< Nehemiah 11 >

1 And the chiefs of the people dwelt in Jerusalem: and the rest of the people cast lots, to bring one of [every] ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and nine parts in the [other] cities.
Tout moun ki te chèf pèp la te rete lavil Jerizalèm. Men pou rès pèp la, yo tire osò pou yo chwazi yon fanmi sou chak dis fanmi pou al viv nan lavil Bondye a, Jerizalèm. Tout rès yo va rete nan lòt lavil yo.
2 And the people blessed all the men that volunteered to dwell in Jerusalem.
Pèp la te fè lwanj tout moun ki te ofri tèt yo pou yo rete lavil Jerizalèm.
3 Now these [are] the chiefs of the province who dwelt in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda; [every] man dwelt in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nathinim, and the children of the servants of Solomon.
Men lis chèf ki t'ap dirije pwovens Jida a, epi ki te rete lavil Jerizalèm. Rès moun pèp Izrayèl la, prèt yo, moun Levi yo, travayè tanp yo ak pitit domestik wa Salomon yo t'ap viv nan lòt lavil peyi Jida a, chak moun nan lavil kote yo te moun lan, sou pòsyon tè ki te pou yo a.
4 And there dwelt in Jerusalem [some] of the children of Juda, and of the children of Benjamin. Of the children of Juda; Athaia son of Azia, the son of Zacharia, the son of Samaria, the son of Saphatia, the son of Maleleel, and [some] of the sons of Phares;
Moun branch fanmi Jida yo ak moun branch fanmi Benjamen yo te rete lavil Jerizalèm. Nan moun Jida yo te gen Ataja, pitit gason Ouzija. Ouzija sa a te pitit Zekaraya, Zekaraya te pitit Amarya, Amarya te pitit Chefatya, Chefatya te pitit Maleyèl, Maleyèl te pitit Perès.
5 and Maasia son of Baruch, son of Chalaza, son of Ozia, son of Adaia, son of Joarib, son of Zacharias, son of Seloni.
Te gen Maseya, pitit gason Bawouk. Bawouk sa a te pitit Kòloze, Kòloze te pitit Azaja, Azaja te pitit Adaja, Adaja te pitit Jojarib. Jojarib te pitit Zekarya, Zekarya te pitit Chela.
6 All the sons of Phares who dwelt in Jerusalem [were] four hundred and sixty-eight men of might.
Antou te gen katsanswasanntwit (468) vanyan gason, moun fanmi Perès, ki te tabli lavil Jerizalèm.
7 And these [were] the children of Benjamin; Selo son of Mesulam, son of Joad, son of Phadaia, son of Coleia, son of Maasias, son of Ethiel, son of Jesia.
Nan moun Benjamen yo te gen Salou, pitit gason Mechoulam. Mechoulam sa a te pitit Joèd, Joèd te pitit Pedaja, Pedaja te pitit Kolaja, Kolaja te pitit Maseja, Maseja te pitit Ityèl, Ityèl te pitit Jechaja.
8 And after him Gebe, Seli, nine hundred and twenty-eight.
Te gen Gabayi ak Salayi, fanmi Salou tou. Antou te gen nèfsanvenntwit (928) moun Benjamen ki t'ap viv lavil Jerizalèm.
9 And Joel son of Zechri [was] overseer over them: and Juda son of Asana was second in the city.
Se Joèl, pitit Zikri, ki te chèf yo. Jeouda, pitit gason Asenwa a, te dezyèm chèf nan lavil Jerizalèm.
10 Of the priests: both Jadia son of Joarib, and Jachin.
Men prèt ki t'ap viv nan lavil la: Pou konmanse, te gen Jedaja, pitit gason Jojarib lan ak Jaken.
11 Saraia, son of Elchia, son of Mesulam, son of Sadduc, son of Marioth, son of Aetoth, was over the house of God.
Te gen Seraja, pitit Ilkija. Ilkija sa a te pitit Mechoulam, Mechoulam te pitit Zadòk, Zadòk te pitit Merajòt, Merajòt te pitit Akitoub. Se li menm Akitoub yo te chwazi pou sèvi granprèt nan tanp Bondye a.
12 And their brethren doing the work of the house were eight hundred and twenty-two: and Adaia son of Jeroam, son of Phalalia, son of Amasi, son of Zacharia, son of Phassur, son of Melchia,
Antou te gen wisanvennde (822) moun nan fanmi sa a ki t'ap travay nan tanp lan. Te gen Adaja, pitit gason Jeworam. Jeworam sa a te pitit Pelaja, Pelaja te pitit Amsi, Amsi te pitit Zekarya, Zekarya te pitit Pachou, Pachou te pitit Malkija.
13 and his brethren, chiefs of families, two hundred and forty-two: and Amasia son of Esdriel, son of Mesarimith, son of Emmer,
Antou te gen desankarannde (242) moun nan branch fanmi sa a ki te chèf fanmi. Te gen Amasayi, pitit gason Azareyèl. Azareyèl sa a te pitit Aksayi, Aksayi te pitit Mechilemòt, Mechilemòt te pitit Imè.
14 and his brethren, mighty men of war, a hundred and twenty-eight: and [their] overseer [was] Badiel son of [one of the] great men.
Te gen antou sanvenntwit (128) vanyan gason nan branch fanmi sa a. Se Zabdyèl, pitit gason Agadòl, ki te chèf yo.
15 And of the Levites; Samaia, son of Esricam,
Nan moun Levi ki te rete nan lavil la, te gen Chemaja, pitit gason Achoub. Achoub sa a te pitit Azrikam, Azrikam te pitit Achabya, Achabya te pitit Bouni.
Te gen Chabtayi ak Jozabad tou, de nan chèf moun Levi yo ki te reskonsab pou regle tout zafè tanp lan avèk lòt moun deyò.
17 Matthanias son of Micha, and Jobeb son of Samui,
Te gen Matanya, pitit gason Mika. Mika sa a te pitit Zabadi, Zabadi te pitit Asaf. Se Matanya ki te konn voye chante yo, se li ki te konn konmanse kantik pou di Bondye mèsi lè yo t'ap lapriyè. Te gen Bakboukya, ki te asistan Matanya, ak Abda, pitit gason Chamwa. Chamwa sa a te pitit Galal, Galal te pitit Jedoutoun.
18 two hundred and eighty-four.
Antou te gen desankatrevennèf (289) moun Levi nan lavil Bondye a.
19 And the porters; Acub, Telamin, and their brethren, a hundred and seventy-two.
Nan moun k'ap fè pòs nan pòtay tanp yo te gen Akoub, Talmon ak lòt fanmi yo. Antou te gen sanswasanndouz (172) gad.
Rès pèp la ak lòt prèt yo ak moun Levi yo t'ap viv sou pòsyon tè fanmi yo nan lòt lavil peyi Jida a.
Travayè tanp yo t'ap viv nan katye lavil Jerizalèm yo rele Ofèl la. Se Zicha ak Gichpa ki te chèf travayè yo.
22 And the overseer of the Levites [was] the son of Bani, son of Ozi, son of Asabia, the son of Micha. Of the sons of Asaph the singers [some were] over the house of God,
Chèf moun Levi lavil Jerizalèm yo te rele Ouzi, pitit gason Bani. Bani sa a te pitit Achabya, Achabya te pitit Matanya, Matanya te pitit Mika. Ouzi te fè pati branch fanmi Asaf. Se yo ki te reskonsab jwe mizik nan sèvis Tanp Bondye a.
23 For so was the king's commandment concerning them.
Se wa a menm ki te bay lòd sa a. Te gen yon regleman tou ki te mande pou mizisyen sa yo te fè woulman nan travay yo yonn apre lòt, yon jou pou chak moun.
24 And Phathaia son of Baseza was in attendance on the king in every matter for the people,
Se Petachya, pitit gason Mechezabeyèl, moun Zerak nan branch fanmi Jida a, yo te nonmen delege lakay wa a pou regle tout zafè pèp Izrayèl la.
25 and with regard to villages in their country district: and [some] of the children of Juda dwelt in Cariatharboc,
Anpil moun t'ap viv nan ti bouk yo, nan mitan jaden yo. Moun branch fanmi Jida yo te rete nan lavil Kiriyat Aba ak nan bouk ki te sou kont li yo, nan lavil Dibon ak nan bouk ki te sou kont li yo, nan lavil Jekabzel ak nan bouk ki te sou kont li yo.
26 and in Jesu,
Yo te rete tou nan lavil Jechwa, lavil Molada, lavil Bèt-Pelèt,
27 and in Bersabee:
lavil Azachwal, lavil Becheba ak nan ti bouk ki te sou kont li yo.
Yo te rete nan lavil Ziklag, nan lavil Mekona ak nan ti bouk ki te sou kont li yo,
nan lavil Anrimon, nan lavil Zorea, nan lavil Jamout,
30 And their villages [were] Lachis and her hands: and they pitched their tents in Bersabee.
nan lavil Zanoa, nan lavil Adoulam ak nan ti katye ki te sou kont yo. Yo te rete lavil Lakis ak nan jaden ki toupre lavil la, nan lavil Azèka ak nan ti bouk ki te sou kont li yo. Se konsa moun fanmi Jida yo te rete nan teritwa ki konmanse nan sid bò lavil Bècheba a pou rive nan nò jouk Fon Inon, bò lavil Jerizalèm.
31 And the children of Benjamin [dwelt] from Gabaa [to] Machmas.
Moun fanmi Benjamen yo te rete nan lavil Geba, lavil Mikmach, lavil Aja, lavil Betèl ak nan ti bouk ki te sou kont yo,
lavil Anatòt, lavil Nòb, lavil Ananya,
lavil Azò, lavil Rama, lavil Gitayim,
lavil Adid, lavil Zeboyim, lavil Nebalat,
lavil Lòd, lavil Ono ak nan Fon Atizan yo.
36 And of the Levites there were divisions to Juda [and] to Benjamin.
Te gen kèk moun Levi ki te rete nan teritwa moun Jida yo, yo voye yo al rete nan teritwa moun Benjamen yo.

< Nehemiah 11 >