< Esias 19 >

1 THE VISION OF EGYPT. Behold, the Lord sits on a swift cloud, and shall come to Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and their heart shall faint within them.
onus Aegypti ecce Dominus ascendet super nubem levem et ingredietur Aegyptum et movebuntur simulacra Aegypti a facie eius et cor Aegypti tabescet in medio eius
2 And the Egyptians shall be stirred up against the Egyptians: and a man shall fight against his brother, and a man against his neighbor, city against city, and law against law.
et concurrere faciam Aegyptios adversum Aegyptios et pugnabit vir contra fratrem suum et vir contra amicum suum civitas adversus civitatem regnum adversus regnum
3 And the spirit of the Egyptians shall be troubled within them; and I will frustrate their counsel: and they shall enquire of their gods and their images, and them that speak out of the earth, and them that have in them a divining spirit.
et disrumpetur spiritus Aegypti in visceribus eius et consilium eius praecipitabo et interrogabunt simulacra sua et divinos suos et pythones et ariolos
4 And I will deliver Egypt into the hands of men, of cruel lords; and cruel kings shall rule over them: thus saith the Lord of hosts.
et tradam Aegyptum in manu dominorum crudelium et rex fortis dominabitur eorum ait Dominus Deus exercituum
5 And the Egyptians shall drink the water that is by the sea, but the river shall fail, and be dried up.
et arescet aqua de mari et fluvius desolabitur atque siccabitur
6 And the streams shall fail, and the canals of the river; and every reservoir of water shall be dried up, in every marsh also of reed and papyrus.
et deficient flumina adtenuabuntur et siccabuntur rivi aggerum calamus et iuncus marcescet
7 And all the green herbage round about the river, and everything sown by the side of the river, shall be blasted with the wind and dried up.
nudabitur alveus rivi a fonte suo et omnis sementis inrigua siccabitur arescet et non erit
8 And the fishermen shall groan, and all that cast a hook into the river shall groan; they also that cast nets, and the anglers shall mourn.
et maerebunt piscatores et lugebunt omnes mittentes in flumen hamum et expandentes rete super faciem aquae marcescent
9 And shame shall come upon them that work fine flax, and them that make fine linen.
confundentur qui operabantur linum pectentes et texentes subtilia
10 And they that work at them shall be in pain, and all that make beer shall be grieved, and be pained in their souls.
et erunt inrigua eius flaccentia omnes qui faciebant lacunas ad capiendos pisces
11 And the princes of Tanis shall be fools: [as for] the king's wise counsellors, their counsel shall be turned into folly: how will ye say to the king, we are sons of wise men, sons of ancient kings?
stulti principes Taneos sapientes consiliarii Pharao dederunt consilium insipiens quomodo dicetis Pharaoni filius sapientium ego filius regum antiquorum
12 Where are now thy wise men? and let them declare to thee, and say, What has the Lord of hosts purposed upon Egypt?
ubi sunt nunc sapientes tui adnuntient tibi et indicent quid cogitaverit Dominus exercituum super Aegyptum
13 The princes of Tanis have failed, and the princes of Memphis are lifted up [with pride], and they shall cause Egypt to wander by tribes.
stulti facti sunt principes Taneos emarcuerunt principes Mempheos deceperunt Aegyptum angulum populorum eius
14 For the Lord has prepared for them a spirit of error, and they have caused Egypt to err in all their works, as one staggers who is drunken and vomits also.
Dominus miscuit in medio eius spiritum vertiginis et errare fecerunt Aegyptum in omni opere suo sicut errat ebrius et vomens
15 And there shall be no work to the Egyptians, which shall make head or tail, or beginning or end.
et non erit Aegypto opus quod faciat caput et caudam incurvantem et refrenantem
16 But in that day the Egyptians shall be as women, in fear and in trembling because of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which he shall bring upon them.
in die illa erit Aegyptus quasi mulieres et stupebunt et timebunt a facie commotionis manus Domini exercituum quam ipse movebit super eam
17 And the land of the Jews shall be for a terror to the Egyptians: whosoever shall name it to them, they shall fear, because of the counsel which the Lord of hosts has purposed concerning it.
et erit terra Iuda Aegypto in festivitatem omnis qui illius fuerit recordatus pavebit a facie consilii Domini exercituum quod ipse cogitavit super eam
18 In that day there shall be five cities in Egypt speaking the language of Chanaan, and swearing by the name of the Lord of hosts; one city shall be called the city of Asedec.
in die illa erunt quinque civitates in terra Aegypti loquentes lingua Chanaan et iurantes per Dominum exercituum civitas Solis vocabitur una
19 In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the land of the Egyptians, and a pillar to the Lord by its border.
in die illa erit altare Domini in medio terrae Aegypti et titulus iuxta terminum eius Domini
20 And it shall be for a sign to the Lord for ever in the land of Egypt: for they shall presently cry to the Lord by reason of them that afflict them, and he shall send them a man who shall save them; he shall judge and save them.
et erit in signum et in testimonium Domino exercituum in terra Aegypti clamabunt enim ad Dominum a facie tribulantis et mittet eis salvatorem et propugnatorem qui liberet eos
21 And the Lord shall be known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day; and they shall offer sacrifices, and shall vow vows to the Lord, and pay [them].
et cognoscetur Dominus ab Aegypto et cognoscent Aegyptii Dominum in die illa et colent eum in hostiis et muneribus et vota vovebunt Domino et solvent
22 And the Lord shall smite the Egyptians with a stroke, and shall completely heal them: and they shall return to the Lord, and he shall hear them, and thoroughly heal them.
et percutiet Dominus Aegyptum plaga et sanabit eam et revertentur ad Dominum et placabitur eis et sanabit eos
23 In that day there shall be a way from Egypt to the Assyrians, and the Assyrians shall enter into Egypt, and the Egyptians shall go to the Assyrians, and the Egyptians shall serve the Assyrians.
in die illa erit via de Aegypto in Assyrios et intrabit Assyrius Aegyptum et Aegyptius in Assyrios et servient Aegyptii Assur
24 In that day shall Israel be third with the Egyptians and the Assyrians, blessed in the land which the Lord of hosts has blessed,
in die illa erit Israhel tertius Aegyptio et Assyrio benedictio in medio terrae
25 saying, Blessed be my people that is in Egypt, and that is among the Assyrians, and Israel mine inheritance.
cui benedixit Dominus exercituum dicens benedictus populus meus Aegypti et opus manuum mearum Assyrio hereditas autem mea Israhel

< Esias 19 >