Oo weliba wuxuu kaloo sameeyey meel allabari oo naxaas ah oo dhererkeedu labaatan dhudhun yahay, ballaadhkeeduna labaatan dhudhun yahay, sarajooggeeduna labaatan dhudhun yahay.
2 And he made the molten sea, in diameter ten cubits, entirely round, and the height of it five cubits, and the circumference thirty cubits.
Oo wuxuu kaloo sameeyey berkeddii naxaasta ahayd, oo qarkeedu gees ilaa ka gees wuxuu isu jiray toban dhudhun, wayna wareegsanayd, oo sarajooggeeduna wuxuu ahaa shan dhudhun, wareeggeeduna wuxuu ahaa soddon dhudhun.
3 And beneath it the likeness of calves, they compass it round about: ten cubits compass the laver round about, they cast the calves two rows in their casting,
Oo hoosteedana waxaa ku yiil wax dibiyo u eg oo ku wareegsanaa, dhudhunba toban, oo berkedda oo dhan hareeraheeda ku wareegsanaa. Oo dibiyadu waxay ahaayeen laba saf, oo markii berkeddii la shubay ayaa iyana la shubay.
4 wherein they made them twelve calves, —three looking northwards, and three westwards, and three southwards, and three eastwards: and the sea was upon them above, [and] their hinder parts were inward.
Oo berkeddu waxay dul saarnayd laba iyo toban dibi, oo saddex waxay u jeedday xagga woqooyi, saddexna waxay u jeedday xagga galbeed, saddexna waxay u jeedday xagga koonfureed, saddexna waxay u jeedday xagga bari; berkeddiina way dul saarnayd, oo dibidii kulligood qaarkooda dambe wuxuu ku jiray gudaha.
5 And its thickness was a hand-breadth, and its brim as the brim of a cup, graven with flowers of lilies, holding three thousand measures: and he finished [it].
Oo berkeddii dhumucdeedu waxay ahayd taako; qarkeedana waxaa loo sameeyey sidii koob qarkiis oo kale oo ubax u ekaa; oo waxay qaadday saddex kun oo qiyaasood oo bad la yidhaahdo.
6 And he made ten lavers, and set five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them the instruments of the whole burnt offerings, and to rinse [the vessels] in them; and the sea [was] for the priests to wash in.
Oo haddana wuxuu kaloo sameeyey toban berkedood oo yaryar oo wax lagu maydho, oo shan wuxuu dhigay dhanka midigta, shantii kalena wuxuu dhigay dhanka bidixda, oo wixii allabari la gubo daraaddiis loo bixinayoba iyagaa lagu dhex maydhi jiray; laakiinse berkeddii weysada ahayd waxaa ku maydhan jiray wadaaddada oo qudha.
7 And he made the ten golden candlesticks according to their pattern, and he put them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.
Oo wuxuu kaloo sameeyey tobankii laambadood oo dahabka ahaa, wuxuuna u sameeyey si waafaqsan amarkii iyaga ku saabsanaa, oo iyagii wuxuu dhex qotomiyey macbudka. Shan wuxuu dhigay dhanka midigta, shanna wuxuu dhigay dhanka bidixda.
8 And he made ten tables, and put them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left: and he made a hundred golden bowls.
Oo haddana wuxuu kaloo sameeyey toban miis, oo iyagiina wuxuu dhex dhigay macbudka. Shan wuxuu dhigay dhanka midigta, shanna wuxuu dhigay dhanka bidixda. Oo wuxuu kaloo sameeyey boqol maddiibadood oo dahab ah.
9 Also he made the priests' court, and the great court, and doors to the court, and their panels [were] overlaid with brass.
Oo weliba wuxuu kaloo sii sameeyey barxaddii wadaaddada, iyo barxaddii weynayd, iyo albaabbadii barxadda, oo albaabbadoodiina wuxuu ku dahaadhay naxaas.
10 And he set the sea at the corner of the house on the right, as it were fronting the east.
Oo berkeddii weysada ahayd wuxuu dhigay guriga dhankiisa midigta oo ah xagga bari-koonfureed.
11 And Chiram made the flesh hooks, and the fire-pans, and the grate of the altar, and all its instruments: and Chiram finished doing all the work which he wrought for king Solomon in the house of God:
Oo Xuuraamna wuxuu sameeyey dheryihii iyo majarafadihii iyo maddiibadihii. Oo Xuuraamna sidaasuu u dhammeeyey shuqulkii uu Boqor Sulaymaan ugu sameeyey guriga Ilaah,
12 two pillars, and upon them an embossed work for the chapiters on the heads of the two pillars, and two nets to cover the heads of the chapiters which are on the heads of the pillars;
kaasoo ahaa labadii tiir, iyo fijaannadii, iyo labadii taaj oo tiirarkii kor saarnayd, iyo labadii shabag oo ku dednaa labada fijaan oo taajajkii tiirarka kor saarnaa;
13 and four hundred golden bells for the two nets, and two rows of pomegranates in each net, to cover the two embossed rims of the chapiters which are upon the pillars.
iyo afartii boqol oo rummaan ee labadii shabag lahaayeen, oo shabag kastaa wuxuu lahaa laba saf oo rummaan ah si ay u dedaan labadii fijaan ee taajajkii tiirarka kor saarnaa.
14 And he made the ten bases, and he made the lavers upon the bases;
Oo isagu wuxuu kaloo sameeyey saldhigyadii, iyo berkedihii saldhigyadii dul saarnaa,
15 and the one sea, and the twelve calves under it;
oo wuxuu kaloo sameeyey berkeddii weynayd iyo laba iyo tobankii dibi ee iyada ka hooseeyey.
16 and the foot-baths, and the buckets, and the cauldrons, and the flesh hooks, and all their furniture (which Chiram made, and brought to king Solomon in the house of the Lord) of pure brass.
Oo weliba dheryihii, iyo majarafadihii, iyo mudacyadii, iyo weelashooda oo dhanba ayaa Xuuraamaabbii Boqor Sulaymaan ugu sameeyey guriga Rabbiga aawadiis oo wuxuu ka wada sameeyey naxaas dhalaasha.
17 In the country round about Jordan the king cast them, in the clay ground in the house of Socchoth, and between [that and] Saredatha.
Oo boqorku wuxuu alaabtaas ku shubay Bannaankii Webi Urdun oo dhoobada lahaa ee u dhexeeyey Sukod iyo Sereedaataah.
18 So Solomon made all these vessels in great abundance, for the quantity of brass failed not.
Oo Sulaymaanna weelashaas oo dhan wuxuu u sameeyey si faro badan, waayo, naxaasta miisaankeedii lama hubin.
19 And Solomon made all the vessels of the house of the Lord, and the golden altar, and the tables, and upon them [were to be] the loaves of show bread;
Oo Sulaymaan baa sameeyey weelashii guriga Ilaah tiil oo dhan, iyo weliba girgirihii dahabka ahaa, iyo miisaskii ay kibistii tusniintu saarnayd,
20 also the candlesticks, and the lamps to give light according to the pattern, and in front of the oracle, of pure gold.
iyo laambadihii, iyo laambadahoodii yaryaraa oo wada ahaa dahab saafi ah in meesha ugu quduusan horteeda lagu shido sida waafaqsan amarkii iyaga ku saabsanaa,
21 And their snuffers, and their lamps [were made], and [he made] the bowls, and the censers, and the fire-pans, of pure gold.
iyo ubaxyadii, iyo laambadihii, iyo birqaabyadii dahabka ahaa, oo dhammaantood wuxuu ka sameeyey dahab aad saafi u ah.
22 And [there was] the inner door of the house [opening] into the holy of holies, and [he made] the inner doors of the temple of gold. So all the work which Solomon wrought for the house of the Lord was finished.
Oo alaabtii laambadihii lagu safeeya, iyo maddiibadihii, iyo malgacadihii, iyo idammadiiba wuxuu ka wada sameeyey dahab saafi ah; oo meeshii guriga laga soo geli jirayna, taas oo ahayd meesha quduuska ah albaabbadeedii hoose, iyo albaabbadii guriga macbudka ahba waxay wada ahaayeen dahab.

< Chronicles II 4 >