< Jeremias 5 >

1 Run ye about in the streets of Jerusalem, and see, and know, and seek in her broad places, if ye can find [one], if there is any one that does judgment, and seeks faithfulness; and I will pardon them, saith the Lord.
Proðite po ulicama Jerusalimskim, i vidite sada i razberite i potražite po ulicama njegovijem, hoæete li naæi èovjeka, ima li ko da èini što je pravo i da traži istinu, pa æu oprostiti.
2 The Lord lives, they say; do they not therefore swear falsely?
Ako i govore: tako da je živ Gospod! opet se krivo kunu.
3 O Lord, thine eyes are upon faithfulness: thou hast scourged them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them; but they would not receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; and they would not return.
Gospode! ne gledaju li oèi tvoje na istinu! Biješ ih, ali ih ne boli; satireš ih, ali neæe da prime nauke, tvrðe im je lice od kamena, neæe da se obrate.
4 Then I said, It may be they are poor; for they are weak, for they know not the way of the Lord, or the judgment of God.
I ja rekoh: siromasi su, ludo rade, jer ne znaju puta Gospodnjega, zakona Boga svojega.
5 I will go to the rich men, and will speak to them; for they have known the way of the Lord, and the judgment of God: but, behold, with one consent they have broken the yoke, they have burst the bonds.
Idem k vlastelima, i njima æu govoriti, jer oni znaju put Gospodnji, zakon Boga svojega; ali i oni izlomiše jaram, pokidaše sveze.
6 Therefore has a lion out of the forest smitten them, and a wolf has destroyed them even to [their] houses, and a leopard has watched against their cities: all that go forth from them shall be hunted: for they have multiplied their ungodliness, they have strengthened themselves in their revoltings.
Zato æe ih pobiti lav iz šume, vuk æe ih veèernji potrti, ris æe vrebati kod gradova njihovijeh, ko god izide iz njih biæe rastrgnut, jer je mnogo grijeha njihovijeh i silni su odmeti njihovi.
7 In what [way] shall I forgive thee for these things? Thy sons have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods: and I fed them to the full, and they committed adultery, and lodged in harlots' houses.
Kako æu ti oprostiti to? Sinovi tvoji ostaviše mene, i kunu se onima koji nijesu bogovi. Kako ih nasitih, stadoše èiniti preljubu, i u kuæu kurvinu stjeèu se gomilom.
8 They became as wanton horses: they neighed each one after his neighbour's wife.
Jutrom su kad ustaju kao tovni konji, svaki rže za ženom bližnjega svojega.
9 Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this.
Zato li neæu pohoditi? veli Gospod, i duša moja neæe li se osvetiti takom narodu?
10 Go up upon her battlements, and break [them] down; but make not a full end: leave her buttresses: for they are the Lord's.
Izidite mu na zidove i razvalite, ali nemojte sasvijem zatrti, skinite mu prijevornice, jer nijesu Gospodnje.
11 For the house of Israel have indeed dealt treacherously against me, saith the Lord: the house of Juda also
Jer me sasvijem iznevjeri dom Izrailjev i dom Judin, veli Gospod.
12 have lied to their Lord, and they have said, These things are not so; no evils shall come upon us; and we shall not see sword or famine.
Udariše u bah Gospodu i rekoše: nije tako, neæe nas zlo zadesiti, i neæemo vidjeti maèa ni gladi.
13 Our prophets became wind, and the word of the Lord was not in them.
A ti proroci otiæi æe u vjetar, i rijeèi nema u njima, njima æe biti tako.
14 Therefore thus saith the Lord Almighty, Because ye have spoken this word, behold, I have made my words in thy mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them.
Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod nad vojskama: kad tako govorite, evo ja æu uèiniti da rijeèi moje u ustima tvojim budu kao oganj, a ovaj narod drva, te æe ih spaliti.
15 Behold, I [will] bring upon you a nation from far, O house of Israel, saith the Lord; a nation the sound of whose language one shall not understand.
Gle, ja æu dovesti na vas narod iz daleka, dome Izrailjev, veli Gospod, narod jak, narod star, narod kojem jezika neæeš znati niti æeš razumjeti što govori;
16 [They are] all mighty men:
Kojemu je tul kao grob otvoren, svi su jaki.
17 and they shall devour your harvest, and your bread; and shall devour your sons, and your daughters; and they shall devour your sheep, and your calves, and devour your vineyards, and your fig-plantations, and your olive yards: and they shall utterly destroy your strong cities, wherein ye trusted, with the sword.
I poješæe ljetinu tvoju i hljeb tvoj, što sinovi tvoji i kæeri tvoje šæahu jesti, poješæe ovce tvoje i goveda tvoja, poješæe vinovu lozu tvoju i smokve tvoje, i maèem æe zatrti tvrde gradove tvoje u koje se uzdaš.
18 And it shall come to pass in those days, saith the Lord thy God, that I will not utterly destroy you.
Ali ni tada, veli Gospod, neæu vas sasvijem zatrti.
19 And it shall come to pass, when ye shall say, Wherefore has the Lord our God done all these things to us? that thou shalt say to them, Because ye served strange gods in your land, so shall ye serve strangers in a land that is not yours.
Jer kad reèete: zašto nam èini Gospod Bog naš sve ovo? tada im reci: kako ostaviste mene i služiste tuðim bogovima u zemlji svojoj, tako æete služiti tuðincima u zemlji koja nije vaša.
20 Proclaim these things to the house of Jacob, and let them be heard in the house of Juda.
Javite ovo u domu Jakovljevu, i oglasite u Judi, govoreæi:
21 Hear ye now these things, O foolish and senseless people; who have eyes, and see not; and have ears, and hear not:
Èujte ovo, ludi i bezumni narode, koji imate oèi a ne vidite, koji imate uši a ne èujete.
22 will ye not be afraid of me? saith the Lord; and will ye not fear before me, who have set the sand for a bound to the sea, [as] a perpetual ordinance, and it shall not pass it: yea, it shall rage, but not prevail; and its waves shall roar, but not pass over it.
Mene li se neæete bojati? veli Gospod; od mene li neæete drktati? koji postavih pijesak moru za meðu vjeènom naredbom, i neæe prijeæi preko nje; ako mu i ustaju vali, neæe nadjaèati, ako i buèe, neæe je prijeæi.
23 But this people has a disobedient and rebellious heart; and they have turned aside and gone back:
Ali je u naroda ovoga srce uporno i nepokorno; otstupiše i otidoše.
24 and they have not said in their heart, Let us fear now the Lord our God, who gives us the early and latter rain, according to the season of the fulfillment of the ordinance of harvest, and has preserved [it] for us.
Niti rekoše u srcu svom: bojmo se Gospoda Boga svojega, koji nam daje dažd rani i pozni na vrijeme, i èuva nam nedjelje odreðene za žetvu.
25 Your transgressions have turned away these things, and your sins have removed good things from you.
Bezakonja vaša odvraæaju to, i grijesi vaši odbijaju dobro od vas.
26 For among my people were found ungodly men; and they have set snares to destroy men, and have caught [them].
Jer se nalaze u narodu mom bezbožnici, koji vrebaju kao ptièari kad se pritaje, meæu zamke da hvataju ljude.
27 As a snare which has been set is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore have they grown great, and become rich:
Kao krletka puna ptica tako su kuæe njihove pune prijevare; zato postaše veliki i obogatiše.
28 and they have transgressed [the rule of] judgment; they have not judged the cause of the orphan, nor have they judged the cause of the widow.
Ugojiše se, sjaju se, mimoilaze zlo, ne èine pravde ni siroèetu, i opet im je dobro, i ne daju pravice ubogima.
29 Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?
Zato li neæu pohoditi? veli Gospod, i duša moja neæe li se osvetiti takvom narodu?
30 Shocking and horrible deeds have been done on the land;
Èudo i strahota biva u zemlji.
31 the prophets utter unrighteous prophecies, and the priests have clapped their hands: and my people has loved [to have it] thus: and what will ye do for the future.
Proroci prorokuju lažno, i sveštenici gospoduju preko njih, i narodu je mojemu to milo. A šta æete raditi na pošljedak?

< Jeremias 5 >